So basically, in his opinion teaching young people to have safe sex and not contract STDs/STIs is evil and wrong and so he is trying to force this opinion on the state education system by using loopholes in the law? The joys of the insane. And I don't think criminally insane would be going too far.
So basically, the ******s in charge of instating laws have put up a new one which in direct contradiction of a previous one? Whereby following the new law breaks the old one? I seriously pity each and every American citizen, your country is run by buffoons and imbeciles.
This caused an uncontrollable amount of laughter for some reason, and for that I thank you :lolface:
keep them. Basically, say a son comes out to his parents as being gay. In my case, my parents accepted me for who I am. They respected and loved me enough to do so. But in my boyfriend's case, his dad hasn't accepted it. This angers and disgusts me to no end. In my mind he should not be allowed to call himself a father. A dad is a man who produces and loves and respects his children. ALL OF THEM. Not just the ones he finds "acceptable". Otherwise he is just a father. And as everyone knows, any man with a functioning penis can be a father, but it takes something special to be a dad.
Steel please :lolface: I shall be a grey haired, suit wearing industrialist with a passion for raising Pokemon to be as tough and hard wearing as the steel girders I make in my many factories:ninjacat: On that note, my gym would be in one of the factories, with many steel mill type obstacles ;D
Basically, if you are not mentally deficient you have nothing to worry about. It is the people who think it is perfectly safe to befriend the person with like 2 friends who has just created an account who they have never heard off. The people who they then go on to arrange to meet alone. I mean really, they deserve it.
I'm not saying I wouldn't run away.... :lolface:
I completely forgot about that D:
You come out? :lolface:
What are you doing on my living room carpet :B|:
Our physics lecturer used this in a lecture. I had seen it before. MLIA
I actually thought that that was what you meant :lolface:
*you're Also, lol
I can't wait for the day Stephanie Meyer goes to a conservative Muslim country and steals something then lies about it :lolface:
Yep, it has poisonous barbs :lolface:
:lolface: .
It is indeed I :lolface: I'm for 3 weeks ;D