Cause there are really awesome people there
Y u no on omegle?
I'm downloading a 15GB file on bit torrent Skype would kill my download speed... scrub.
Added to the front page
Not trying to like bring down your code but to me it just looks like a UCM mod and an animation mod, honestly it takes more work than that because for one, you have to unloop the looping animations (like Standing and Walking/Running), then you have to figure out IF the person can attack which most likely would not, also in a UCM mod the boss/player wont be able to use the "Attack" command cause as you would see it would be faded. And for the animation mod you still have to joker them.
Laaaaaaaame, nobody is on msn anymore i have to resort to facebook D;
No that will not work for Riku anyways but I'm 99.99% sure it wont work for roxas either.
No person is entitled to fulfill your request.
Y u no on anymore? D:
Got internet back and stuff being a stalker on msn :P
I swear to drunk I am not God. lol and no being drunk is for alcoholics.
fyght mi irl brroooo dooo u ebn lyft? lol c:
As far as I know, no
2. They used party rikus moveset instead of keeping it hovercraft
For one that wasn't my whole post and I said "if" not will I don't know why you are so intended on bashing mike and dpwolf but if you actually read my post you would understand it and not try to twist my post.
He means ported from NTSC/J to NTSC U/C or PAL, also you never know about just ps3 I mean yeah xbox isn't as successful in japan but it sure is in the usa so you can't say it will be just for ps3 cause you never know what Square Enix will do
So many questions pop into my head. I hope its a actual remake like I hope they fix the problems those 3 games had if all 3 are playable. Another thing that kinda concerns me is when its released if all 3 are playable will it be 50-60 bucks or like 150?
Those are reporters
Because I am a coder.
lmao nice