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  1. NarutoSuperKubii
    Sad to see you go Evil but I appreciate all your hardwork, as Amaury said hope you come visit from time to time.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. NarutoSuperKubii

    A lot of people were requesting to get this ported so here it is (Original Creator is Carey/Majik I just ported it)

    This code will only work if you spawn in with one of these keys:
    Kingdom key
    Two Become One
    Wishing Lamp
    You can use any of these 4 keys and the code will work switching to other keys and leaving the room will result either a crash or it wont work at all.

    This does not work everywhere... this code is VERY long and I honestly didn't want to continue it so here are the areas it works in:
    Agrabah (After the 2nd visit)
    Port Royal (After the 2nd visit)
    Hollow Bastion (After the last visit)
    Twilight Town (After the last visit)
    Beasts Castle (After the 2nd visit)
    The Land of the Dragons (After the 2nd visit)
    Disney Castle (After you complete it)
    All the data battles (except Roxas and Final Xemnas)
    Sephiroth's battle
    1000 Heartless battle
    Terra's Battle

    This code has some bugs in it that I do not know how to fix (such as driving) you can drive into limit form but in most areas he will t-stance or crash and you will crash going into the next room too if your in limit form so you can drive if you want but be careful. This code also does not work with emuhaste and I am not sure if it works on ps2 or not so if you are using pcsx2 make sure to use the pnach version (I will post a download link to it) Also sometimes you'll walk into a room without the keyblades just leave the room and come back till you got them or go on to the next room.

    Alright with that said here you go:

    Pnach Link:

    Raw Code:
    4032F064 00130001
    12120100 00000000
    11CE0B6A 00000951
    01cbce4c 00000009
    E002e460 00341708
    21b34880 00000001
    21af9140 00000000
    E0027b00 00341708
    21afa2f0 00000001
    21ab27e0 00000000
    E0020330 00341708
    21af8bb0 00000001
    21aab010 00000000
    E0022990 00341708
    21afd530 00000001
    21aad670 00000000
    E002cc60 00341708
    21b020d0 00000001
    21ab7940 00000000
    E002c310 00341708
    21b386f0 00000001
    21a96ff0 00000000
    E0020300 00341708
    21af0c50 00000001
    21aaafe0 00000000
    E002c5e0 00341708
    21b03480 00000001
    21ab72c0 00000000
    E003b170 00341708
    21acb740 00000001
    21aeb8c0 00000001
    21a85e50 00000000
    E00295f0 00341708
    21af9dc0 00000001
    21ab42d0 00000000
    E0020ac0 00341708
    21ad9fa0 00000001
    21a8b7a0 00000000
    E0028820 00341708
    21b020f0 00000001
    21ab3500 00000000
    E002d320 00341708
    21b074f0 00000001
    21ab8000 00000000
    E002e870 00341708
    21b10d60 00000001
    21ab9550 00000000
    E002f980 00341708
    21b0e330 00000001
    21aba660 00000000
    E0022380 00341708
    21b1ebb0 00000001
    21abd060 00000000
    E0020440 00341708
    21b0dc40 00000001
    21abb120 00000000
    E002dab0 00341708
    21afe500 00000001
    21ab8790 00000000
    E00224c0 00341708
    21b16730 00000001
    21abd1a0 00000000
    E0022990 00341708
    21a10560 00000001
    21aad670 00000000
    E0022990 00341708
    21b08d20 00000001
    21aad670 00000000
    E0021e50 00341708
    21b79230 00000001
    21b1cb30 00000000
    E0021700 00341708
    21b32cc0 00000001
    21acc3e0 00000000
    E002f780 00341708
    21b15900 00000001
    21aba460 00000000
    E0020270 00341708
    21b1aa80 00000001
    21abaf50 00000000
    E0020720 00341708
    21b03a20 00000001
    21aab400 00000000
    E00244c0 00341708
    21b7bc70 00000001
    21b1f1a0 00000000
    E002d220 00341708
    21af4730 00000001
    21aa7f00 00000000
    E0020870 00341708
    21b2e580 00000001
    21aab550 00000000
    E0029050 00341708
    21b0b080 00000001
    21ac3d30 00000000
    E002b980 00341708
    21b0c9e0 00000001
    21ab6660 00000000
    E00269A0 00341708
    21b1da70 00000001
    21ac1680 00000000
    E002dec0 00341708
    21afeff0 00000001
    21ab8ba0 00000000
    E002dd60 00341708
    21b02cf0 00000001
    21ab8a40 00000000
    E0026450 00341708
    21af6570 00000001
    21aa1130 00000000
    E0021160 00341708
    21b0cce0 00000001
    21abbe40 00000000
    E0021860 00341708
    21b02b40 00000001
    21abc540 00000000
    E00287f0 00341708
    21af8fc0 00000001
    21ab34d0 00000000
    E002e8a0 00341708
    21b030f0 00000001
    21ab9580 00000000
    E0025900 00341708
    21b084f0 00000001
    21ac05e0 00000000
    E002e080 00341708
    21b081c0 00000001
    21ab8d60 00000000
    E002a590 00341708
    21b021c0 00000001
    21ab5270 00000000
    E002fb10 00341708
    21b0aed0 00000001
    21aba7f0 00000000
    E0027d80 00341708
    21af84d0 00000001
    21ab2a60 00000000
    E002ba50 00341708
    21afc020 00000001
    21ab6730 00000000
    E00207f0 00341708
    21af0ec0 00000001
    21aab4d0 00000000
    E002d150 00341708
    21aed9a0 00000001
    21aa7e30 00000000
    E002a250 00341708
    21b00150 00000001
    21ab4f30 00000000
    E002af50 00341708
    21afc0b0 00000001
    21ab5c30 00000000
    E002f960 00341708
    21b0cb40 00000001
    21aba640 00000000
    E00272a0 00341708
    21b16c00 00000001
    21ac1f80 00000000
    E0028b20 00341708
    21b21960 00000001
    21ab3800 00000000
    E002ac70 00341708
    21b26e70 00000001
    21ab5950 00000000
    E0025b50 00341708
    21b0bdf0 00000001
    21ad0830 00000000
    E002c470 00341708
    21afe140 00000001
    21ab7150 00000000
    E0027820 00341708
    21afc5c0 00000001
    21ab2500 00000000
    E002ff20 00341708
    21b0aa00 00000001
    21abac00 00000000
    E00281d0 00341708
    21b0fa40 00000001
    21ab2eb0 00000000
    E0021e90 00341708
    21b14170 00000001
    21aacb70 00000000
    E002d0b0 00341708
    21b027d0 00000001
    21ab7d90 00000000
    E0025610 00341708
    21b00860 00000001
    21ab02f0 00000000
    E00259e0 00341708
    21b04840 00000001
    21ab06c0 00000000
    E0027860 00341708
    21ad94b0 00000001
    21a92540 00000000
    E0026ae0 00341708
    21b3e430 00000001
    21ab17c0 00000000
    E002ec90 00341708
    21b3ea40 00000001
    21ab9970 00000000
    E002d590 00341708
    21b07f70 00000001
    21ab8270 00000000
    E0024ca0 00341708
    21b1c4c0 00000001
    21aaf980 00000000
    E0020d70 00341708
    21b18a40 00000001
    21abba50 00000000
    E0025bd0 00341708
    21b06ca0 00000001
    21ac08b0 00000000
    E002b3b0 00341708
    21b0f290 00000001
    21ab6090 00000000
    E0029e40 00341708
    21afd780 00000001
    21ab4b20 00000000
    E00273a0 00341708
    21b28d00 00000001
    21ae2080 00000000
    E0025880 00341708
    21b27c20 00000001
    21ab0560 00000000
    E0022a30 00341708
    21b0d800 00000001
    21aad710 00000000
    E0025620 00341708
    21af87f0 00000001
    21ab0300 00000000
    E002a4d0 00341708
    21b1ea80 00000001
    21ab51b0 00000000
    E00298d0 00341708
    21b32680 00000001
    21ab45b0 00000000
    E0029950 00341708
    21b0d3c0 00000001
    21ab4630 00000000
    E002edd0 00341708
    21b02350 00000001
    21ab9ab0 00000000
    E0028530 00341708
    21afe630 00000001
    21ab3210 00000000
    E0027c90 00341708
    21b13d50 00000001
    21ab2970 00000000
    E0024440 00341708
    21b24490 00000001
    21aaf120 00000000
    E0020b00 00341708
    21b08420 00000001
    21aab7e0 00000000
    E002d800 00341708
    21b22340 00000001
    21a984e0 00000000
    E0029040 00341708
    21afe100 00000001
    21a93d20 00000000
    E0020980 00341708
    21b29920 00000001
    21a9b660 00000000
    E0027300 00341708
    21b13090 00000001
    21ab1fe0 00000000
    E002d390 00341708
    21b0d630 00000001
    21ab8070 00000000
    E0029c40 00341708
    21b1ce60 00000001
    21ab4920 00000000
    E002c4c0 00341708
    21afcc10 00000001
    21ab71a0 00000000
    E002c9c0 00341708
    21afd010 00000001
    21ab76a0 00000000
    E0029fa0 00341708
    21afa390 00000001
    21ab4c80 00000000
    E002d2b0 00341708
    21b0a9f0 00000001
    21ab7f90 00000000
    E002fec0 00341708
    21b0c5a0 00000001
    21ababa0 00000000
    E0021050 00341708
    21b043a0 00000001
    21abbd30 00000000
    E0021980 00341708
    21b02050 00000001
    21abc660 00000000
    E00234f0 00341708
    21af82f0 00000001
    21aae1d0 00000000
    E00210d0 00341708
    21b017a0 00000001
    21abbdb0 00000000
    E0025680 00341708
    21b03e80 00000001
    21ab0360 00000000
    E0021560 00341708
    21af7790 00000001
    21aac240 00000000
    E0021880 00341708
    21b021d0 00000001
    21abc560 00000000
    E0021080 00341708
    21b01950 00000001
    21abbd60 00000000
    E0021830 00341708
    21b01f80 00000001
    21abc510 00000000
    E0021360 00341708
    21b07980 00000001
    21abc040 00000000
    E002c3f0 00341708
    21afcd40 00000001
    21ab70d0 00000000
    E0026d30 00341708
    21afaa60 00000001
    21ab1a10 00000000
    E002fd40 00341708
    21b02fb0 00000001
    21abaa20 00000000
    E002eed0 00341708
    21b056b0 00000001
    21ab9bb0 00000000
    E0020bc0 00341708
    21b03a60 00000001
    21abb8a0 00000000
    E00293e0 00341708
    21af6b10 00000001
    21aa40c0 00000000
    E0025410 00341708
    21af7970 00000001
    21ab00f0 00000000
    E0028c90 00341708
    21afa6d0 00000001
    21ab3970 00000000
    E002d6d0 00341708
    21b14ed0 00000001
    21ab83b0 00000000
    E002ea00 00341708
    21b01a40 00000001
    21ab96e0 00000000
    E0029290 00341708
    21b13ba0 00000001
    21ac3f70 00000000
    E002e680 00341708
    21b00f70 00000001
    21ab9360 00000000
    E0020e30 00341708
    21b0ec30 00000001
    21abbb10 00000000
    E0020aa0 00341708
    21b07ff0 00000001
    21abb780 00000000
    E0022df0 00341708
    21b03f20 00000001
    21abdad0 00000000
    E0028840 00341708
    21ae8e10 00000001
    21aa3520 00000000
    E0029940 00341708
    21aed8d0 00000001
    21aa4620 00000000
    E0020090 00341708
    21b24110 00000001
    21abad70 00000000
    E002af40 00341708
    21b047b0 00000001
    21ab5c20 00000000
    E0020820 00341708
    21b07430 00000001
    21abb500 00000000
    E0025770 00341708
    21b0dcd0 00000001
    21ac0450 00000000
    E00220d0 00341708
    21b056e0 00000001
    21abcdb0 00000000
    E003f3c0 00341708
    21b0c0a0 00000001
    21b0c040 00000001
    21aba0a0 00000000
    E002ff70 00341708
    21b03470 00000001
    21abac50 00000000
    E0028f60 00341708
    21aff680 00000001
    21ac3c40 00000000
    E002b940 00341708
    21afe070 00000001
    21ab6620 00000000
    E0029920 00341708
    21b084b0 00000001
    21ab4600 00000000
    E00218d0 00341708
    21b17370 00000001
    21acc5b0 00000000
    E002fd90 00341708
    21b14560 00000001
    21acaa70 00000000
    E00215b0 00341708
    21afd560 00000001
    21a9c290 00000000
    E0025930 00341708
    21b268f0 00000001
    21ac0610 00000000
    E00271e0 00341708
    21b43980 00000001
    21ad1ec0 00000000
    E00279a0 00341708
    21aee3b0 00000001
    21a92680 00000000
    E0026b40 00341708
    21b11a10 00000001
    21ab1820 00000000

    If you are using a ps2 please I beg of you use a usb to transfer this code over I don't want you sitting there for days trying to input this code. xD
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 12, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: New Releases
  3. NarutoSuperKubii
    Alright guys lets get back on topic of codes.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  4. NarutoSuperKubii
    Well with my experience with the Roxas' keyblade code, it is not just a few lines lol... the one you saw in my video works in Hollow Bastion, Disney Castle, and TWTNW and it is 164 lines and counting, now I know you probably didn't know that but trying to make this code happen I can see why Carey doesn't want to do it and just kept it as C++. Honestly I don't really think its worth the time and effort to port it to code but thats just me.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  5. NarutoSuperKubii
    I'm currently working on it but I have ran into some problems that don't seem to occur with Carey's version (such as t-stancing when trying to drive)
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 8, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  6. NarutoSuperKubii
    Does your emuhaste settings look like mine?

    If not change it to where it looks like mine

    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  7. NarutoSuperKubii
    You'll randomly get errors when using codes but my question is did the codes trigger? Did Donald and Goofy change?
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  8. NarutoSuperKubii
    Yeah I think emuhaste only takes codes in RAW format.

    Try these:

    Roxas in Donald's slot
    11CFA3FE 0000005A

    Riku(Boss) Replaces Goofy
    11CFA400 0000063C
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  9. NarutoSuperKubii
    You don't need the master code for emuhaste just follow these steps (you have to do this every single time)
    on emuhaste go on to the "Extra" tab, go to Real Address and change it from 00000000 to 20000000, then press okay, then while ingame Snap process and put in your codes and click Apply.

    Make sure the second box on the cheat engine section is unchecked and make sure the first one is checked.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  10. NarutoSuperKubii
    Profile Post Comment

    Nice lol and I added you

    Nice lol and I added you
    Profile Post Comment by NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 1, 2014
  11. NarutoSuperKubii
  12. NarutoSuperKubii

    Just a little project I'm working on.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jul 1, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  13. NarutoSuperKubii
  14. NarutoSuperKubii
    I'm just gonna post this here (lol dont want to spam the video section)

    this code is still very new so I'm working out some of the bugs and stuff in it.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  15. NarutoSuperKubii

    just gonna leave this here.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 28, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  16. NarutoSuperKubii
    I've had these codes in a .txt for a while now and thought might aswell share em, might revive this thread a bit too.

    Play as Donald Everywhere (have kingdom key equip, disable all of Sora's attack moves including dodge roll and guard)
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 0006d035
    204e631c 00049a5a
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 0006d0c9
    204e637c 0018aab0
    204e3dc4 00000001
    204e3dc8 0006d3df
    204e3dcc 00000d5d
    204e8c34 00000000
    204e8c38 0006d3e1
    204e8c3c 000e5230
    204e9a04 00000000
    204e9a08 0006d5ac
    204e9a0c 000d0fb0
    204e9a14 00000000
    204e9a18 0006d790
    204e9a1c 0015bbb0
    204e9a34 00000001
    204e9a38 0006da48
    204e9a3c 0000ba98
    204e9a24 00000000
    204e9a28 0006d0c9
    204e9a2c 0018aab0
    204e78e4 00000001
    204e78e8 0007ff5e
    204e78ec 0004e3f8
    204e78f4 00000000
    204e78f8 0007fffb
    204e78fc 000c9f30
    204e7f64 00000001
    204e7f68 0007dfd7
    204e7f6c 0003ce03
    204e7f74 00000001
    204e7f78 0007e051
    204e7f7c 000561e7
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b4fe
    204e2fac 0000aaa7
    20487320 616e6f64
    20487324 0000646c

    Play as Goofy Everywhere (Equip kingdom key and disable all of Sora's attack abilities including dodge roll and guard)
    204e3dc4 00000001
    204e3dc8 0006dee7
    204e3dcc 0000144d
    204e8c34 00000000
    204e8c38 0006deea
    204e8c3c 000d7530
    204e9a04 00000000
    204e9a08 0006e099
    204e9a0c 000cc030
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 0006db8f
    204e631c 00055ed3
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 0006dc3b
    204e637c 00155830
    204e9a14 00000000
    204e9a18 0006e29c
    204e9a1c 00140e30
    204e9a34 00000000
    204e9a38 0006e51e
    204e9a3c 00011b30
    204e78e4 00000001
    204e78e8 00080266
    204e78ec 0005d0b0
    204e78f4 00000000
    204e78f8 00080321
    204e78fc 000ce4b0
    204e7f64 00000001
    204e7f68 0007e13b
    204e7f6c 0003d028
    204e7f74 00000000
    204e7f78 0007e1b6
    204e7f7c 0007f230
    204e9a24 00000000
    204e9a28 0006dc3b
    204e9a2c 00155830
    20487320 666f6f67
    20487324 00000079
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b6c6
    204e2fac 0000ad9c

    Sora as a Partner (Replaces Goofy and equip knight shield disable all of goofy's attacks)
    204e4054 00000001
    204e4058 0006c097
    204e405c 00001bb5
    204e93b4 00000001
    204e93b8 0006c09b
    204e93bc 000fd513
    204e9bd4 00000001
    204e9bd8 0006c296
    204e9bdc 00116969
    204e2cf4 00000001
    204e2cf8 0008b14b
    204e2cfc 0000dc0e
    204e6aa4 00000001
    204e6aa8 0006bcdf
    204e6aac 0004f8bc
    204e6ae4 00000001
    204e6ae8 0006bd7f
    204e6aec 0018be02
    204e9b94 00000001
    204e9b98 0006c4c4
    204e9b9c 00186e6e
    204e9bb4 00000001
    204e9bb8 0006c7d2
    204e9bbc 0016a42f
    204e7974 00000001
    204e7978 0007fc83
    204e797c 000570a9
    204e7984 00000001
    204e7988 0007fd32
    204e798c 00115abf
    204e7fb4 00000001
    204e7fb8 0007dd90
    204e7fbc 000430ce
    204e7fc4 00000000
    204e7fc8 0007de17
    204e7fcc 000dfcb0
    20487310 61726f73
    20487314 00000000

    Play as Tarzan in his world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 00087a5b
    204e631c 0005697b
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 00087b09
    204e637c 0014e830
    204e9a24 00000000
    204e9a28 00087b09
    204e9a2c 0014e830
    204e3dc4 00000001
    204e3dc8 00087dfb
    204e3dcc 00001536
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b965
    204e2fac 00006fbf
    20487320 7a726174
    20487324 00006e61

    Play as Alladin in his own world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    20487320 64616c61
    20487324 006e6964
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b077
    204e2fac 0000b843
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 00065b6b
    204e631c 00052f23
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 00065c11
    204e637c 00102fb0
    204e9a14 00000000
    204e9a18 00065c11
    204e9a1c 00102fb0

    Play as Ariel in her own world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b8f8
    204e2fac 000031a9
    204e7f64 00000001
    204e7f68 0007e30a
    204e7f6c 0005586b
    204e7f74 00000000
    204e7f78 0007e3b6
    204e7f7c 0011d7b0
    20487320 65697261
    20487324 0000006c

    Play as Jack in his own world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b913
    204e2fac 00004ddf
    204e78e4 00000001
    204e78e8 000805da
    204e78ec 0005fcea
    204e78f4 00000001
    204e78f8 0008069a
    204e78fc 0005f788
    20487320 6b63616a

    Play as Peter Pan in his own world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b94b
    204e2fac 0000936b
    20487320 65746570
    20487320 6e617072
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 000855d8
    204e631c 00057668
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 00085687
    204e637c 0005e930
    204e9a34 00000000
    204e9a38 00085687
    204e9a3c 0005e930

    Play as Beast in his own world (equip kingdom key and turn off all of sora's attack abilities including guard and dodge roll)
    204e2fa4 00000001
    204e2fa8 0008b932
    204e2fac 00004a13
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 0008259a
    204e631c 00066087
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 00082667
    204e647c 0016e530
    204e9a14 00000000
    204e9a18 00082667
    204e9a1c 0016e530
    20487320 73616562
    20487324 00000074

    Well thats all I have.
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 26, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  17. NarutoSuperKubii
    Edit: Thats a KH1 game this is the KH RE:CoM thread
    Post by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 25, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  18. NarutoSuperKubii
    Profile Post Comment

    I've been really busy and stuff :P

    I've been really busy and stuff :P
    Profile Post Comment by NarutoSuperKubii, May 18, 2014
  19. NarutoSuperKubii
  20. NarutoSuperKubii