I think i did pretty good for a first go, and i wanna share the picture with all of you. <3
I know, i can't tell who is whom anymore..... im scared... someone hold me ;-;
I don't care if its in the wrong thread, because im looking for answers of all types, but i need something to help me better make more advanced gifs from sprite sheets, because i do have a slight problem lining them up, my friends that i talk to disagree, but i know im fcking up somewhere, ill let you all decide. (Yes i know im gonna look cheesy, but im starting out by practicing on MMX sprites) (Yes, the Falcon armor is my favorite.)
Another idea someone hasn't done yet. [Far as i know.] A big, giant, fat, moist, slice of cake.
It may be a bit of a old choice, but i recommend Megaman X, i don't think anyone on KH has done that before o3o
Huh... good point. Stands for Ocarina of Time :L
Ok, so its snowing.... Go out and make a snow angel, then maybe a snow devil to kill the angel, i dun really care, cuz they both dont exist XD
Let's all watch me suck at beating volvagia. (For those who do not know him, he is the fire temple boss in OoT) Yes, i used a couple cheats. one for changing navi's color to look cool. A code to keep links tunic green, and a color modifyer for the slash color to be green. The green gauntlets are a secret glitch.
Or like a fat guy in a donut shop trying to decide what to get and having only 20 dollars.
Not funny, and by creeper, i meant a stalker that prowls around like a person that's more addicted to sex than a person addicted to coke
I would describe my dreams, but its mainly falling out of the skies as my OC with a broken wing. or a very erotic fantasy :L EDIT: I am not a creeper. ;3;
I don't really like the type of gaming Halo gives me, although most disagree, i don't really find it fun, exciting yes, but not fun. Most people say you need to play one of the good ones, and i did as far as my knowledge goes, because it was Halo 3 Now, when i see Call of Duty, that is a game i enjoy, even though lots of people hate it, i still very much enjoy, just the feeling, of making a little brat online get angry, and rage out feels me with joy <3 I also loved the Story that was in Black ops, and 4 A.K.A Modern warfare 1.
YES! ALL SHALL KNOW THE INTERNET IS A COUNTRY! *Wearing a restraint jacket, laughing maniacally*
Because this is a free country :3
Am i the only wanting to see armaury come on and make a post with letters everywhere from an in-hibriated state caused by an alcoholic reaction?
Yes. But in an Innocent. "Aww, i don't wanna do that to her..." Kinda way.
Its more commonly known as "Anthromorph" A neko is more of a human with animal parts. An animal with human like parts is anthro. Her feet are still hooves, but shes got hands, and what most males call "Fun bags"
Thats not what i meant Smart arse, i meant not many people care that i post Dx
I've never had a name change, I dont really see any need in it either. :L