I prefer full animations that don't require reloading, although mine are pretty Sh***y, and all i do is use sprite sheets ;3;
French fries... and onion rings..... CURLY FRIES ARE SUPPERIOR
I still don't see it blink.... but it turned into a face D:
Thats a very small picture.... but i see no blinking o3o
I know most people on this site doesn't really know me, so most won't care, but i just made my new siggy about 20 minutes ago. [Look at post time of this thread.]
Something Here.
That sounds like a good idea, but i can never find myself able to do that, either because the parts of him and his sisters story is so sad, and i might wake up crying, or if its just because im boring ;3;
I can never fully go through with making something, before starting too hate it and dump the idea. I wanted to try and write a biography for my two Oc's. [Brother and sister.] But i'm just too dull to do so. Would anyone be able to help me in anyway shape or form? D:
I enjoy using cheats in video games, the exact way odamadillo described it, but when i'm playing on the xbox, i can remove a save from the memory, and edit it a little, but i simply do that for cosmetics/apearance. Say you playing soul calibur V, and playing in legendary souls, you see the soul calibur IV nightmare, siegfried, And the SoulEdge [Actual games name] Inferno cervantes, now since its not really cheating, but simply save editing. To get those costumes, you need to know a little bit about Hex editing.
The Nintendo is a very good system, possibly one of the best [In My Opinion] Nintendo systems made, because the game-cube was good, but still had its downs, and the wii is the system i care least for, but the 64, i had so many great times playing it, perfect dark... OoT... majoras, all of those great games... trying to be remade today for the younger, more "Hip" era of kids, when nothing can beat the classics. Specially in fables case. You look at fable 1, has great game play, tons of quests and side-quests, an expansion, Lost Chapters comes out, adding to the experience, then you go to fable 2, shorter game play, but still maintaining the fun aspects of fable one, although you can never die like you could back then, soon fable 3... ugh fable 3... really short main quest, horrible weapon designs if you had a bunch of random parts, repulsively ugly demon doors, small amount of enemies... And the worst part of all, is that stupid pause menu. I DON'T want to walk around, just to put on difrent clothes, or get another weapon!
I don't get it at all..... if they can by Ponies, then how can't they afford the acquisition of Light Bulbs?
Suffering through another one of my vampire fazes, where i cant sleep during night, but always can't resist the temptation of my mattress during the day...
I don't really have any idea if the music is "THAT" old, but its kinda old. EDIT: Mainly Alice Cooper stuff.
By what. i mean. What? Cause i don't understand the point of this thread o3o
Seems a bit too far...... i would need like.... 50 stamps to send it o3o
Im glad that it came out better than i though, cause i remember in i think 2nd or 3rd grade, we would use milk cartons in the middle instead of having it hollowed, which was a ton easier than this one. but i feel like i can do better.