On the 13th day of Christmas my greatest nightmare came too me. EEEEND OF THE WOOOOORLD!~ Lol myans :L
Eeh, Techincally 1 item, but two seperate cars, pain in the ass too put in the small parts though, like the side mirrors, or the shifter DX
No, 4 items. 2 car kits, a turtle beach, and a controller.
For Christmas, i got just 4 things. Ear Force X12 - Turtle beach gaming headset. Model car set - Camaro Concept car. - 2010 Ford Mustang GT Convertible. Xbox360 Controller - Black - Wired. So what did you all get?
My child-hood was Zelda games, I've hated Pokemon ever since I've seen the episodes too it
I hate justin beiber, i nearly choked on my laughter when i heard he got his laptop and personal possessions robbed in MY HOME TOWN. XD
Gir: "Aww... but i wanted my head too explode." *Frownie face*
Thats actually un-true unless your a able to buy the games off of the PSN market, because PS3's now adays, only play PS1 and PS3 games, i still have one that plays all three in my home, but it got F***ed up because of an update to GTA IV when the game had just come out. So now it needs to be fixed.
I prefer the xbox over PS3, mainly because of, both, xbox being made by microsoft, having better compatability with computer technologies. And the controller. On the PS3 controllers, the analog sticks have no push back. [Resistance] So say your playing an rpg, and just want too walk, but you push forward, given there be no push back, it goes all the way forward, and makes you run. On the xbox controller, it does have push back, although its just enough to be comfortable. As for the handheld over the WiiU. I have no friken clue :L
You should sing one of peter griffin's carol's. "I just bought these gifts for you there up in my bummm."
I know most people on this site have most likely already heard this theory, but i want to tell anyone who hasn't about it. "After the proceedings in Ocarina of Time, Link had no further use for Navi, so her job helping him done, she went her own way, after Link watch her go, he go back to his kokiri home, and sleep in his bed, the following morning, he get up like usual, but instead of going out the main entrance of the village, he traveled into the lost woods, after going through several of the logs, he look around and find that he was lost, starting to blindly walk around, he'd find that the tales were true, that when you wander into the forest, you would turn into a stalfos. Slowly turning into a stalfos now, he begin to imagine the events that had taken place in Majora's mask, the more he transformed, the more deeper his imagination in the story had gotten, going from temple to temple, to save clock town, from the Mask that the Skull kid was wearing. After being turned completely into a stalfos, in his mind, he had completely beaten the mask, and restored peace too the land of Termina, although he was different from most Stalfos, his coat was a shiny gold color, now setting off in the right direction, leading out of the lost woods, he set off and left the sacred forest grove, seeing that it was far more different then when he was a normal boy. Another new few temples had been around the area, and he make it his own quest, to patiently wait for the new Hero of time in the land, wearing the heroic green tunic, after meeting him, he takes him into the spirit realm, so too speak, teaching him moves too use against the evil lord gannon, and destroy his evil... Again. But, in the "Spirit" Realm, the blade the "Stalfos Knight" wields, looks slightly similar too the master swords design, only making this theory seem much more hard too not believe."
I shall now use a KH2 sephiroth fraze, replacing one word. "Give into the ponies"
Cuz tats wat i liek, du u gots a prblm wit dat? Lawl, 2nd grader spelling. XD Anyway, i made another MLP one because - "To each his own." So says hadvar when you select the mage's stone in skyrim after the first cave.
True, but im really only capable of basic siggy's, or in other words, simply cutting, pasting, and other things that involve getting a character out of the background picture.
Let me help you fix what ya said. "They don't bite.... much" There we go :D
Just recently i've made another pony themed siggy, and its for anyone who would like too use it. This time having the Princess of the night: Luna Spoiler Too anyone who uses this siggy. Enjoy ;D Edit: Posted in spam-zone cause afraid of criticism ;3;
I would welcome anyone to do that for me on my avatar, its just i'd like too see you make it look like one from the Actual show MLP ;o
Congratulations for being committed enough to sit through another 2 - 5 years depending on what job you want to get XD