Search Results

  1. shidonic
    Chuck norris, and Bruce lee, clashing fist with fist, while multiple skyscrapers in the background are exploding the the ferocity of said impact.
    Post by: shidonic, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. shidonic
    1. Do
    2. Your
    3. Own
    4. Work
    5. Lazy
    6. Butt

    There you go, hope this helps, and enjoy the A+ i just gave you :3
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. shidonic
    The order in which i enjoy the games is.

    1. Devil may cry 4
    2. Devil may cry 3 Dante's awakening: Special edition
    3. Devil may cry 1
    4. Devil may cry 2

    DMC 4 is the only game so far that i've completed almost completely. (Lol redundancy) Having all modes. (Except hell and hell) Completed, and almost a full 2 health bars.
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. shidonic
    How i feel about this thread, and the butt-hurt caused from sarcasm ;D

    Post by: shidonic, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. shidonic
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. shidonic
    Hmm... means its Too large, And didn't read :L
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. shidonic
    As most poeple on this site most likely already know, the fan game My little pony: Fighting is magic is going to be (Or will be) At this years EVO Championship Series.

    The whole article can be read bellow in the spoiler. (For anyone with the patients to not go "TL;DR")

    You might have heard that Fighting is Magic is now in the running to be one of the main games at EVO 2013. If you heard it last night, you found out at the same time we did. Since then, we've been discussing the situation; We've contacted the organization people at EVO, and we've been trying to sort it out.

    Here's what came out of that: We're participating in the drive for the chance to be one of the main games at EVO.

    So we have to explain a few things.

    Fighting is Magic is — or, at least, we're trying to have it be —, a game not only for the MLP fan community (the bronies), but also for the Fighting Game Community.

    As such, we're aware that right now, these two communities we're trying to appeal to may have conflicting interests in this regard.

    We know that most of you following the project who come from the Pony fandom are interested in the ponies first, and the game second. We also know that you're probably gonna give the game a try because it has ponies in it. That's good!, we really hope you enjoy the game. We've been trying to find a balance between the technical, strategy mind game that veterans of the fighting game genre, and an easy enough system so people new to the whole thing can still enjoy it, have fun, and hopefully, be encouraged to try some other fighting games after that. Of course, this also means that of our MLP fandom followers, there's probably a sizable portion that wouldn't give the game a second glance if the ponies weren't part of it.

    Now. We're not trying to "invade" anything. We're not trying to force our little project down the Fighting games community's throat, and while we're happy when we hear of people that gave MLP a try because of our game, it is not really our main objective. We appreciate the exposure that EVO is offering us with this chance. And we appreciate people backing us up on this one, because we chose to believe that means we're doing a good job with the game. Or at least an acceptable one.

    And as such, we'd like to know that we're being backed up for the -right- reasons.

    If you are voting in this drive for us ONLY because our game has ponies, please, stop for a moment, and hear us out.

    We love you guys. We enjoy being a part of the pony fandom, and we've been fortunate enough to have witnessed just how much the fandom can accomplish when its united. We've seen your generosity in action, and we're pretty darn proud of it.

    The donations you guys give to the games in the running for 8th game at EVO all go to the same source, regardless of who you vote for. We're not receiving a single cent out of that money (or seeing it, even), no matter if you vote for us or not, so feel free to vote for the games -you- want to see and play at EVO. Vote because you love the gameplay, because you love their community, and because you think they're good games that deserve to be played.

    LabZero's Skullgirls is in the running. We've always thought that game deserved more love. Super Smash Bros Melee is also in there, and it's one of the devs favourites from the running. And we'll appreciate it if you guys vote for them, as much as we'd appreciate if you voted for us.

    The Q's they received and the A's they gave.

    EVO 2013 - FAQ

    Q: Is this vote thing legit?
    A: Eeyup. Fighting is magic is officially in the running to be one of the main games at evo.

    Q. So where does this money go to?
    A. Charity. All of it. We don't receive, touch, see or even smell a single cent of it. The organization team at EVO is in charge of it, and we really have nothing to do with it.

    Q: I love your game, but I also love that other game...
    A: By all means, feel free to vote for your favorite. We won't be offended or disappointed if you don't vote for us. We believe the best game should win, and if that game happens to be some other one, that's okay too! - In the end, it all goes to a worthwhile cause, and that should be the most important thing on this drive.

    Q: So should I vote for you, then?
    A: it depends on your reason. If it's because the proceeds go to charity, any game you vote for will do, as the proceeds of all the games go to the same place, so feel free to vote for whichever game you like.

    If you're voting because our game has ponies on it, we thank you for your support, and it is appreciated. Personally, the devs would like to see Skullgirls, Super Smash Bros. Melee or CvS2 at EVO. If you'd like to see them too, you can vote for them instead. =)

    If you're voting because you like our game, ponies or not, we also thank you for your support! - We'll be doing our hardest to make sure the game is the very best it can be, regardless if we win or not.

    Q: Are you (the devteam) going to be at EVO if you win?
    A: We're not quite sure yet, win or lose. We've made no plans to personally attend the event yet. We'll see.

    Q: Is the game going to be at EVO if you lose?
    A: We're currently trying to get that sorted. We'll let you know once we know. We'd love to have a side event going in the indie corner like we did last year, though, so if we have the opportunity to make it happen, we will, regardless of what comes out of this drive.

    Q: What does this mean, in terms of game completition?
    A: We are aware of how important EVO is for the FGC, considering we're both part of the community, and developing a game with it as half the intended target audience. We wouldn't be considering going forward with this (Did we mention it took us by surprise?), if we weren't confident in what we can deliver.

    Q: And if you don't win?
    A: Nothing changes. Our plans for the game are pretty much set. The only difference between winning or losing this drive is that Fighting is magic will/won't be in the main roster at EVO. That doesn't discard the possibility of a side event at the Indie's corner.

    Posted in the spam zone due to it not being to big of news, although could possibly be moved to the game talk thread.
    Thread by: shidonic, Jan 10, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. shidonic
    I like to import myself, as being my OC. [Original Character.] Mostly for things such as roleplay.

    Imersing myself in his own story, feeling the sadness he and his sister had shared when his parents died, and the strugles he endured, to keep his sister well, and fed. :3

    Oh. And ponies.
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. shidonic
    .... Oh Har Har. ._.
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. shidonic
    Dunno if you got a 360 or PS3, But i know a great one. (Also comes on PC)

    Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

    Launch trailer bellow. (Yes it will say pre-order now but its already out.)
    Post by: shidonic, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. shidonic
    HAPPY NEW YEAR..... For you ;-;

    get off meh lawn you young whipper snappers!
    Post by: shidonic, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. shidonic
    Nice too meet you Very Tired. May i call you Very for short? ^3^

    On a serious note.

    Post by: shidonic, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone