sure I'll join,
hey,can u change my nickname to Near on the DVL pliz...
Can I get a new nickname? I want Near to be my nickname okay?:)
yes,this is great I can play a new KH and not buyin PSP or DS and the quality are'nt bad,
Nice job,I knew it should be colored
that the USA ver. of Re:com will be exported to some other countriy like South-east Asia........
Hello too!!!!!!!!!!!
Multiplayer,Storyline,Gameplay a lot actually...
hahaha I like the banana one!!
uh,thanks for that liox right,we'll find your nobody Roxas,we'll do it,togheter,all of us we'll make a promise for that....
I colapssed to the ground because I took so much damage,half of my face is covered in blood...
Hallelujah is my evil personality but now he's gone......
argh....!!!!! *falls to the ground* How did you know!!!!! my face is my weakness! who told you that!!!!??? "I told him" why you! "goodbye Hallelujah" RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Reverts back to normal me but the face is different...* the face looks like this:
*Stands up and body slowly fill with dark aura* that doesn't hurt a bit!!! *Kingdom Key becomes dark* take this!!!! *Strike raids you and dark firagas you*
doin okay,but I'm a litlle bored and I have so many tests !!!
Ven appears in Hollow Bastion what is this? and who is that? *looks to Riku* a kid? better go help him... *takes out keyblade and runs toward Riku* *slashes Heartless* You okay?
okay Roxas, *Die!* wha..! *reverts to evil personality and attacks you with keyblade* take this!!! *Halelujah! don't do it* "I'm sorry bright,roxas I can't control him.."
welcome to KHV! I'm Ven been here a few months and keep active in your post
made another pic
I made another pic