Yo, sonic? it's been a while huh? sorry I wasn't on lately,so what are you playing now? Re:Com huh?
roxas,you on? sorry I wasn't on lately...
you on now?
I don't know for sure,but maybe,it has to
yeah,what did you save the file as? it always got something to do with that,I got that kind of trouble too,
Man!,tomorrows the release for re:com!!! I'm so exited even though I'm in Indonesia,I hope it gets here,cuz I wanna buy it this Friday.Do you think it will be in my country by then?
yep, we want a trailer! but I feel like I seen that screenshot before... when is it...
hiya mark,I know you're busy but,can you make me a sig of Near,It's alright if you can't...
that's cool.
oh man,I gotta go,well see ya!
it means role playing.
notin much actually... so,wanna join my rp?
that's cool,well I see Naruto and Death note
oh,okay then,you were in the code vault,gee I never noticed
Hi curse tail. wassup?
oh,you're busy huh?
yea,I know, c'mon kid we gotta slash some heartless, *slashes heartless*
So,you are Now a Married Man. huh? wanna go to my Rp?
Mark,you on?
yo Roxas,wassup?