Hi,noticed your avatar is persona 3,so wanna be friends,and maybe help me with the game?:D
yo,wassup dude,kinda heard you're makin' aN RP,so what's it called? does it use leaders or sometin like that? N' I wanna join!:) please,
yo,wassup GREE,oh yeah,and, uh since I joined your rp (a scaterred dream),and you replaced me cuz I wasn't here anymore for like a few...
hey n13,you on right now?
hi,u made ur own sig?
aw man,you haven't even replied yet,well gotta go,see ya,
okay then bye,(jam menunjukan 08:37 malam WIB)
yo Ollie wassup? and great to seee...you taking part...in a...lot of social groups? okay,58 social groups,WOW,that's a lot. oops,gotta go see ya,
You're on,great,how you've been doin'?
nah,I just got the true ending on my 2nd gameplay,
yeah I should play the cycle data again,and wow,she is cute,yet her shadow is so evil-looking,
yo,nightdream, mind if I join in,:) I'm not exactly bored right now,but It happens so frequently, OH,and Persona 3 Fes,(plying it now),KH2FM(beat it 2 times),and bleach dark souls,well haven't played it,
*sigh* should i start a new gameplay,or not,It's so confusing...
Hi mark, or should I say invisiboy,lol, seriously it gets so damn annoying to not know you're on or off, so,you on?
naoto.... in the girl's uniform? never seen it,hey,did you max out her S.link?
good luck Zexion-senpai,but you're not gonna get Yukiko!!! well if you do get her,I'll get Rise!!!lolz
hey that happened to me too,LOL, rejection,but I still text messages with her,oh yeah UAN,I know how that feels,especially MATH...
haven't have one, I'm not hittin' on anyone right now anyway,
dammit,math and physics are my worst subjects,oh math,why must you torture me so much!!!!!!