Suddenly, I wish I saw more spambot posts. The weirdest one I saw was the one promoting fitness or something. Yeah like I wanna get up and exercise just because you told me to.
I probably would get this, if I had enough money, and a ps3 to use, but I don't so I can't.
Honestly, I've been waiting for the english version ever since it came out. It looked really cool, and I've always wanted to play it.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. Sorry, it's just that I love Akuma no Riddle :P
I had no idea you were planning events. They sound kinda fun.
I joined about two years so I was 15 then. I don't remember when I was active.
Yeah, eveything's back to normal,so back to school tomorrow.
I never said i didn't vote for you cause I didn't know you. I didn't vote for you cause I've seen the other guy posts more.
Ugh you too? Electricity was out here for a whole day, and my house got flooded. I spent most of the day getting the water out.
What do the other onion heads look like?
Let me be the first to welcome you in the introduction part of the forum. Welcome Master Xehanort to KHV, even if you have been here for a while. You should try exploring more of it, the people here can be really fun. I like your views on video games, it's similar to mine. Anyway, you seem like a really nice person, so I hope you have fun in the forums more. Bottomline, have fun make new friends, and I hope to see you around. Ps. Don't mind your english it's actually pretty ok.
I know. I kinda gave up on looking for him too. I miss being able to tell him everything I needed help with though.
something like a visual novel i think
Dramatical Murder. He says it has a good plot.
Lol sure. have fun. I can try out this game my friend sent me.
Impressions? If you had a keyblade what would it look like? Describe your personality in one word.
I'm free today, and tomorrow. :P
Oh cool. lol I forgot you're already in college.
No classes? :P
I thought the Sandman would make a better hulk. Have you seen how he fights?