Oh god, I missed it. Happy super belated birthday big bro ^_^
I get the feeling if this ever happened. I'd be one of the first to die.
I should really be active more. You got more messages than me.
Back! School break's here, so I'm free til August. God that's a long time.
I really hope it gets released internationally. I've been waiting for so long to get a chance to play this.
For me, age doesn't really matter. At least, it shouldn't. The age calculator thing that misty mentioned is something my friends told me about, but I don't really follow it considering I dated someone below my range. Dating someone with a big age gap shouldn't be creepy, so long as the intentions are pure, or at least not illegal. The only problem with age gaps in relationships are maturity levels, and sometimes what you both want at that age leads you to drift apart.
I never have leftovers for dinner. Then again, maybe it's because all the leftovers at my house gets cooked with other stuff, and next thing we know we have a new dish, that looks nothing like the old one. Wow for a moment that made me feel like an alchemist or something.
I listened to part of this album the other day, and so far I'm loving it. My favorite so far is "Twin skeletons", and "irresistible"
My heart dropped the moment I read this. Even though I only know him for RWBY, he seems like a very talented man, and I wish him all the best.
I can find you everywhere, for some reason.
Welcome back I guess. Just go through the rules, read through some stuff for a refresher, and I'm sure things will go fine.
Well congrats on the interview. I hope you get accepted.
Thank you so much everyone! All I got was this weird cake that tasted like butter.
Haha, thanks guys. I'm glad some people cared enough to greet. I'm 18 now, does that come with anything?
It's hard enough to find one person, finding multiple will kill me. Tbh, I'm not against it, but I wouldn't get into one. Let people do what they want.
I had no idea there was any difference in cooking. I guess for me cooking would be anything that involves heat, and putting ingredients together. So microwave pizza doesn't count, unless you add something to it.
I remember reading this in a newspaper somewhere. Like the parents, I laughed a little cause I thought it was a joke. Now that I know that it's legit, I can't help but feel like the whole thing is stupid. So what if they lost a little money cause a kid didn't go? Even if he went, they still wouldn't get any money back, so what's the point of it all?
I agree to most of this. People naturally consider looks when they look for a relationship, and while personality is also important, looks usually count for first impressions, since it's the first thing people see. In a biological level, it's a natural thing to do this because looks are connected to health, and good genes. For example, a healthy face would normally look more attractive and have better genes, so people would want that more.
I wouldn't normally do this unless it was something important, and right now my friend's problem is driving me up the wall. So a little background, my friend has never been the most emotionally stable person around. She has problems with her parents, problems with most of her friends, and a few problems with her life and her future. Her problems have gotten to the point that she's lost a friends over it. Recently, she applied for a course in a nearby university. It's a big course that has limited slots. She tried really hard to get accepted. She made it her dream, and goal to get in. She basically planned her whole future around getting in that one course. Unfortunately, she didn't pass, while most of her friends did. She's been in a bad mood ever since she got the news. She skipped classes, and missed about 4 of her exams. Later on, she thought up some plans to get accepted, and just today one of her plans didn't go through, so again she made a big deal out of it, and doesn't plan on going to school tomorrow. She cuts now, and might be suicidal. I am out of ideas, and slowly running out of patience. I'd honestly go if I didn't know she'd self destruct if I didn't help. I just need help or suggestions on how I can help her.
Either Hanzo kidnapped Amaury, or Amaury turned into Hanzo. The second one seemed less likely.