@hyuge-of-the-twilight , your truth is if you were chained to someone you hate for a week, how would things turn out? @skull joke if you could change something in your life now, what would it be, and why?
This doesn't bother me at all. There's nothing wrong with what happened, well none that I can see.
I grew my wisdom teeth a few years ago. I felt a bump on my gums, and soon teeth came out. Right now, I have two of them on my lower, not sure if my upper grew without me noticing. They don't bother me at all. I just leave them there, and they don't do anything to me.
I don't think a Nobody was created. Possibly it just faded away or something like that. A Nobody is created when a strong heart leaves a body. So probably the body disappeared. The same happens to a person, who loses his/her weak heart. If you think about it, a person has body, mind, heart, and soul. I think when a Nobody is created, he is left with body, soul, and mind, which explains why Heartless are mindless creatures, as stated by Saix I think. Xehanort's heart, soul, and mind were transferred to Terra, so what was left was the body, which might not have created a Nobody, since it was left alone.
Conceal Don't feel Don't let it snow
Saw the trailer on Disney Chanel once. I thought it looked amazing, and I personally would love to watch this. It would be nice to see the story from Maleficent's point of view, and see how the supposed 'good guys' in the story aren't as good as we originally thought. Also Maleficent with wings, I'd love to see that.
I think some useless cards would be some of the enemy cards. The random cards you probably got from some heartless, or some boss cards. I forgot which ones specifically, but I never really found any use for them, I always end up selling them to the moogle.
Never realized the tick tock pattern. It makes sense the more I think about it. Anyway, it's time to say good bye to this wonderful software that's been with me for a really long time. The only problem now is that my school still uses this for their computers.
I second this. And I like TWTNW too, but I like twilight Town more. I kinda like The End of The World too, especially how it brings you to every other world you have been to. The entrance bothers me a bit though, I hated how I kept running into invisible walls, but the heartless here were incredible in terms of design. The music was great, and so was the atmosphere. Overall I think this world is more of an above average world for me, but it is really memorable.
I don't know why, but mirrors always disturb me at certain situations. Like late at night, it's dark, and there's a mirror right there. Somehow that manages to creep me out every single time. I can pass by it a few times, but at some point I just think something might pop out of it no matter how many times I know it won't. Gore, and extreme injuries, can disturb me from time to time depending on the severity, and how graphic it is. For example, if it's blood splatters or bloody explosions doesn't bother me. However, times when insides and guts are everywhere that's just too much for me, or perhaps most people.
Yes, I love this list. I'd really love to see toy story, Atlantis, and Treasure Planet go into KH. I never really thought of Pocahontas, but I'd like to see how it'd work.
Yeah, I never really heard of it before.
What is this ?
I'm surprised. April 9th is both my sister's birthday, and a national holiday here. Looks like we celebrate booties now too.
This is a bit hard to pick. I'd say books, mostly because I get to imagine things more, and sometimes my imagination ends up better than the movie, you get to build the entire world in your head. Ok tot he next person, truth or dare?
Looks like I was skipped for 5 pages... Why am I not surprised
Ads about Spam still exist? I've never even seen one, nor would I want to.