You may have posted in them but that doesn't mean you own them.
Banana butter. This thread stayed on 1 topic for too long.
I joined when I was 96.
Welcome to the internet.
How so ?
I think gravity is more effctive.
Even after all this time, I still dont know what these question time threads are about.
Ha, you lost too.
Never gets old.
Done. Now what? ._.
What if Im not a guest?
What ?
._ .
Who do you think it is?
This thread used to be awsome.
I thought the ban was permanent.
Im glad you made it out ok. Did anyone else get hurt?
How did you do it the first time?
No it shouldn't try to be real. Its a video game and it should seem like one. Sure it has some problems, but they're small and just focusing on the negative parts of the game will make it less enjoyable for you.