Congratulations on Premium.
Sorry, I don't feel very good today.
OOC: Edited :3 Max found herself lost, once again, in a city. She didn't bother asking for directions. Instead, she merely started walking around.
That's good. Anyway, how are you?
It's a weird habit I have. Did I bother you?
Hello. Sorry, I just like saying Hi to random people.
Wow, thank you. First time anyone has ever said that to me since my parents died.
*Opens door* Hello Taffy!~
Hello. I am merely passing by profiles to greet people.
Hello! *gives cookie* Cute name by the way!~ *leaves profile* :3
I nominate cookies of mass destruction for they surely own the world.
Oh,yes, saying Hi to people is indeed hard. ;_;
I am merely passing through profiles and saying Hi. So, Hi.
I'm like that as well besides having a horrible case of hyper acidity. I advise you to see your doctor.
May I join? Spider Fayt Username: Lonely Breeze Name: Maxinne "Max" Everett Race: Witch Gender: Female Age: 20 Appearance: Personality: Max is silent most of the time. And somewhat rude and arrogant. Luckily, she'll soften up to people she likes. History: A few years ago, Max lived in a peaceful village, unknown to other races. She lived a happy life until she was introduced to black magic which she started to practice. This got the attention of the villagers, so, they turned on her and forced her to leave their little haven. Magic/Power: Black Magic Weapon: Black Whip Other: None Preview Post: Max slumped down onto an old tree stump. She had been walking for many hours now, not stopping for a single second. Next time, I'll remember to bring a jug of water. Max thought and gave a little shrug.
The 3rd one is simply beautiful. Wonderful Job :3
Stay away from him and never mind him. When he approaches you, make sure walk away.
I like your name. I'm new here as well, my name is KC or Kayla, whichever you want to call me. Anyway, welcome to the forum, have fun and follow the rules!~
You know what people like that hate most of all? It's when you ignore them or just smile at them and say nothing.
That's very cute! Now, just clean it up a bit. Good Job!~