yeah, thats the only thing i use, unless it's a necessity...
I drove to school, parked the car, and got out, "Looks like we're here!" I said to Nicole.
SCREW MAGIC!!!! >< i dont like magic to much, i like to hack at people XD
just lettin ya know...
its against the rules to advertise in posts...keep it for the sigs please...
ha ha, ive been listenin to 30 seconds to mars all day so...yeah : P
I agree with Xigbar, besides the pretty part XD I like it cuz...well...i like it XD
is this in america? o.O
"y-yeah..." I said gettin in the car, OOC: g'night!!
what kairi_li said, im sorry that thats happening to him...thats worse than me! DX
ow......that HAD to hurt...
Christian closed his eyes and blushed, this is great, he thought to himself
"Cool, and thank you." I said kissing her cheek.
i liked the BSB...XD I know...
hi its brian litrell, gone without goodbye
*walks in singing to self* Have you seen my son? Not too tall, five-eight She held up a color copy photograph from his wedding day This is his pregnant wife Carrying his last dream He walked down 46 floors before he felt the rush The rush of gasoline I can feel the pain Looking in their eyes But I don't know gone without goodbye If I could reach the sky I'd bring him right back to your arms Though I haven't seen your son He's forever in my life Have you seen my little girl? She's got curly black hair She took this raggedy anne doll everywhere Last I saw her over there Then I heard a choir of screams And a speeding van I watched his tears pour down A father's last attempt at being a rational man I can feel the pain Look into his eyes But I don't know gone without goodbye If I could reach the sky I'd bring her right back to your arms Though I haven't seen your girl She's forever in my life Have you seen my faith? It can run and it can hide Jesus, mend this breaking heart of mine It keeps our love alive I can feel the pain Look into my eyes But I don't know gone without goodbye If I could reach the sky I'd try to turn the world around So that we could see the face And forever stay alive *done*
"Cool," I said as I started down the stairs, and stopped, the prom...oh yeah...OH NO!! I said to myself as I turned around, "Do you wanna go to the prom with me, Nicole?" I asked.
"Yeah, that's fine," I said smiling, "Ready to go to school?" I asked.
"Thanks," I said, and layed on the floor, as if I was falling to sleep.