Gaara walked to the big battle, and grinned this will be fun...who shall pick sides with...Uzomaki...or Uchiha Itachi...? he thought.
may I be Gaara please? im not good with two people, could i not make an OC?
moms typewriter is the font youre using for your sig words
khchick- howd you make your text moms typewriter??? o.O
D: LUCKY!!!!! i got spanish and band T.T (cept i like band, my teacher can play the snare drum, she rox!!! : D) ditto *sigh*
: D!!! MORE PEOPLES THAT I DIDNT NOTICE!!! : D o__o *runs away* AGH!!!!!!
hi val.......! ^^
HI BIG SIS!!! : D *turns to me and hugs* YAY!!! POEOPLE TALKS TO MEH!!!! lookeh!!!
im sorry youre called that, thats sad that people think that... -.- >:^o die peoples who thinks he an emoth/punk or whatever!!!! >: O
HI!!---oh...T.T *turns into wolf link and go cries*
hi val, whats up?
hi, im good FLYLEAF ROX!!! brb
hi peoples agh gotta eat
GOFFY RULES >: o he would totally win, he could friggen hit em up side the head with the shield and run!!! :yelling:
i liked fighting Xemnas, he was fun, and i liked the mini scenes in at the end, like when you trade keyblades with Riku ^^
"huh? what is it?" Christian asked.
yeah, thats why I straightened up my grammer *cough cough* {vindicated} *cough cough* but yeah, just have a great time!!! :^D
welcome to the big, big, BIG team! follow the forum, rules, post a lot, and please don't flame or spam, he got banned for it, *points to random guy* please~ ../://Ichigo\\:\..
probrably Roxas, cuz hes meh favorite in front of Axel, Zexion, and Demyx, in that order XD