he saw him put the pill in his pocket, sand went onto his hand as he dropped it in, and slammed him onto the tree, "take the others, Itachi, Kisame'" Gaara said throwing Rayce into the air again.
"hold on..." sand caught onto Rayce's leg and it flew him into the air, it caught him and slammed him to the ground. "...is that the power you want...?"Gaara said, then turned to Itachi.
"give me a jacket..." Gaara asked in the politest way he could.
"fine then, but what if I wanted to join the akatsuki...?" he asked.
ooc: huh? i couldnt understand ^^'
ooc: ah, nvm ^^ bic: Gaara was walking in the forest,(is that where itachi & gang is?) should I...? he thought, he paused a moment, then thought yeah... he jumped down beside Jade (?) "I wanna join." Gaara said as sand rushed out of the gourd.
ooc: can peoples recap meh on everehthing?
ooc: k thanks ^^ "there are two bells, and there are three of you, either one, two, or none of you pass (you guys do NOT repeat NOT know the answer to the riddle) you must take the bells from me, and there are three posts, whoever doesent get lunch AND theyre tied up to the post, oh, and you must come at me with the intent to kill, and you should hide to catch me from behind...any questions?" Gaara said. "oh yeah, and this 'black pack' that makes me look 'dorky' has porn in it, Acid...correct?" but it was really sand. XD
ooc: if youre talkin about me, kazekage ^^ BIC: "It's about time..." I said as I took out two bells.(how many students?) OOC: yeah, and the fact that Gaara has a fuc*ing demon inside him....I'm practically just like him...
Gaara stood outside of the leaf vilage(are you there?) and said "where the hell is he..."Gaara said.
Gaara had an Itachi 'clone' in front of him, he heard the scream and threw 30 sand shuriken into Itachi's back, he then put on sand armor.
the platform caught up to gaara and Rayce, "make your clones chase the itachis and kisames, theyll kill them, then the one to find the real ones report to us." he said.
Gaara's sand came behind Naruto and made a platform for him, then it had a writing get on
Gaara jumped next to rayce, "Naruto!Come on!" he said jumping tree to tree in his normal form.
ooc: whos lin again? ^^' bic: "dammit..."Gaara said in a voice that was angery, "thats twice they got away from me..."
OOC: I agree, cept he is rofl BIC: "So...that's the new move I've heard so much about..." Gaara said to Naruto.
OOC: he still goes crazy, just not AS crazy, if he was, Itachi and Naruto would be dead, along with everyone else XD BIC: "About time..." Gaara said, as sand was gripping Kisame's legs already.
Gaara broke free, half demon. "If you're gonna come fight, I suggest you come help!" sand rushed into the tree, and healed rayce from Itachi's illusion, then he shot straight at kisami."DIE!!!" he said.
Gaara finally stepped out of hiding, "Uzomaki....we meet again..." Gaara said, then he turned to Itachi with lustful eyes, "Let me feel alive Uchiha!" sand started to run through the ground, Gaara made a handsign, and went into the dome, and went 10 feet into the air.