Sora shut his eyes when Kairi shifted her gaze and ran her hand through his hair. He sensed that she didn't believe him, which made sense, considering that he wasn't being completely honest. "It's nothing to worry about," he clarified softly, keeping his eyes closed. He would recover over time, just like he did after any other battle.
Me too...x3
"Oh," Sora said, finally realizing what Kairi had meant to say. "I'm fine." He was just sore for the most part, though his ribs felt kind of bad right now because he had been sitting up for so long. Oh well; it couldn't have been helped. Or maybe it could have, but it was too late to change things now.
Everyone Like Me- Thousand Foot Krutch
Sora tilted his head to the side slightly, confused by Kairi's question. He had never felt sick in the first place, so what was she referring to when she asked how he was feeling?
GOOD SONG ^^ Light Up- Newsboys
Yuppers. xD
Sora felt his smile grow again, a sense of relief invading his heart. "That's good," he said, glad to hear her say that. He had been so concerned earlier, especially when she couldn't walk or stand for long on her own. It was good to hear that she was feeling better.
Hot dogs, burgers, and macaroni salads are what I think of with barbecues. xD
Sora shut his eyes for half a second, feeling Kairi playing with his hair. It made him feel relaxed, which helped push away his darker thoughts from earlier. After a moment, he opened his eyes, his smile softening as he looked a the girl in front of him. "How do you feel?" he asked softly, mentally noting that she appeared better than she had earlier.
I guess I can see why you think that way. xD
Sora felt his shy smile widen at Kairi's answer, the brunet seeing that she wasn't going to punish him for it. Thank goodness I don't have to clean the basement again, he thought, recalling what had happened when he and Roxas stole Kairi's brownies.
Mmhmm. It's one of my favorite summer foods. =)
Sora shook his head a little, though he was careful not to move Kairi's hand out of his hair. "Not the whole time," he confessed. "I stole some food out of your fridge while you were asleep." He smiled shyly, not sure what kind of reaction he would get out of Kairi. Would she scold him? Would she put him to work for taking her food again?, not my favorite. xD I'm in the mood for corn on the cob.
"Hey," Sora said softly, a faint smile appearing on his lips when he saw Kairi's. Her playing with his hair also made him feel little lighter, like he wasn't quite as alone as he had been feeling before. It was bad to feel that way when Kairi was only a foot or two away, but that was how he had been feeling when she was asleep and he was alone in his thoughts.
Mm, eating. xP That reminds me of how hungry I am.
Sora opened his eyes fully, feeling a touch that was familiar and strange at the same time. He turned his head in the other direction, seeing Kairi awake. He wondered how long she had been awake, though judging by the slight grogginess he saw in her eyes, he figured that it hadn't been very long.
Angel- Sarah McLachlan