Yup. =/ It's not fun.
Sora reached the top of the stairs and took a few steps towards Kairi's room, the brunet seeing that she hadn't moved from her previous spot. He was glad for that, because the last time he had left her alone at his house, she had tried getting up and walking, which hadn't worked out too well. He pushed the thoughts away, approaching her with the sandwich and the glass of water.
There iz nothing to eat. ;3
A few minutes later, Sora had Kairi's sandwich made up, and he also had a glass of water, in case she was thirsty. He started up the stairs again, his body aching terribly. Once he reached the top, he would most definitely have to sit down some place.
I Found My Way Back Again- Nevertheless
xD I iz hungry!
Sora exited the room and went down the stairs, gripping the railing as he walked down. He was putting a lot of strain on his body by not just sitting around like he should have been. He didn't regret anything he was doing, but at the same time, he was physically tired. And in pain. He sighed, reaching the bottom of the stairs and turning into the kitchen.
I am jealous you have food. xP
"Alright," Sora said with a nod. "Be right back." He turned around and started for the doorway, the kitchen being on the lower level of Kairi's home. He was expecting that Kairi would stay in her room, since she was allowing him to bring her a sandwich.
Haha, epic indeed. xP
Sora nodded faintly, starting to rise to his feet when Kairi accepted the offer. He held back a wince of pain with the movement, his chest not feeling good at all. "Ham or turkey?" he asked after a few moments, turning around and asking Kairi her preference while trying to hold back any signs of pain.
That was pretty awesome. xD
"Want me to go make you something?" Sora asked, prepared to get up and do just that. He didn't mind making Kairi some food if she didn't feel well enough to do it herself; he didn't want her pushing herself beyond her limits.
I iz back. ;3
You mean what I didn't I shove in my face earlier? Sora thought, his smile widening slightly at his own joke. "There's plenty of stuff for sandwiches," he said, recalling all the meat and cheese slices he had seen in the fridge earlier.
Now I gotta go. xD Be back soon!
Sora opened his eyes, feeling Kairi take her hand out of his hair. "You need anything?" he asked without thought, changing the subject. She had been asleep for a while, so he wouldn't have been surprised to find out that she was thirsty or hungry.
Yuppers. xD
Sora exhaled a soft breath, hearing the reluctance in Kairi's answer. He may not have been directly connected to her heart anymore, but Kairi was easy to read whenever she was concerned. It always had been that way, even when they were connected.
I'm not sure. xD I'm surprised my mom hasn't come back and told me yet.