Sora looked to Kairi beside him, tearing his eyes away from the television to see the medicine and the water. "Thanks," he said with a soft nod, reaching up and taking the bottle with one hand while his other took a hold of the pills.
I'M SO JEALOUS!! Not only about BBS, but Crisis Core. I've wanted to play that for forever. Dx
Sora leaned the back of his head against the couch, his ocean-blue eyes on the television. He put on sports, but he assumed that Kairi would change the channel to something different whenever she came in, since she only watched sports to humor him and Roxas.
In The End- Linkin Park
I almost freaked out reading that. xD I was thinking "Why?!?" xP You have a PSP?
Sora offered Kairi a weak smile, which vanished as soon as she looked away. He walked past the kitchen doorway and entered the living room, his eyes falling on the couch immediately. He sat himself down wordlessly, at the same time reaching for the remote and turning on the television.
Jefferson Aero Plane- Relient K
Yeah, I think so. It's been a little while since I read the whole story, but from what I remember, it was good.
"Okay," Sora said with a nod. That idea was fine with him, because that meant that he could sit back down and get off his feet. The pain was actually a little dizzying, though he wouldn't allow that to surface. Kairi was already concerned, which was bad enough. He wasn't going to let her worry increase for any reason.
xDD I already know the BBS plot; I looked it all up ages ago. I knew I would never be able to play the game anyway, since I don't have a PSP.
Sora's hands went down to his sides as he followed being Kairi, who seemed to be fine now after her rest and meal. He was glad to see that, since she deserved to feel better. At least one of them was feeling half-decent.
What spoilers? =/ I haven't noticed any.
When Sora was on his feet, he brought a hand to the back of his head, running over his spikes without thought. Laying on them had probably messed them up a little bit, though his hair was naturally crazy. He blinked, the thoughts disappearing as he turned to Kairi and motioned towards the door with his head. She could go down first; he would follow.
Yeahhhh. ;3
Sora brought his hand off his stomach and set his hands on the bed beside him, opening his eyes as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He held back a grunt, pain surging in his body. He ignored it to the best of his ability, though, as he started rising to his feet.
Okie dokie. xD
"'Kay," Sora said, keeping his eyes shut. Then, though, an idea came to mind. "Wanna go downstairs? For the, uh, TV?" he asked, saying his thoughts before Kairi could leave the room. He didn't want Kairi to sucker him into lying down in her bed; he was here to be with her, not fall asleep in her bedroom.
Hmm...we could just play the whole thing by ear, you know? Surprise ourselves. xP
Sora shut his eyes, figuring that he should have expected something like this. "Alright," he said with a soft nod, the back of his head still on Kairi's bed. He didn't know what she had in mind, but he wouldn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do.
Stay- Flyleaf