You're welcome. xD Are you saying "Yes, yes I do have brains" or "Yes, yes I do act silly"?? xP
I should have known, Sora thought, blinking when he heard Kairi's response. It was like her to want him to rest, but know that he wouldn't willingly sleep. Not only was that medicine meant to take away his pain, but it was also meant to put him to sleep. "Oh," he said simply, that being the only response he could think of.
Ah, no, I interpreted it as "stupid". xP Yes, you do act silly.
Sora forced himself to turn his head a little, though he kept it against the side of the couch as he gazed at the girl beside him. "Is that medicine supposed to make you drowsy?" he asked softly, though he was already feeling the answer. Yes, it most certainly did make a person drowsy.
I don't think you act stupid. xD
"Kai?" Sora murmured, blinking as he forced his eyes open completely. He kept his eyes on the television, though, his head somehow feeling too heavy for him to turn at the moment.
It kinda does. =/
Sora leaned his head against the side of the couch, trying to fight the drowsiness by paying attention to the sports on television. He felt like he and Kairi had been sitting there for a while, though he couldn't have judged it well now that he was so tired. It must have taken at least a half hour for the pills to start working, though, if not more.
Yeah, I'm the same way.
Sora glanced at the window, seeing that it was evening. He should have been heading home soon, since he left Riku by himself. At the same time, though, his pain wasn't the only thing fading--so was his consciousness. He shut his eyes halfway and looked to the television, feeling drowsy.
Remember Me- Kutless
Glad it's not just me. xDD
Sora leaned his head against the back of the couch, his eyes on the television as he and Kairi were silent. After a little while, he felt the sensation of pain fade away, and he assumed that the medication that Kairi had brought him was beginning to work. He was glad for that, because for the first time in a while, he was starting to feel better.
xD I think you know more about me than most of my friends do, which is a little weird considering we've never ever met.
"Okay," Sora said with a light shrug, though performing the movement wasn't the smartest idea he had. He clenched one of his hands in a light fist, his eyes on the television as he tried to focus on what was going on.
Yeah, I'm super excited to go. =) And, seriously, I think you should come to my college, 'cause if we met in real life, I'm sure we'd be best...
"You can change it if you want to," Sora told Kairi as he leaned into the back of the couch. He really didn't care what they watched; he just wanted to relax for a little while and forget about his battle wounds.
I'll PM it to you; I don't want crazy stalkers. xP
Sora enclosed the pills in his hand and used that hand to open the bottle of water, the teen setting the cap on the endtable beside him. He popped a pill in his mouth and then used the water to help him swallow it. The beverage was refreshing to him, so after he did the same with the second pill, he took a few more sips before setting it on the table next to him.
You know what? You should totally come to my college after you graduate and we can make it happen. ;3