Oh mai gawd, ur such a meanie. ))):
I got inspiration from your avatar and blog theme and decided to make a Tifa tag. Here's thread if you want to look. Anyways, I'll stop annoying...
An example tag for my (kinda dead) Graphics shop. Got the motivation for this tag from DPWolf's avatar. xD A Cloud tag is on the way as well. o3o With Text v1: v2: Without Text v3: v4:
Hahaha, it's ok Kitty. xD Sassy was way better than the one Terra gave me. Girly Mc Girl Girl. >_>; We're all silly people because we joined this site.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?77524-So-I-ve-decided-to-get-a-name-change And the poll: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?77575-so-I-ve-decided-to-get-a-name-change-gt-8D
I have no idea. I've been thinking about it for the past two years.
I make glass domes all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. They're awesome when it's underwater.
I'm pretty sure you were the one that suggested it. xD
When my name was Sassy the One Hit Wonder?
Vamo 'alla Flamenco? Serious? THEN IT IS INDEED DESTINY.
I plan on visiting Japan and England when I can afford it in a couple of years. Hopefully. I'll just spend my days off work chilling in front of the computer playing video games for the time being.
I shotgun being the monkey boy. Oh wait, I'm a girl. Nevermind... ;_____;
I can't see Garrus as gay for Shepard. Bros maybe but not gay. Same with Thane, it would be kinda of silly to suddenly make the possibility of him being gay available, since he had a son and a wife (if you didn't romance him as femShepard) that he still loves. Also: What are everyone's thoughts on this?
People have no right to pick on other people because of their colour/race/sexual orientation. Homosexuality isn't a disease, it's a choice people make willingly. I really hope Herbert gets some justice, I will be disgusted if they just push it under the table like nothing happened.
I already knew that, everyone knows that.
Avatar: 8/10 Sig: 9/10 Those colours... @_@
Oh P, you're so silly- Oh wait, you're being serious, aren't you?
Thank you. Ahh, it's good to be back in this section. (:
Why hell there Jake! Like everyone else is saying, have heaps of fun here and enjoy your stay. I haven't finished KH1 or CoM yet either, I mainly plaayed KH1 when I was at a friends. Anyways, seeya around the forum. :3
Welcome to the forum Sammi! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and have heaps of fun~