I haven't said hello to you in ages. So... Hello! :D
Thank you so much. C:
Yep, that's the old one.
The colours don't really fit together and the stock is waaay too blurry. The colour of the text doesn't really fit in either.
That would be awesome. Thanks. ^_^;
Hey Wolfie I was wondering, would it be okay if I bumped my old Graphics shop? I mainly made a new one because I wasn't too sure if I could bump...
I love seeing your work here Jade, it makes me feel happy. :'D I love the colours (it blends in pretty awesomely), the gorgeous quality of the entire thing (stock included) is making me cry. The lighting is really good as well and it's really easy on the eyes, which is a big plus in my books. It just looks so... pretty, for lack of a better word. I cannot see anything wrong. This makes me want to do a collab with someone now. xDD
Oh mai gawd, you're a prem nao. U r nao one of da kewl kidz. Hahaha, anyways, congrats on becoming a prem anyways. xD
It seems very... flat. I like the film thing you got going with the Axel screenshots on the side but the red is really overwhelming and the black contrasts waaaay too much. Try using a different shade of red instead of pure red and maybe throw in some oranges (since that's a fire colour as well, I think). I hope that helped a bit. >___>;
The placement in a few of these avatars seem a bit off to me and the filters you used could be toned down a bit as well. The main thing that bothers me is the colour filters, the first Fang one looks too dark and the others look washed out with no shadows to contrast and give it the 'unf' effect. If I had to pick my favorite though, it would have to be the Roxas one (the sixth avatar).
Pretty much what Misty said. Placement is really important when you're making a tag. This would look really nice if the image you used was a bit smaller and off to the side a little more. Keep up the good work~ I can't really say much more because I'd just be repeating what Misty said. xD
I remember renting Croc from the video store when I was younger. I never got to finish it and my mum could never afford to buy me my own copy. Such a shame. ): I almost forgot about Crash Bandicoot. My mother played it most of the time though. lol
What games 'defined' you childhood? Not exactly the best choice of words but what I meant was, what games did you really enjoy as a child and you still enjoy them today? For me it was Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Stadium and Final Fantasy IX.
I feel really, really old. And I'm not even 18 yet. D:
I wish I could make Mass Effect gifs but this screenshot will have to do. :c
Be glad you weren't here a couple of years ago. There were so many DBEs you probably would've been throwing shit across the room.
Spoiler I decided to devote this year to developing my own style that I'm comfortable with drawing. Anyways, this is the first complete sketch I did after coming out of my art slump. She's meant to be looking over her shoulder but my anatomy sucks and it just looks like it's dislocated. xD
Holy crap that is huuuuuuuge. Mother Nature's been having a major case of PMS over the past couple of years. .__________.
If you ever need an avatar or a tag done for your signature, I can make you one. ^__^