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  1. Bareri-San
  2. Bareri-San
    Of laughing my ass off at these videos.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 30, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Bareri-San
    If I may, I would like to make a gif request.
    Picture or Video: Link
    Size: 300x225 preferably or somewhere close so that the aspect ratio isn't all over the place.
    Specifications: 0:08-0:13 for the gif please?
    Post by: Bareri-San, Apr 30, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Bareri-San
    Those look good enough to me. Thank you~ ::L:
    Post by: Bareri-San, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Bareri-San
    Ahurhur, I am back.

    I was on my way to pay off the rest of my pre-order of ME3 a couple of weeks ago and I saw this on the way to JB Hi-Fi.

    I also got myself a Vampire Knight shirt~
    Post by: Bareri-San, Mar 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Bareri-San
    I dunno if this is the right time to be doing this but HNNNG-
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Bareri-San
    I've barely drawn anything over the past couple of years, but I did do some scribbles while I was up at my grandmother's place. She also bought me some copic markers~

    My nan's boss wanted some drawings for his kids and his daughter loved My Little Pony, so I drew her a human!Rainbow Dash.

    I also tried to design armor with a couple of reference images. It didn't work out well. Especially when I was trying to make her look evil yet badass. orz


    Honestly though, you did a good job with the kissing one. It looks good. I also love your guy character, he's lookin' fiiine~
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Bareri-San
    Take your time completing it, I honestly do not mind waiting. c:
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Bareri-San
    Dragon Age 2 was an infectious cesspool of fanservice.

    I am ashamed of nearly every fanbase I am apart of.

    I love
    Jar Jar Binks.
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Bareri-San
    Seeing that old theme is making me nostalgic. I don't wanna feel old. D:
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Bareri-San
    I'll try and be as kind as I can.

    You did decent for your first time ever making a tag and you do still have a lot to learn. One thing I'm glad to see is that the stock image that you used is good quality. The placement is off, it's never a good thing to put the image right in the centre of the image (in my opinion anyway). The main problem with this tag is that it looks really plain overall. Try adding some effects or brushes in the background and maybe a couple (not too many though!) on and around the render itself to help it blend in a bit more.

    I've never been really good with the whole critique thing but you did good for your first shot and I hope you keep improving more and more! ^_^
    Post by: Bareri-San, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Bareri-San
    This is.... really dumb. Like Kitty said, there were a lot of legitimate users who did nothing wrong. Lets hope that these bills won't pass, or else the internet is going to be one heck of a battleground.
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  13. Bareri-San
    May I request a signature milady?
    Picture: I'll send it on MSN
    Size: 130x150
    Bright or Dark: Dark-ish
    Type: Cookie-cutter, maybe like a fireball or something.
    Special request: Maybe add some fire cinders trailing behind the character.

    Picture: I'll send it on MSN
    Size: 400x140
    Bright or Dark: dark
    Type: Cookie-cutter. Something with splatters or smudges.
    Special request: Maybe some lightning or spark effects surrounding Ornstein. Go crazy and do what you think looks best. C:

    A vague idea of what I'd like. Hopefully its enough. orz

    And take your time, I'm going away for a few weeks anyway. xD
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  14. Bareri-San
    Never save as .jpg unless you set the quality to maximum, if you can't do that then save in .png format.

    It looks very LQ, flat and sorry if I sound harsh, but it doesn't look like very much effort was put into it either. If you haven't already, download GIMP and look for some tutorials, they will really help improve your skills.
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Bareri-San
    Sweet baby jesus Valium, your smudging is like sex for the eyes. ;A;

    Only problem I have is the square, it feels out of place to me compared to the rest of the image (being all swirly and/or curvy).
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Bareri-San
    The two things that have caught my attention are Disgaea 3 and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. So these are possible english releases? If so, please excuse me while I jump with joy at the possibility of MHP3rd coming in english.
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  17. Bareri-San
  18. Bareri-San
    In no particular order:
    1. Final Fantasy IX
    2. Donkey Kong 64
    3. Disgaea series
    4. 'Souls' series (Demon's and Dark)
    5. Monster Hunter
    6. Zoo Tycoon
    7. Persona 3

    There's a few more but that's all that's coming to mind at the moment.
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  19. Bareri-San

    Dark Souls

    It's a pretty epic game. Lets just both agree that both games are as awesome as each other. ;o
    Dark Souls might be a bit hard to connect on, but I'd definitely like to do some co-op sometime. I bought both games a couple of months ago, I have yet to actually play through Demon's Souls yet. xD

    Only boss I've had trouble with on NG+ was Four Kings, and that was because I beat them early on to become a Darkwraith. That health boost they got really threw off timing. I had three on me near the end and almost became a skewered Undead. ;__;
    I'd love to do some PvP or just some co-op in general with you sometime though. I'll add you next time I'm on. I'll probably need a little bit of assistance on Sen's Fortress with my all-three-magics character.

    As for favourite weapon... I have a few. My favourite at the moment is the Great Lord Greatsword, followed by the Lightning Zweihander+5. And the Dragonslayer Bow is up there too, I love knocking enemies off of cliffs and ledges with arrows the size of bloody spears.

    It's probably because I've been playing a lot but once you get the hang of dodging and blocking enemy attacks, it's a cake walk. It takes a bit, but it does get easier.
    A good friend of mine and my boyfriend both suggested that I play Dark Souls first. To get used to the general controls, difficulty and for story purposes.

    I think it's a hit or miss game for a lot of people. Some just can't cope with the steep difficulty curve. It's good to hear that you enjoyed it! :D
    Post by: Bareri-San, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  20. Bareri-San

    Dark Souls

    Any of you lovely members been playing this masterpiece of a game?
    I have for the last month and a bit and god damn I still haven't had enough of it. The multiplayer is fun, the story was interesting and the initial difficulty was delicious. What are your thoughts on this game?

    If you want to co-op (or PvP) sometime then we should totally exchange PSN names. If you need help on something I could try and help you out too. :D
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Jan 2, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming