Hahaha that sucks! Do you know what the reason for it was?
I remember seeing you around. I just checked, Indeed I am on there, I think I remember you from the coder's corner?
Thats great to hear man!
Sorry, that definately wasnt me, because I got my last rep in 2010, and its been 3 green bars for a while
I know! Crazy stuff! Hows life going for ya?
Yeah man, gettin back into the Kingdom Hearts scene! But I never had red rep... O_o
Whats up bro? Miss me?(;
I have been away from this place for far too long, Anyone remember me?(:
I decided to log in to my account, to reconsile with old friends when I see an add that says "Sexy Arab Girls (Click Here)." How I have missed this place
Got that right my friend(;
SOL bro Lets see, probably some random person whom I dont know?
Whole Worlds Crazy by Art of Dying
So, uh, whatcha think? Nerd Day(: Spoiler
This thread makes about as much since as an Asian failing a math test, Chinese being good drivers, Eminem not rapping, the list just goes on....
Ohhh aw yeah(:
Pretty good yourself?
hell yeah bro
Atta kid and i know
whats up bro, I am doing great, how about you?
Glad that you liked it! This one definately isnt my best either, I have better ones that will hopefully be coming soon!