Thank you both for the advice, and dont worry, I am on an exchange trip in Germany, and 4 of my other friends and a bunch of Germans are burned too so im not too alone (although I am the worst)
Okay, so I went swimming on Saturday, fell asleep in the sun and now I have first degree burns all over my chest, back, and part of my legs and arms. All of these area's are clearing up but a few blisters have began forming on my back. They appear to be second degree blisters from over-expossure to the sun, but I am not 100% sure. Have any of you had this before? Do any of you know any ways to clear this up quicker? (I can provide a photo if needed to see the blisters.)
Are you enjoying it so far?
Welcome to the site(:
The music I listen to is mainly Hip-Hop or Rap type of music, but these guys arent as mainstream as others (Note: They do have cussing, fair warning) [video=youtube;zdbUh-Ml67Q][/video] This song doesnt start until around :20 [video=youtube;fXyyoNHX5_Q][/video]
Ohhhhh, that is no good!
Nope .
and when I was done I laid down in the grass on my towel with some friends, fell asleep for an hour and a half, woke up, flipped over, then fell asleep another hour nd a half. I look like a bright pink watermelon.....
Hella Xella
The force is weak with this one
Spoiler [video=youtube;zdbUh-Ml67Q][/video] This is mine, from 1:36 to 1:59
Thats no good! why were you mad?
Sometimes relationships hit bumps in the road, where one door closes, another opens. Maybe she wasnt the one for you, I have no doubt that you guys will work things out. However, it might be for the best (While thats probably not what you want to hear, I am just thinking out loud)
Pretty fantastic! You?(:
7/10 Where are you from? Is it heaven? Because your an angel
Hello new friend(:
4/10 Im gonna call you Karma, because I hope you come back around
Welcome to Kh-V(:
Welcome to the site! This place is pretty sickk, read the rules and follow them, and important note: NEVER take the spam zone seriously. Hope you have a good time here(: