I am talking old school pokemon! My lvl 40 Blastoise did work!
This is true, but its not as common due to lack of availability and how to get it (it can be easy to acquire if you know the right people I suppose)
Not as much as I excite myself good sir, Hoohah!
I beat the elite four on my second try with weak pokemon, I feel accomplished
this is what i was expecting when I clicked, I was excited
I was using drugs as a referance to all kinds of drugs (minus medical drugs of course) just in case people have a different view on some drugs rather than others (an example would be against heroin but for meth or something)
Hello and Welcome to the site! (even though you have been here a while)
What is your take on drugs (smoking, injecting, inhaling, injesting, snorting)? I personally hate drugs, I dont do them and never will. However I dont really have a problem if my friends do it, of course I advise them not too but if they are going to that is their decision and not mine to make for them. Just as long as they arent puffing smoke into my face.
I have enjoyed seeing all the different points of views from everyone on here, now let me add another 2 questions to this, I have been in Germany for the past 3 weeks and Drinking and smoking are a MUCH bigger thing here than back in the US, do you think that influence on drinking (Lets try not to wander off into smoking, I can make a seperate thread for that) is weighted differently by location? whether it be a different country, continent, or even just part of town? AND Do you think that there is extra influence (or extra resistance) when your family drinks? (parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers, sisters)
What is your take on useage or comsumtion of alcohol? For it? against it? do you drink? Place opinions here. I think it is fine as long as youre not getting drunk super bad, and if you are going to get super drunk at least plan ahead.
Hhahaha I know(:
Boringgg (:
lots since I am on my exchange! you?(:
Check the mastercode or enable code, if this is wrong it would mess up trying to use these codes, also might want to double check to make sure you wrote the code down correctly
I know! Espically when its on your face and neck!
Thats good to hear! and I know it is, I agree
Oh I know, I have had that too, it was terrible
Didnt realize you left....
I am doing alright, I got really badly sunburn on Saturday and now its going away (which is good) but I think I am now getting sun blisters