Kross would like the following: Equip Jungle King Equip Brave Warrior Spend 5 crowns on strength boost Spend 1 point on Int.
"Looks like it."Kross answered Aden, smiling as he walked to the group."That was a pretty cool thing you did, Krowley. I don;t object to getting out of here, but where do we head to next?"He asked, his keyblade appearing.
Kross was seemingly last, he wasn't as proficient at climbing as the others were so he had to be extra careful. He wasn't far behind the others though, so it was a good timing. He climbed up right after Kel and dusted himself off, running to catch up with the others."Phew, we're good."He said, smally smiling.
"Wait for me, wait for me.."Nimbly, Kross followed in a run behind Krowley. He breathed evenly, looking forward."Those two words...Heart and Friends, where did you hear them?"He asked Krowley, his keyblade out in case anything else showed up. When his vision momentarily blurred, he could have sworn he saw a figure again, but he quickly shook it off.
Kross went over last and he saw Anora, smiling, he stood still and greeted her with a gentle wave."Anora, I'm glad to see that you and your group are safe."He said gently, smiling softly. He looked around, seeing Krowley and grinned over at him."Chipper."He answered, patting his chest confidently."Are you all right?"He asked.
Kross gave a small nod to krowley."Just be careful of your strides, Krowley."He said, then glanced over to Lars and grinned smally."All righty, let's go then."He stood straight and looked at krowley."They're at the northside of the campsite right? This shouldn't be a problem."He said and turned, thinking for a moment."Uh..which way is the campsite?"He said, smiling nervously. He then followed Lars, his keyblade in hand in case anything happened. He looked to the side, startled a little bit at a quickly moving shadowed figure.
Kross's keyblade vanished from his hand and he stood straight. He noted Krowley's weakened state and turned to him quickly."Krowley, are you okay?"He went over to his side, offering Krowley his potion, Krowley was low on health so he needed all the help he could get.
Kross gritted his teeth and ran at the Stealth Sneak, swinging and thwacking it with his keyblade."Dangit, we're not doing good!"He said.
Kross nodded and raised his keyblade, breathing in and casted Cure towards Noroz."Hey, take this!"He said.
"Thank you Tarzan."Kross smiled at the man, then ran over and swung, thwacking at Clayton with his keyblade."Ha! I won't let you get away!"
"I'm not letting war tear up my future, look what it did to my past." Kross could only follow the soldier's lead as he took them into Academia, it was a decent sized city and his eyes focused on the largest building. "Director Hope Estheim huh.."He said, remembering having heard the name several times in his line of work, at first he didn't interest himself much in the individual but this time, it could determine whether they lived..or not. As the man left them, he glanced over to Cyan and nodded."I'm ready to go if you are."He said, walking forward, down the hall. The circular desk drew closer, he swallowed, becoming increasingly tense with each step. He entered and paused."Director Hope..Estheim?"
"Tarzan! I have your back!"Kross said, throwing a cure over to Tarzan before glaring at the creature with anger."I won't let you get away with this!"
Kross's eyes narrowed."I have to help Lars, Cure!"He threw a Cure Spell towards Lars to heal him, glaring at Clayton."I can't let him get away"
"No, Tarzan!"Kross gritted his teeth and glared at Clayton."You'll pay for that!'He said, rushing at the stealth sneak and slashed at it with his keyblade."I won't let you get away with this!"
Kross hurried to Lars and glanced towards him."Sorry, I'm not sure he's here, maybe what that woman said was some kind of trap?"He said, biting his lower lip. He hoped it wasn't like that, he didn't feel much like fighting now. Unfortunately now was not the time, as he saw Clayton firing at Tarzan. He ran over and faced down the man, narrowing his eyes."You won't get away with this!"
Kross hurried in the direction of the gorillas, looking around."Tarzan! Anyone! It's me, Kross!"He drew his keyblade in case any danger showed up. 'I really hope Anora will be okay..what am I thinking? She's a great key wielder and she's got Noroz with her! What am I worried about?' Still, he couldn't help worrying. He sighed and went on, glancing around and breathed in, he was prepared for anything.
"All right, then I'll go help with the gorillas, I'm only hoping no danger comes to you guys, just be careful."He said.
Kross looked over to Anora and bit his lip, tilting his head."Anora, are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt."He said, scratching the side of his head while his face went a little red.
Yeah, I'll take 2 for intel and two for dex
I'll spend two points on magic, and two points on HP for Kross