Ah ok, thanks for the info :D
Terms? Let's see... Advanced Format, only one go, and may the best win xD Just no Prophecies please xD And I only play Yu-Gi-Oh!, never played Magic the Gathering or Pokémon :/
(I necro'd this, I'M SORRY) By sleights, you mean Sonic Blade, Ragnarok and all of that right? If so, I used those all the time. I wouldn't be able to beat the game if it wasn't for those attacks xD
So... let's duel? If I see Prophecies here, I'm probably gonna rage quit xD
Thanks, will do :) Everyone knows FMA is great xD Thanks :) Making friends: That's what I came here for xD Top Gear's awesome :D Just the name "Spam Zone" makes me feel that the moderators here have a tough time there xD
Demyx's completely luck based. (DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUN) Sometimes he's easy, and sometimes he can be the bane of your PS2's existence.
I learned the language with video games, TV and books. In 5th grade everyone was amazed with my English skills (I was also surprised with how people couldn't speak English, but it really depends on the person). And I'm gonna go to university next year to become an English teacher :D
What did I just see? O.o
And I thought this was finnaly dead... Our night clubs stopped playing that (Thank God) for some time now. I've always liked this one :D
It's good to be a member on a forum instead of a moderator for a while xD
*Mindblown I couldn't just post "o.O", it showed me a message. HEDGEHOGS?
O.o Wait, we can't post with less than 20 characters? ... Well s***
Hi guys :) My username's Hohenheim (That's what happens when someone watches too much FMA), I'm 18 years old. Hope to be a good member of this community :D