Never tried it, so I really can't say. (Even though I'm an avid smoker) I think that it's good, and bad for you at the same time. It really depends on the way that people see the marijuana. Some see it as a medicine, others see it as the leaf of the Devil, and others see it as "good stuff".
Ariel. (For some reason I have to type more than 20 characters to post O.o)
Thanks :D
1. It really depends on the person. A friend of mine always said that he was straight, but he always seemed to like boys rather than girls. (Nowadays he's a homosexual, I support his choice). 2. I don't think that it really means anything. Being heterosexual has always been Christianism's choice, but despite that fact, the number of homosexual and bisexual people is rising by the minute. Even though I'm a heterosexual, I don't mind if a person's homosexual or bisexual. If they're happy, then that's good enough for me :)
Top Gear has always been awesome, those 3 guys always make me laugh :D I loved the episode when Rupert Grint went there, it was so awesome xD
Yep, there aren't many portuguese people on KH forums xD
Nope, portuguese xD
Not sure O.o
Probably I'm gonna choose Snivy once I get the game, so I'm gonna pick the 3rd option you gave xD
I really have to get this game once I get the chance. What team do you guys reccomend to get through the game?
All this "relations" stuff came out from all the shipping that the fans made (and some of them have pretty nasty ideas when they do comics, and doujins *shivers) ^ This.
That also happened with my friends when we didn't care about Life Points, and had the effect of Ultimate Offering every turn xD Thanks for the advise :)
Sora's parents have returned after the ending of KH1, but Nomura just doesn't care about them xD
So basically, playing it here's screwed up :/ If people don't want to play on DN, we can play it here, despite of what you said xD
Thank God they're finnaly doing it :D Buu Saga was the greatest saga (at least in my opinion, it's the one I have the best memories)
Dat cuteness xD
I can't remember xD All books I read for assignments were terrible (Except for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
Np, you can call me Light xD Thanks, will do :D
GF HL xD So we play here?