[ tumblr /// mood: tired ] Ben stared out the window of his dorm room. The sun fell below the horizon, tinging the sky pink. He let out a small sigh. Despite falling asleep at dusk the earlier day, he had still woken up around his usual time. He knew he shouldn't have let his sleep schedule slip, but he had felt exhausted after his attempt to pay Cherno a visit. And then there was that horrible headache, and the name that accompanied it: John Quincy. He had noticed the name on the list attached to the email. Ben knew that a student named Marcus was throwing a party that night. He was considering whether or not he would go. He certainly had no taste for socializing with a large group of people, especially since there were fliers put all around the campus. Yet, perhaps Cherno would be there. He sat still for a moment, still unsure. Maybe Marina is going... If she is, then I'll have someone to speak to if Cherno isn't there. He pulled out his phone and sent Marina a quick text message. Are you going to the party tonight?
[ tumblr /// mood: frustrated ] Ben stood at the door for a few moments. No reply, no footsteps, nothing. He had refrained from knocking a second time. He felt awkward enough the first time he did it. Ben turned his head as he heard the whining of sirens. What were the police doing here? Ben sighed. He would tried to contact this Cherno another time. For now, it would be safest for him to just return to his room. Ben rested his head against his pillow. Though the sun had just begun to set, he could feel sleep gripping him. His attempt find more information about the email had failed, and he wasn't going to rely on the internet to get his answers. Perhaps he would pay Marina visit tomorrow. Ben removed the his glasses, placing the nightstand next to his bed, and drifted off to sleep, not yet even out of his day clothes.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Code Geass Higurashi no Naku Koro ni My holy trinity.
[ tumblr /// mood: curious ] Ben entered his room, returning from his daily morning round of the campus. He looked at the bed closest to door. Empty. Elliot must have gone out. Ben recalled him saying something about an appointment. Had he gone to see Marina? He rolled the thought around in his mind. Elliot didn't seem the be the type to believe in Marina's practices. And there was a no possible way he had gone there for the other type of "reading" he offered. Not the guy who went out with gloves and a surgeon's mask. Ben scanned the list of names attached to the "100 Days" email. Marina and Elliot were there, but neither was free to speak about the email. He recognized Olivia. They had spoken a few times; she had even invited him over for tea once, but he had declined to do so. No good, either. She probably didn't know any more than the rest of them. Ben sifted through the unfamiliar names, probably all Bellhurst students, checking Tumblr for them. He stopped at one Tumblr. Scanning the posts, he noticed that the owner had investigated the email. Cherno Plume. What a strange name. Perhaps he should try to pay him a visit? Ben hurried to the main office, walking up to the secretary at the desk. The woman's gaze was fixed on the computer screen in front of her. "Er..." he murmured to the secretary. "Excuse me, ma'am?" The secretary glared at Ben, as if he had just interrupted something important. "What is it?" "I, uh..." Ben stammered, alarmed at her expression. "Can you tell me the room number of a student named Cherno Plume?" Muttering something unintelligible, she quickly typed something into the computer. After a few clicks, she shifted her eyes back to Ben. "Room 932." "Thank you," Ben murmured. The secretary went back to her computer, giving no indication that she had heard him. Ben returned to the boys' dorms, moving down the hallways. 932, 932... There it was. He walked up to the door, the number 932 inscribed on a plate next to it. Awkwardly, he knocked on the door.
Name: Jeffrey Username: Haseo Availability & timezone you're in: 7-11 PM weekdays, all day Saturday, till 11 PM Sunday; EST Email: nodokafreak@hotmail.com
[ tumblr /// mood: pensive ] Ben left the bathroom already half dressed, a towel hanging around his neck. He switched his phone out of sleep mode and checked Tumblr. His friend Marina, of whom he was also an occasional client, had replied to his post. He quickly typed up a response before tossing the phone onto his bed. He slipped on a pair of khakis and a white t-shirt, and green sweater over that. He slung his bag over his shoulder and stuffed his room key and phone into his right pocket before heading out of the door, his hair still damp from the shower. He walked briskly toward the Ishmael Coffee. It was on the opposite end of campus, and the air had already started to grow cold with winter. Once he had arrived, he ordered a small cup of a tea and took a seat at an empty table. He stirred two packets of sugar into the dark tea before taking a sip from the cup. He pulled out his phone, and began to type a text message: Hey Marina, are you free tomorrow?I want to discuss the email.If you aren't, no problem. Thanks. He clicked "send" and checked the time on at the bottom of the screen. 10:00. He still had plenty of time before visiting the library.
I haven't seen anything inappropriate in this thread. Except wanting to get married at 18.
I'm sure they'll be fine as long as they don't like Justin Bieber.
tumblr Ben's eyes flicked open at the sound of his phone alarm. He turned his head from side-to-side, checking his surrounds. He was sitting in his bed, as if nothing had happened the previous day. The last thing he remembered was seeing that Bellhurst boy in his room. Was that all just a dream? No, it couldn't be; there was no way that pain had been a dream. He pulled up the email on his phone and checked the "100 Days" email that he had dismissed the previous day. He noticed an attachment and clicked it, revealing a list of names. He searched the names he didn't recognize on the internet, until he came upon the boy he had seen on Tumblr. Purple? he thought, scanning the page. How gaudy... Whatever suited his tastes. He committed the name to memory: Brian Hemmsworth. He would have to seek him out later. He checked the time on his phone. Still early. He felt his hair and grimaced at its greasiness. He checked to make sure his room mate had not already occupied the bathroom before turning the hot water on. The sound of the steamy rain calmed his mind. To think that yesterday, his head had been ready to split. He sighed. If that had really happened...
Can there just not be school tomorrow?
tumblr Ben closed his eyes breathed deeply. Who was this John Quincy person? He'd never heard the name before, so it couldn't be someone at the Academy. And where did this headache come from? Ben shook his head. He wouldn't be able to process anything until the headache was gone. Maybe I should just get some rest instead. Better get back to the room...He made a 180, heading back across the paths to the Boys' Dorm. He paced up the steps and headed down the hallway. As he drew closer to his room, pain didn't subside - it got worse. Ben pressed his hand against the side of his head. What was going on? He rarely ever got headaches, yet this was was about to split his head open. He dropped to his knees, his shoulder hitting the wall next to a room's doorway. Ben's eyes shifted inside the room. A boy with blonde hair and a scarf was standing inside with luggage at his side. Must be one of those Bellhurst kids... "Sorry..." he muttered.
22 tumblr /// latest post For a moment, Ben thought he could hear a girl's voice; something about killing someone? He shrugged it off. He must have been hearing things. Maybe the lamp light was getting to his head. "I need some fresh air..." he muttered to himself. He stuffed his phone into his pocket and slung a bag over his shoulders. Making sure he had his room key on him, he left the dorms, makings his way northeast to the library. But as the he approached the building, he could feel a pang in his head. With each step the pain grew stronger. Ben pressed his hand to his head. He could feel the pain subsiding, but... he could feel something else. Not feel, really. More like hear. A name echoed in his mind: John Quincy.
Felix Annum Novum! ...and all that jazz. Give me the pin.
tumblr /// latest post Ben scanned the pages of the book in hands. Though it was a nice December Sunday, he chose to sit inside his dorm room, blinds down, lamp on, reading. As if he had anything better to do anyway. No one had invited him out for anything, nor would he want to be invited. Socializing was hardly one of his strong points. As began to flip to the next page, he heard a vibration on his desk. Rising from his bed, he paced over to the small wooden desk, and grabbed the cell phone resting on top of it. It was nothing special; it had internet capability, but lacked a touch screen belonging to most smart phones. Ben preferred simpler phones to ones that had an app for everything. He navigated to the email and opened the newest one. Spoiler: Email Attention Brookbridge Academy Students, Due to rather unfortunate circumstances, Bellhurst High School has been forced to closes its doors to students until further notice. Upon offering, the Coy City school board has graciously accepted our offer to transfer its student body to our academy until Bellhurst High is up and running once more. As such, Bellhurst students will be living in our dorms until further notice. As we do not have enough rooms to accommodate every student, many of you will be assigned room mates. We kindly request that you treat them as you would your peers. We thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns about room mates, please contact the main office. Ben wrinkled his nose. He applied to Brookbridge to escape the hectic public schools. Now students from the public high school were coming here? He let out a sigh. At least he wasn't one of the poor saps who was stuck with them as a room mate. He might not have quite understood his own room mate, but he had at least learned to tolerate him. Even, the sudden influx of students would at least double the class size. So much for peace and quiet. Ben closed the email so he could go back to reading, but something caught his eye. An email he had not seen before was sitting beneath it. He opened it, and scanned its contents. "What...?" The date of the email was just about two weeks prior, yet it hadn't been in his inbox the day before. It claimed he had only 100 days to live - 85, now. Ben shrugged it off. Surely it was just some chain letter. Despite his doubts of its authenticity, he made a Tumblr post about it. Surely at least one person in the Academy had receive it as well.
Full Name: Benjamin "Ben" Ross Appearance: link Age: 16 Likes: Reading, history, quiet Dislikes: Sports, humid weather, noisy crowds Weaknesses/Fears: Insects and spiders Strengths/Talents: Strong memorization skills Personality: Quiet and reserved, Ben is more likely to sit in a corner reading than to be socializing at a party. He openly shows his disdain for people considered "popular" in school, knowing that they wouldn't notice him. Despite this, he can be quiet outgoing with people he considers his friends. Sexuality: Bisexual Contact Information: tumblr
Original impressions? Current impressions? Canadians? Favorite color? Best quadrant?
Northern Virginia, 'Murrica Go back to your baguettes.
Happy birthday, Andrew! You're almost old enough to be old. But not old old (that's 20).
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