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  1. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: concerned ]

    "If you will not listen to me, then maybe you will listen to your roommate." Marina turned her eyes toward Ben. Ben felt his throat tighten. How would he make someone as skeptic as Elliot believe them? Marina continued, trailing off temporarily and asking Olivia how long they had been dead. Ben wondered that himself. How much time had Olivia spent worrying about his disappearance? How long was it until she discovered the truth?

    After Marina had finished speaking, Ben spoke up. "I know it seems pretty..." He grasped for the right word. "Farfetched. I didn't even considered it to be possible, either, until one of the Bellhurst students, John Quincy, died shortly after they arrived." Silently, he added, And then Marina and I died as well. He wasn't sure what else to say about the matter.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: happy ]
    Ben felt Marina wrap her arms around him. After a moment of shock, he reciprocated her embrace, holding back tears.
    "Ben, I am glad to see you alive." She remembered. He knew now for sure: it wasn't just a dream. When they broke their embrace, he took a seat near his roommate. Almost as soon as he sat down, Olivia entered the cafe and slammed a thick book on the table before taking a seat between them. Ben glanced at the title. In Search of Lost Time. Did she remember as well?
    Marina began explaining the situation to those who had no recollection of it. "Somehow, I am not sure how, but the clock has been turned back. When I died, it was Christmas Eve, along with Benjamin." She turned her gaze toward him after these words. He gave a nod of support to his friend. Not to mention Cherno was with us... but they wouldn't know him yet, I suppose. He remained silent but attentive as she continued. He smiled a bit at the mention of the helicopter and the body-switching, but quickly frowned, remembering what had followed.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: relieved ]
    When Ben entered the coffee shop, he was completely out of breath. He surveyed his surroundings. Marina sat at a table, with four others standing near it. Elliot was there, and so was that one boy who had been with them on the helicopter... Theodore, right? He recognized the other two, a feminine boy with pink hair, and a blonde boy smoking a cigarette, but he could not recall their names. No Olivia... At least, not yet. Still, he felt relief wash over him.
    "Marina..." His throat tightened, his vocal cords straining to create sound.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: confused ]
    Ben jolted up in his bed. His heart pounded and it felt like his lungs were being squished inside his chest. He glanced at his hand, but it would not come into focus. He was alive. Gradually, he became re-accustomed to his animation. Had it all been a dream? Him, Marina, and Cherno; the trials; Crestatia. Did it all really happen? Olivia... Had Cherno told her about his death...? Had she found out some other way...? Ben felt his eyes growing water. Don't cry. You're alive again.
    Ben checked his cellphone. The date read December 11, 2012. December 11? No, that wasn't right. When he died, it was nearly Christmas. The students from Bellhurst had not even arrived at this point. There was no way it had all been a dream; he knew it couldn't be. He remembered it. It was all too clear to have been just a dream. He glanced back at his phone as he felt it vibrate.
    Marina... Did she remember, too? She had something to tell them... She must remember it! Ben quickly pulled on the first clothes he could find in his drawers, and slipped on his shoes, rushing out of the door. He did not care how sore his muscles would be during class - he had to make it there as quickly as possible.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: panicked ]

    Before Isabella could ponder the situation, an alarm went off in the building. She saw some girl and the boy Theodore go into the vents and followed suit. She had never been able to do a pull-up well, but prayed that the adrenaline would help her with this one.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: confused ]
    One of the black haired boys was leading the meeting; Isabella supposed he was Theodore. The brown haired boy seemed to be the one most willing to speak with him. All this talk of demons: Crestatia, Analynne; it was all too much for her to take in. Demons were just something in myths and fairy tales, right? Then a small girl who had arrived after her collapsed after the names of these demons were mentioned. And then in her place, a woman clad in white appeared. The brown-haired boy seemed anxious when the woman appeared. As quickly as she appeared, she vanished. What was going on in this place?
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: curious ]
    Isabella stepped into the lounge. The view of the building (Antilum, was it?) had taken her breath away. That seemed to happen a lot when she looked at the architecture in Brookbridge. She had never really cared about architecture, but there were some nice views in this town.
    Isabella had received the email while she was asleep the night before. It was from someone named Theodore. Someone else who knew about that email. It seemed like he had invited others in the email, too. The email had said to dress nicely, so she had put on the nicest dress she could find in her drawers, one she only wore on the most formal of occasions. She wore a heavy jacket over the dress, not only for warmth, but also to cover up the... discovery she had made that morning.
    Isabella looked around the room at the ones who had already arrived. Two boys with black hair, one of them wearing a surgeon's mask. A boy with brown hair and a girl with darker brown hair.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: hopeful ]
    Isabella spent the rest of the day reading the books she had checked out from the library. She was glad that she finally had the chance to continue reading. The past few days had eliminated any free time she would have had, even if it was at the cost of school time. Checking the time on the clock, she noticed it was nearly midnight. She had probably go to sleep. She switched the lamp off, and pulled the covers over herself. If the sickness is over, I should be able to head back to school on Monday... The thought stuck in her head as she fell asleep.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Haseo
    [OOC: I know I missed the 48 hours, but I planned on taking a short nap and ended up not waking up until after 2.]

    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Isabella opened her eyes. Harsh sunlight shined through the window. She sat up and checked the clock. It was already well into the day. At least it was a Saturday; it gave her an actually excuse for sleeping in so late. She slowly lifted herself to her feet and walked into the bathroom. She ran her fingers through her hair. It was horribly greasy; disgusting. She turned on the shower and waited a few moments into it was hot to enter.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Haseo
    Isabella spent the rest of the day going on and off between sleep and waking. When the sun set, she made no attempt to turn the room's lights on. Once the room was completely dark, she managed to finally drift off into a deeper sleep. Whatever her ailment was, she had no choice but to hope it would be gone by the time she woke up the next day.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Haseo
    When she heard her alarm go off, Isabella immediately set it to off. She felt exhausted and her entire body felt heavy. What harm could there be in taking another day off? Sure, it wouldn't leave a good impression on her teachers, but she had a legitimate reason for missing two days of school.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 26, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Haseo
    Though Isabella never felt the need to vomit for the rest of the day, the nausea never truly went away. Was she coming down with the flu? She had never caught it, but she had the symptoms more than enough times. She hoped that it was just something that she ate upsetting her stomach and that she would be fine in the morning.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 25, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: confused ]
    A sudden feeling of nausea woke Isabella. She rushed onto her feet and into the bathroom, hoping she would make it to the toilet. She hacked up small bits of bile, the remains her last meal already digested. When she had a brief reprieve, she gazed at her face in the mirror. Nothing indicated that she was sick, so why did she feel so? Perhaps she should take the day off from classes, in case the nausea returned.
    Her thoughts were later answered. She received two texts on her phone. The first announcing that murder had occurred in the area, the other telling her that classes were cancelled. The murdered was a teen; had it occurred at the school? Another day she had woken up with no roommate. Had her thoughts the previous night been valid? Or was she just being paranoid?
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Isabella dropped her book bag on the floor and collapsed onto the bed. The more she pondered about that email, the more she felt that her time was being wasted. Why not go find one of those other recipients? A voice in her head whispered to her. Isabella frowned. She didn't know how she felt about being so proactive about it. One one hand, she might actually get some information. On the other, would they be suspicious of her? The email had rules after its message. What happened to those who broke them?
    Isabella gazed over at the empty bed next to her. Tomorrow would mark a week from the day she arrived at Brookbridge, and she had not seen a single sign of her roommate. She felt her heart drop. Was her roommate one of the other email recipients? If so, had she broken one of the rules. No. That kind of thinking wouldn't help her. She grabbed one of the books from the library and opened it up to a random page. It didn't matter which it was; anything to get her mind away from those grim thoughts. As her eyes darted back and forth against the pale pages, she felt her eyelids growing heavier, before finally drifting off to sleep.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: frustrated ]
    Isabella jumped up. Bed sheets covered her legs and a pile of books sat at the foot of the bed. That's right, the blizzard lifted before the end of the day before. Though many had left the library as soon as it had been announced that they were able to leave, Isabella was not one of them. She had waited until the students she was listening, well, eavesdropping on began to leave before she made her own departure.
    Isabella clenched her fist at the thought. She had sat eavesdropping for hours, but not a single bit of information related to the email had come from the students' mouths. The only way to find out more was to find one of the others who received it. She shook her head at the thought. There was no sense in worrying about it at the moment. Now that the blizzard was over, school must have been back in session. She ran a quick shower and pulled on the school uniform before leaving the dormitory.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: frustrated ]
    Isabella opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. All around her was shelf after shelf after shelf. She was still in the Brookbridge library. Had the blizzard let up yet? It had already been over two days since it began. How much snow had piled up during that time? Isabella frowned. A blizzard was the last thing she had expected when she transferred to Brookbridge. A lot of rain, maybe, but a blizzard? It was too weird. And what about the email and her dream? She hadn't spoken to anyone about the email, nor had she gotten any closer to figuring out her dream. Isabella rose to her feet, stretching her legs. She didn't now what the other students knew, but she'd have to try, or else nothing would ever be accomplished.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: confused ]
    Despite her thoughts, Isabella's attempts to come to the center of the library were not particularly easy. The rows of bookcases formed a labyrinth in which she could not find her way. She paused as she felt her eyes beginning to droop. She better had go to sleep. Everyone would still be there tomorrow, as long as the blizzard continued. She walked over to the nearest chair and closed her eyes.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Isabella opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. She turned her head to gaze around the room. That was right; she was in the library. A blizzard had came here yesterday, didn't it? The snow had already started on Saturday, but Isabella had rushed to the library before she could be snowed in the dormitory. But what about now? Were they snowed in the library?
    Isabella gazed at the items around her feet. Books piled up around them, and a book was splayed open in front of her feet. She must have fallen asleep reading it. No odd dream like the last time, though. She couldn't decide which was more odd: the dream, or the fact that she did have another one. She shook her head. She could dwell on it later. For now, she would have to meet with whoever else was in the huge building. Isabella stood up and stretched her stiff limbs. She closed the open book and placed it on one of the piles before walking toward the center of the library. Surely there would be someone there.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Haseo
    Con Air
    Pokemon White 2

    Post by: Haseo, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Haseo
    Isabella entered the library. She noticed other students within the building, but she ignored them, heading straight for the area she had been the day before. The strange dream would not leave her mind. She grabbed every book on Greek mythology she could find. She flipped through the pages, one after another, searching for any more information on the tale of Orpheus. With each tome she went through, Isabella felt her eyelids grow heavier, before finally dozing off.
    Post by: Haseo, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame