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  1. Haseo
    ban haseo v5
    Post by: Haseo, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Haseo
    Why would I want to talk to you, go away.
    Post by: Haseo, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Haseo
    Leitmotif pureez and sank yuu.
    Post by: Haseo, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Haseo
    I challenge you to read My Immortal
    Post by: Haseo, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Haseo

    bad movies

    Post by: Haseo, Apr 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Haseo


    Get out. Welcome back c: (This is like my first post in a month ssssh).
    Post by: Haseo, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    As others began to find other rooms to be in, Ben found his eyelids growing heavier. He wouldn't normally just fall asleep, but it was an emergency situation now, right? Before he could think any more on the subject, he had fully fallen asleep.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Haseo
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Haseo, Mar 18, 2013
  9. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: troubled ]
    Ben sat as the news played across the TV screen. He touched the wounds on his arms. He had managed to avoid being engulfed in flames like some of the others, but he had still managed to get some bad burns. These were compounded with cuts from the glass that shattered in the explosion. He shrugged it off. He had survived the helicopter crash - in Olivia's body no less; he could survive these wounds, as well.
    One-by-one, each of the email's recipients' names flashed across the screen. Ben grimaced as he saw his own name on the screen. Dammit. When he had encountered Crestatia during the trials, she had seemed somewhat benevolent, at least for a demon. As if Vanille's body bursting into flames hadn't been enough, now they were being proscribed. This report must have been broadcast to the entire state, if not the country. Who knows how quickly it would make it onto international news.
    The whole world could know their names. No context. Nothing. Just that they were somehow connected to this bombing. He knew for sure now; there was no sense in trying to trust the demoness. Marina stood up and spoke to everyone before leaving the room. Ben scoffed at her. Leaving now would just be suicide... he thought. Or would it impress Crestatia? Ben looked down at the floor. Had he really become so cynical over the past month?
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: irritated ]
    As much as he disliked it, Ben decided to go to Theodore's little conference. He he sat at the table with the others, he thought about the past month. He had grown more distant with those he considered himself to be friends with. He thought after going the trials, he and Marina would be closer, but the opposite was true. Now it seemed more like her attention was centered around Theodore. And then there was Olivia. He had no idea what was going on with that girl.
    Ben's thoughts were broken by the bickering between two blondes, Madeline Moore and John Quincy. John was a prick. For a moment, he almost thought it would have been better if John had died in this timeline as well, but then he decided otherwise. He knew personally what death in this game was like. Nothing. Pure nothingness. His eyes shifted toward Marina. She was the most spiritual person he knew, but would she be willing to deal with Crestatia.
    "I'll do it." The voice of the masked girl, Vanille, came up. She'd be the one to volunteer? That was certainly unexpected.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Ben's eyes flicked open. He lifted himself out of the bed, slipping on the still dirty clothes. He sighed. This was the third day he had awoken at Marina's house, and yet they had barely accomplished anything. They had only managed to get a few of the Bellhurst students to speak with them, and even then it was just going over what he and Marina had already known. Still, they were still alive. He supposed that was something he should be thankful for.
    Ben picked his cellphone off the nightstand and checked the date. December 14th. Only two more days and he would be back where he started. Though it felt like an eternity had passed since then, in this timeline it hadn't even happened yet. What would happen now? The fact that he, Marina, Olivia, and possibly others could remember the original course of events must have some influence on the game. But what?
    Ben shook his head. There would be time for asking questions later, especially since he doubted he would receive any answer to these. He stuffed the phone into his pocket and walked into the hallway. As he passed one of the rooms, he heard two voices speaking. One of them sounded like Marina. What was she doing in one of the guest rooms. He paused, considering whether or not to listen in on them. He decided not to, merely standing outside the room. He would need to at least say farewell to Marina before he left her home.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Haseo
    Before Ben could say anything to Olivia, a vaguely familiar voice's shout caused the girl to leave the room. He turned his head to Theodore when he reacted the mentioning of Rhia. What did he know about the demon girl? Ben was about to speak up, but the he realized how late it had already become. He silently dipped his head to the group and went off to his guest room.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: nervous ]

    "For instance, I wish to hear further on how this time reversal was triggered and I thought the rest of you might like to learn of the trials. We uncovered quite a bit from that event. Would you not agree?" Marina turned her head toward Ben.

    He nodded in response. "The circumstances around our deaths," he began awkwardly, "could be vital in understanding the nature of the Crestatia's game." He paused, not sure whether to continue. Admittedly, it would be better if Cherno were here as well... assuming he even remembers the events of the trials. He wished for Olivia to be there as well. If he was going to discuss his death with everyone, the least she could do was be there as well.

    A thought came into Ben's mind. He turned his head toward Marina. "If we want to know about the time reversal, we'd need someone who was still... around at the time. Do you know of any of the others who remember? When we met at Ishmael, Olivia seemed to hint that she did, but..." He trailed off.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: concerned ]
    Ben walked into the dining room after the all the others had entered. Still no sign of Olivia... he thought. What was that girl doing? This was the third day since they had been revived, or rather, since time had been turned back. He desperately wanted to speak with her about what his death and what had happened after it, but he had not seen her face since they came to the Sario residence. He sighed and took a seat. He poked absentmindedly at one of the sausages he had loaded onto his plate. It rolled across the plate and bounced back to his fork after colliding with a slice of toast.
    Ben shifted his gaze across the table to Marina. When he entered, she had been shuffling something in her hands. He supposed they had been her tarot deck. Though she had put the deck away before he had sat down at the table, her eyes remained fixed on a spot in front of her, her expression grave. He recognized it; it was the expression that she bore when she had read his palm at that pizza party all those nights ago. Did the cards foretell some sort of doom? A few weeks prior, he wouldn't have been so suspicious, but after the dangers of this game had reared their head in the first timeline, he had learned to trust the psychic's readings.
    "Marina..." He hoped his voice would snap Marina out of her daze.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Ben groggily lifted himself out of the bed, slipping his dirty clothes back on. He disliked not having an extra change of clothes to wear, but he felt it would be too much of a hassle to ask on of the Sario servants for some clothes - assuming they even owned any in his sizes. Still, he wondered how Elliot was standing the lack of clean clothes. The thought of Elliot wearing nothing but a lab coat and washing his clothes made him chuckle. He walked slowly down the long staircase leading away from the guest rooms and approached the dining hall.
    Near the entrance he saw Theodore and a black-haired girl. Another girl stood with them. He recognized her, though her face was obscured by a canine mask. Inside a room on the other side of the hall, he saw Marina with the pink-haired boy - Casey, if he could recall - and a blonde boy. He recognized that one: Harley Jackson. He remembered the name as if it had been an eon since he had heard it. If Harley was here, then the black-haired girl must have been Kallisti Lein. Ben recalled his first meeting with them, caught up in the body-switching shenanigans. Not exactly the best first impression. He hoped neither of them remembered the original events. That way, he would be able to make a better impression on them.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 12, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Haseo
    Ben let out a sigh. Olivia had not spoken at all for the remainder of the day. What was going on with that girl? He wouldn't be able to feel well until he told her what he needed to. Frowning, he pulled the bed sheets over himself and switched of the lights. He hoped there would be a tomorrow for him to wake up to.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: disappointed ]
    After a few minutes without a response, Ben lowered his hand away from the door. He supposed Olivia must not have woken up yet. There was no sense in trying to speak with her if she was not awake. A thought crossed his mind. Had she received his message from the night before? There had been no response, but he did not know how soon she had fallen asleep after they had arrived. Perhaps her phone was dead.
    Ben walked down the hallway, tracing the previous night's route. When he descended the staircase, he saw Marina and the others sitting around a table. Judging from the fact that there were breakfast foods on the table, it must have been the dining room. Marina was speaking to the others when he entered the room silently.
    "-for people to die, it is unfair to allow anyone else to die before they fully run out of time." So Marina shared the thoughts as he had the night before. This time reset was an opportunity for them to prevent the deaths that had originally occurred.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Haseo
    [ tumblr /// mood: nervous ]
    Ben sat up and stretched his arms. Good, he was still alive. Whatever happened on the day before, the Bellhurst kids must have managed to prevent it. Hopefully, things would stay that way. Ben found himself questioning his thoughts. Yes, he was resolved in his decision after the trials. What other option was there? He couldn't live knowing he could have given someone else the chance to win the game. But things were different now. If time had really been spun back, then they would be able to prevent the original deaths from happening.
    Rather than continuing to contemplate his navel, Ben stepped out of the bed. He told Olivia that they needed to speak today, so he might as well do it as soon as possible. He slipped on the clothing he wore the day before, not having the chance to bring a change of clothes before they had come to mansion. He walked over to the room Olivia had chosen the night before and awkwardly rapped on the door.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Haseo
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Haseo
    Ben settled himself in one of the guest rooms and surveyed his surroundings. Everything in the room was lavish and elegant. Though he knew Marina's father was a politician, it had never dawned on him just how rich she was, even after the helicopter incident.

    Ben pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and began typing a text to Olivia, though she was only a few rooms away.
    That would have to do for the moment. He set the device down on the nightstand and placed his glasses next to it. He switched off the lamp and pulled the sheets over himself. They would need as much time as possible to speak the next day, if their time here was limited.
    Post by: Haseo, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame