Xena smiled at Cat, "Well, I'm pretty free most days if you ever wanna ring me up. I even got a few places if you ever wanna stay over and catch up. I've been fine, Destati haven't bothered me in the slightest and I make a pretty good living off of jobs and other things. I haven't seen anyone besides Kaxar just a few minutes ago." She turned to Kaxar, "You're welcome to come stay over too if you'd like. It's pretty solitary in my places."
Xena stumbled backward at Cat's voice and looked back with a big smile. "Cat! I can't believe my eyes that it's actually you. How you been man?" Her excitement made her forget all about Kaxar and her whole anxious ordeal. The ground even felt cooler than before and it soothed her feet. She always hated wearing shoes, after all.
"No, they want hearts, it's just impossible in my eyes. I say live with what you got. Don't think about it too much kiddo." she smiled weakly at the other female, starting to feel like she was going to pass out from heat.
"It's a lost cause. A Nobody can't have a heart. They believe that if we don't support them, then we are of no use and should be eliminated."
"Strange that you don't know about them. Well, to put it short, they are an organization kind of like Organization XIII. They want to get their hearts back, most likely a hopeless effort, and hunt down the rest of us. Any other questions?"
Xena stopped walking towards Kaxar and sat on the floor. "Alright, alright. I'll play by your rules." She put her hands behind her, "So how you been? As i can tell you're not in that Destati group. You would have attacked me already if you were. Well, I'm not in it either so you have anything to worry about."
With a snap of the fingers Fleetfoot appeared beside Xena and she hopped up on his back, surfboard style. A quick spell made her invisible to all normal people and Fleetfoot ran his way down on the air. The wind felt so good across her face that she got all feelin good. "Feel that wind Fleetfoot? It feels so good." He made his way to the ground and Xena hopped off lightly. The cool ground also felt amazing. She took off her metal claw-gloves from her clothing and gave them to Fleetfoot, "See? I just wanna talk and catch up." He disappeared into the air leaving the two girls alone.
"Well, you would come up here because it's a nice view. It's a little hot but other than that it's all good." She smiled at Kaxar. Xena knew she couldn't see her all the way up here but it felt good to smile at another ex-member. A nervous twitching was seen in the other female's hands. "Easy there Kaxar, I'm not here to hurt you or anything. I have no part in that Destati group. Just let me come down and we can talk. No need for violence."
Xena noticed Kaxar freeze up an thought it was adorable. "Hey cutie, I know you remember me stop pretending. Now either come up here or I'll go down there." She swung her legs off the edge and kept peering down at Kaxar. --I'm sure she's not in the Destati, she is not that kind of person.-- Xena rested her cheek on her knuckles and waited for a reply.
Luna watched Kaxar sit down at the steps. --Tired, eh?-- She giggled and yelled down at the girl, "Hey, Kaxar! What's up?!" She wasn't sure if the female could hear her, but Luna hoped so. It would be a pain to go all the way down there. The female scratched her cheek, it was very warm. "Damn, it got hot." Luna rolled up her sleeves, slid off the converse and socks, took off the bandana, and finally the vest-hoodie. She gave off a happy sigh of relief and handed the items to Fleetfoot who disappeared quickly. The wave of fresh coolness swam over her like water.
Luna woke up from a deep sleep, due to only the sun being out. Light and vision was the first thing to come up, she couldn't feel herself from the stillness nor smell anything at the moment. She closed her eyes and thought of the dream she just woke up from. She dreamt of chasing a white deer through the empty halls of the Castle That Never Was, its hooves made no sound. Though it was common for her to feel through dreams, she couldn't feel anything through this one, not even the pounding of her feet through the hallways. The deer led her up to the top of the castle, disappearing into Kingdom Hearts. It was a common dream, sometimes even playing through multiple times in a night. The female slowly opened her eyes again, going back to sleep was an option, but something in her gut told her to wake up. Songs of the birds slowly came into comprehension and the smell of pine trees came into her nose. It was a fresh, clear day and all was peaceful in the 100 Acre Wood. Luna lived by Eeyore here. He was the one that she could relate to the most and loved to try to make him smile. Sometimes she would visit Tigger and create torment on Rabbit's crops. It was all innocent fun and she made sure to help out Rabbit with whatever he needed so they wouldn't be on bad terms. Sometimes they would also see her messenger hawk too, but she dismissed it as a present needing to be sent to someone. Even if they found out what she did, their kindergarden minds probably wouldn't understand. "Luna, my dear girl, are you awake yet?" Owl said from a branch outside her window. "Yeah Owl, I'm getting there," she replied as she rolled out of bed. She changed, washed her face, and brushed her hair in the bathroom. Like usual, she had on a grey long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans with the silver fox tail, black converse, a black hankerchief, and the black vest-hoodie with ears. "Luna, are you awake yet?" Pooh exclaimed while knocking on the door. "I have some delicious hunny!" Luna opened the door and bent down to hug the bear, "You sure do get up early don't you?" Pooh giggled, "You silly, you're the one who gets up late." "Can't help myself," she smiled. "Do you want some hunny?" "Well, I can only have a little, I have to go for a bit again." "But you always have to leave," he pouted as he crossed his arms. "Hey, I always come back though. So how about some hunny?" "Oooh yes, my tummy is rumbly." She looked up at Owl, "Care to join us?" "I would be delighted to partake in the feast!" he exclaimed happily and flew down into one of the dining chairs. The meal lasted half an hour, there was mostly giggling at Pooh's overindulgence of hunny. Pooh cleared the table while Owl and Luna washed dishes. "Time for me to go," she said as she hugged them both. "I promise I will be back as soon as I can." She waved and walked off far enough so the two wouldn't see her. She hid her cloak in the base of a tree, it was always wrapped in a mud-colored blanket for easy camoflage. It was also hidden in places she knew no one would stumble upon it, no matter if it was anywhere else. Either that or Fleetfoot would carry it around in him, which was much safer, but that was used for city places like Twilight Town. The cloak was the only thing to get you through the corridors of darkness, without it you're as good as dead. Upon finishing zipping it up and putting the hood on, she opened a portal to Twilight Town. She could feel a couple of others there, and decided to meet up with them. Maybe do some shopping while she was at it, it was Saturday so she had no work today or tomarrow for any shops. Luna appeared on the clocktower, quickly taking off her cloak and handing it to Fleetfoot so she wouldn't be noticed. It was a bright day, bugging her eyes immensely. She spotted a fellow Nobody heading for the clocktower and smiled. Then she just sat down and waited for the other. OOC: Sorry took so long to write xD Long post is long
NAME: Xena when in Organization XIII, Goes by Luna now GENDER: Female AGE: 17 OCCUPATIONS: Assassin, Hunter, Wanderer WEAPONS: Bow and arrows that can be summoned at any time; mainly used for silent kills or distance kills but they can also be used in close combat, metal claws that are worn often; tied to pants/shorts when not in use (cannot be summoned) and mainly used for close combat. ELEMENT: Air HAIR: Brown EYES: Purple HEIGHT: 5'5" APPEARANCE: Tan, skinny but not extreme. Sticks to blue jeans, black converse, grey or white long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirts, and a black vest-hoodie that has ears on the hood. GOOD OR BAD: Good on the fact of being a Nobody, but bad for any of her targets BIO/OTHER: Wears a silver fox tail that is tied to a belt loop. Her somebody is an Indian so her weapon and hunting skills come from her somebody. Has a slight split personality (the other side being of animalistic nature) Is usually called Silent Arrow or Fox Is an "Assassin for Hire" so-to-say. Can only be reached for assassin jobs via a special messenger bird, payment also through bird. Also makes a living as a game hunter for meat and pelt shops. Loves meat, drawing, and relaxing. Shy, quiet, can be hot tempered at times, patient, sneaky, mimics a lot Lives in various places, mostly in the woods Resides in Radiant Garden, makes frequent visits to Halloween Town, 100 Acre Wood, and Twilight Town Lesser Nobody Companion-- Fleetfoot (silver, fox-like nobody with the Nobody symbol on his head. Very quick and agile. Tail can unzip lengthwise to reveal a mouth; has a lack of mouth in the face. ) Can be summoned at any time.
I've heard about it a lot, but I personally have never used it.
Xena heard the sound of the dark passage appear in front of her. She knew who he was and frankly, she didn't care. "You know Xigbar, blood tastes very good." She lifted her head revealing a twisted, blood-stained smile. When her arm was bleeding there wasn't anything to wrap it with so she licked the wound until it clotted. Her more animalistic side was kicking in. "What took you so long? I know you didn't fight that blonde man." Xena tapped metal, clawed armor gloves against her knees. She then stood up and stood close to the Freeshooter. "Cute is for bunnies. And easy would be too easy. Give me more."
Xena was crushed when she saw that Xigbar had no interest in her. Her shoulders drooped and she put her hood on to hide the near tears. It wasn't her fault that she didn't have a weapon. She didn't know about having multiple lesser Nobodies. She knew nothing. --Isn't he supposed to teach me and make my weapon appear?-- Her defeat anguished her and she turned from Xigbar. Quick steps proceeded her and Fleetfoot, his tail rezipped and low to the ground, followed beside her. A trail of blood was the only remnant of her existance, slowly draining her of energy. After a block or two she sat on the sidewalk leaning against a building. She pulled her hood down low almost over her eyes and rested her head in her arms, and her arms on her knees. --Do I not have a purpose?-- Secretly she wondered how Xenon was doing.
Xena's smile disappeared along with Xigbar's. The scar on his face intrigued her greatly and she wished to feel what the skin was like. --Just one touch.-- She restrained herself from reaching for his cheek. It would probably create an akward moment for them both. "Well why haven't you talked to him about it? Surely you could come to an agreement. Since all of us hunt heartless, why can't we work together? The heartless will be eliminated and in return the Keyblade Wielder will let us search for hearts of our own." Xena hoped that she didn't sound irrational or stupid. She followed slightly behind the eye-patched one. When they came to a stop and the heartless appeared, Xena smiled and thought they were absolutely adorable. But Xigbar said she should destroy them so she had no problem. She had no heart right? Fleetfoot appeared next to Xena, about the height of her ribs. "Hey boy, where you been?" She turned to Xigbar and smiled, "This is Fleetfoot." His tail unzipped and raised to curl over his back, growling at the heartless. "Alright let's get this over with." Xena and Fleetfoot both sprinted together at the heartless. She used a sliding kick to knock a shadow and soldier into the air. Fleetfoot was upon them within a second, ripping their darkness infused necks with his tail. The female was a little slow on getting back up so a soldier managed to get a swipe at her arm. "Damn it," she spurted out as blood seeped down her sleeve,"I just barely got this thing." With a strong, well-placed punch she managed to knock it over and get the advantage. A dropkick to the head after that took him out. A shadow crept up behind her and jumped on her back, Fleetfoot quickly disposed of him. Xena jumped onto the fox Nobody's back and he ran quickly around each heartless that was left, which wasn't that much, only a few. Xena kicked each one in the face as they passed by, knocking them so hard that they were easy to kill off with another blow or Fleetfoot stampeding over them. She turned and smiled at Xigbar.
^This .
It just is all confusing n makes no sense to me xP sorry bout that
I am confused... So what? It's hard to follow.
I'm sorry, but in order to get this RP going you need to write a story and make it interesting instead of "it's based on BBS" because it doesn't catch attention. You will also need a list of playable characters, an OC sheet, rules, etc.