Luna smiled at his howling stomach. As he leaned over the counter she leaned in closer to him. "Well, honey, you got 200 munny for that pie? Our pies are the best in the world and maybe even the universe." She took a fresh cookie and waved it in front of his nose, "Just smell the culinary divinity." Luna walked around the counter to face him, getting real close. The cookie met his lips and she stuck it a little in his mouth. Her thighs touched his and she walked her fingers over his stomach to his chest. "Don't worry about the milk, we have plenty. What would a dessert be without its milk?" She pushed off him with her thighs and walked off to make the pie. "Oh, and that cookie is free of charge," she winked again. Taking the pin in her hands she turned to him, "It will be done in about ten to fifteen minutes cutie. Feel free to sit down and enjoy the outside view or visit a couple of the shops nearby to wait for your sweets." The female turned to Roxelle smiling. "Why hello there, what would you like today Miss...?"
Luna looked at Cat, "She doesn't mind doing things for my friends, and I can see that your stomach is empty. It takes a while but with enough practice you can see if someone has eaten or not. I will bring you some fruit and cookies. You don't have to eat them right away but I would like them to be available when you want to eat." As the door swung open Luna flew through the door, revealing she was there. She didn't expect any other Nobodies today and gave out a slight sigh. It's a good thing Fleetfoot had taken the cloak off of her before she came down. That thing was too hot and constricting. "Who is at the door dearie?" said Rose, the bakery-keeper, from a door that lead to her room at the back of the bakery. She gave a quick look at Uramax, "It's just another customer Rose, I got this one." "OK Luna, I'll be in the back doing laundry for a bit if you need me." The female leaned over the counter and winked at him, "What can I get you Maxie-Boy?"
Luna smiled at Cat. "No need for the paranoia, we are on the outskirts of town. I remember those people in the crowd and none of them live out here. If you wish to stay, though, I can just bring you something that you like for when you want it. If you wish your food be warm, I can just have Rose bring them up. For a fifty-year old woman, she's still pretty stair worthy." She stepped on the first step, "You must meet her Kitty-Cat, she's very sweet and lovable." Luna continued down the stairs and opened the door at the bottom. "Welcome to baked heaven," she smiled at Kaxar.
Xena wondered why Xigbar shot his arm out like that, but it didn't seem all that important to question. Protection maybe? She straightened her head and shook it a little to remove the stiffness. Heartless steal your heart? A smile crossed her face at the joke and she almost laughed. She would've but it was the wrong time to do so. Her eyes fixed on Xigbar's quick movement and she grinned even more seeing him have Squall at the tip of his weapon. "Perhaps he would like some milk," she provoked even further.
Luna winked and smiled at Kaxar, "About whatever comes up sweetie. I'm hungry though so we should head downstairs first." She headed for the stairs.
Luna smiled at Kaxar, "Then we'll go to my home here." When they went through the corridor they appeared in Luna's Twilight Town home. It wasn't very big, in fact it was a little small. But she is usually the only one there. "There is a nice old woman who owns the shop downstairs, she sells baked goods and they are heaven. We are near the outskirts of the town so we won't be noticed from the affair from earlier. In fact, I think they will forget about us in a couple days. You can see the clocktower from here and has a great view of the city. We can either speak now or you two can explore and get some goodies from downstairs."
Fleetfoot appeared with his masters cloak on his back. Luna put her cloak on too and zipped it up. She then put her arms around both of the girls' shoulders, "Let me take you to my humble abode." A corridor to darkness appeared and she tugged on the girls a little bit.
Luna pushed away from Cat and held her head for a little bit. Her eyes grew dark and ominous but disappeared in moments. The darkness disappeared and she shook her head. Cat cast the stopra and took off, but Luna made quick work of a couple of the guys in the crowd, posing them as if they were fighting, to try to cover up what really went on. She posed a few others in the crowd to cheer and shout. With the people positioned, she took off after Cat, quickly catching up. When Cat turned and smiled at her she smiled back. "No problem for an old friend." Fleetfoot took the metal claws and when the females got to the top she patted Cat's back reassuringly. Luna looked down at the spot that the Destati went through and sighed slightly. She wished that they didn't have any quarrels to fight over.
Luna saw Xelyk and bowed slightly, "Good to see you again. Hope we can catch up soon." She walked over to Cat, "This is gonna hurt real bad Cat, brace yourself." Taking position behind her, she tilted Cat's head over to the side a little and sunk her fangs into her neck, sucking the darkness out. --It's gonna be a long day...-- As the darkness rushed into her she got a severe headache and almost collapse. But she managed to suck all the uncontrollable darkness out of Cat for the time being.
Luna quickly regained a standing position and growled at the Guardian. "My friend, you have no business taking over someone without their consent." She cast a fira and summoned her bow, shooting through the fire and in turn catching it on fire. Since it was shot it moved faster than the fire, and since Luna was a master hunter, it headed straight towards the Guardian's eye almost as fast as a bullet.
As soon as she saw Xero go at Cat, Luna cast a dark spell over her, shadow over her where it was cascading off into the air and gave her the form of a fox. "Let's fight fire with fire, aye?" she smiled. As the ball of fire flew towards her she front-flipped over it. It seemed that time had slowed down, and she planned her angle of attack. When the position was perfect, she used aeroga to funnel and shoot her out as fast as a bullet. Still upside-down, she dug her dark and metal claws into the shoulder of Xehanort's Guardian. She flung herself over to hover behind ir, scratching the shoulder even more, and dug her supar sharp, dark fangs into the base of where the shoulder and neck meet. OOC: Edited. Wasn't sure of Xero's acions at first.
Xena smiled at the thought of stronger foes to face and got in a pouncing position. But a brown-haired man ruined her training. F*cking damnit... She looked at Xigbar, stood up, and waited for a command. Her right hand pulled her hood down to see more clearly. A gunblade eh... Tilting her head to the right, she examined the man more.
Xena looked up at Cat spitting out spells. It had been so long that she forgot how powerful Organization members really were. She knew they were powerful, but hanging out with regular people dumbed down her realization of their power. Do I really remember how to fight well? It's been so long. Maybe I should go... She stood up and Fleetfoot put on her metal claws for her. Well, it's now or never. The female quickly jumped into Cat's aero and she flew with her comrad up into the air. "Mind if I catch a ride?" her childish smile returned. She used aero on herself to fly even higher and landed on the roof of a building next to Cat. The high ground was always the best ground to be on. "I'm ready when you are, Kitty-Cat." Xena was bent over the building standing like a fox with her hands over the edge, the claws clearly showing.
Xena snapped out of her trance and grabbed her head, hiding in her chest. "Why does my head hurt so much?" she stated, unknowing of the other side that took over. She sat back and rubbed the back of her head. "Kitty-Cat, where are you?" The female rocked back and forth a little caressing her head, oblivious to the fighting tension of the others. She had a tendancy to black out and go to her other side when conflict or tension arose, but also lost it on certain occasions, waking up with a headache.
Xena smiled at his interest. She couldn't control herself at the moment due to her other side. "Aye." The Shadows posed little threat to her now, merely just an irritation. "No problem." She bent real low to the ground, almost the height of the heartless. Then, with a great leap and the wind at her side, she sprinted off towards the Shadows, running like a fox. Like a blur, she ran head first into two of them, knocking them into the air. Her armor-claws found their throats and dug in deep. They disappeared as they hit the ground. Three left. What a pity how weak they are. "Come at me, if you dare," she taunted. Two of them jumped and swiped at her, but she easily dodged and ripped their faces off. One left. It went into the ground, like all Shadows do, but as soon as it popped out of the ground Xena was upon it and ripped it in half. "Why make fun of me giving me these weaklings to slaughter?"
You might not be bored if you rped a little more in this rp :P
Welcome to the circus. May I take your hat? Haha it's always amazing to have a new member join our family :) Hope you have lots of fun and make tons of friends!
Xena squatted down, using her toes and balls of her feet to support her. Years of hunting conditioned her legs just right where she didn't shake or lose balance. Her head tilted to the side and a broken, twisted smile parted her lips, eyes wide. Veins on her neck throbbed hard. "Performance. Welcome. The Circus. Red... CIRCO ROJO." Fingers twitched.
Xena turned to see Xero and Gexin. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our first performers." A twisted smile spread across her face for a few seconds before going into a normal smile. She stood up rubbing her butt. "Damn floor is too hard. So what brings you two here anyways?" She noticed Kaxar and Gexin getting ready to pounce on each other, "Hey, can't we be civilized and talk? Fighting is useless."
Xena smiled at their coices to stay with her. Hopefully they could catch up and get the tension out of Kaxar. She made an 'ick' face at the mention of school. "Don't you feel like that's a waste of your time? I mean, I know that I would fall asleep all the time. Plus the school would probably not let me in on account of the whole no shoes thing. Shoes are a menace." Sitting in the same place for six hours definately wasn't her forte. "I usually stay in Radiant Garden to take on the seemingness of a normal human life. But I have residencies in Halloween Town, here in Twilight Town, and in the 100 Acre Wood. I don't usually come here though, due to the Destati being here. I only come for odd jobs and sea-salt ice cream. The place I have here is shared with a shopkeeper. She's old and doesn't mind if I step out for a while. What about you Kitty-Cat?"