I had told you guys I was out of town -_-
Long overdue rp post is finally put up xP
OOC: Long overdue, sorry for shortness also Xena smiled, "You were never helpless, I just like to take care of my women, that's all." Her bow appeared in her hand and she took the string in ther fingers, it felt good to hold. Even though Xalice appeared behind the heartless, her eyes didn't move to alert it. She bent her knees a little and cast an aeroga under her feet, speeding like a bullet a little to the right and above the heartless. Time seemed to slow as she drew her bow and aimed at the heartless' neck. The arrow was let loose, but had hit the heartless in the shoulder instead due to it turning to try to face her. Her speed slowed and she gave a wink to Xalice, giving her the signal to let her rapier down on the beast.
OOC: About time eh? ;) Xena was glad to see Xigbar laughing again, it brought happiness to her. The 'squirt' name was a bit insulting, but she let it slide on the fact that they were having a good time. She stepped eagerly into the corridor to continue her training, and was a little suprised to be Between. "Well I bet you can do a lot of ass-kicking here," she joked. "Perfect place." Using magic was a new concept to her, but she was ready to fight again. Her animalistic side had calmed down since encountering Squall, but the thought of defeating enemies always brought it back. The female took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the heartless swarmed around her, closing n slowly with no escape but through. Shadows always advanced first, just like Pawns at a Chess game. As she breathed out, a small aero formed from out of her mouth and she could feel the power. Her head felt much lighter and more clear. Two small aeros formed at her feet and she lifted about five inches off the ground. Speed, she needed speed. Her knees bent and she got down low, it felt like her chest was beginning to burn. She stood up quickly and with a snap and a gun-pointing hand a fire shot out from her index finger into the aeros, setting them on fire. It wasn't very hot, but hot enough to singe skin. A shadow pounced at her and she did a backflip, burning it with her feet and making it weak. Upon its landing she stepped on his head and he disappeared. Like a war horn set off, the Shadows and Soldiers scrambled frantically to get at her. She remained calm, a little nervous underneath, and she darted at the Heartless, skating on the burning aeros. Her hands burnt with fire and whenever a heartless came too close to them they took hold of their necks. Strangely enough, a Soldier threw a Shadow at her. It bounced off her head and sent her flying to the ground. The landing knocked half of the air out of her and hurt her tailbone and back, probably leaving some bruises. But there was no time to walk it off, the Shadows and Soldiers were quick on her and overwhelmed her on the ground. Their joined blows hurt, but she was strong. They were extremely heavy with all of that combined weight, but something in her lit aflame and an aeroga emitted out of her like a bullet out of a gun. She and tens of heartless shot up with her. They created a terrific tube cascading up, a thing to behold for a beginning Nobody. It's a good thing she had her other side because she probably wouldn't have even made it this far. Time seemed to slow down immensely as she came back down. Fire cascaded her hands again, the metal claws glinting in the light, and she came down. The fire sliced through the heartless with ease and many disappeared on her way down through the hole that they created. Xena landed with a great thump and stood up to face the remaining heartless, who were now wary and hesitant to close in on her.
OOC: Sorry guys out of town at the moment :/
OOC: Sorry guys, out of town at the moment :/
Xena rolled her eyes, "Please, I have plenty of speed and power. You just know how to get your ass kicked. Don't worry about it escaping, I have plenty of ways to get what I want." She stretched out her fingers so the claws were ready for combat. The darkness took over her again to form the fox. "Just stay there and be a good little boy." Fleetfoot appeared next to her and his tail unzipped, ready for battle.
Replied to your post on the RP Vector to the Heavens, gonna need you to post more frequently to progress with the story.
Xena looked at Xalice, "Yes, it is easy to get caught up in hiding. You can only imagine how boring these humans are. No powers provide weakness, and weakness is not something I deal with lightly. I absolutely hate the sun, but it can be useful at times, such as using it to catch prey or warm you up if you're cold." She returned the smile to the other female, "It has been a very long time. Today, though, proves as an odd day as lots of Organization members are showing up. I did not realize that this town holds so much attention." Fleetfoot reappeared and jumped up on Xalice, wrapping his front legs around her neck and nuzzling her cheek. His tail wagged and seemed to smile. "I would invite you back to my place, but it is in a bit of disrepair right now," she smiled nervously. The disrepair notion always meant that she had gone through her other side recently. She turned her head to the side towards the alley, "You must excuse me, there is a commotion down there and I must take care of it. Nexus has gotten into trouble, again. His weakness is too much to bear sometimes." Xena let out a bow to Xalice, "I will return shortly, m'lady." With an aeroga spell she back-flipped over the building and headed towards the heartless. --------------*continuing on* "what did you do? " Nexus struggling to break through the green shackles. "There is no hope, you are just wasting energy. It was fun while it lasted, you were amusing, but now it's time to end this." Arc Knight raised the neon blade ready to attempt the 3rd dimension cutter. "Goodbye" He swung the blade left, Nexus closed his eyes so he couldn't see the attack coming to him. --------------- Xena's metal claws met the blade, blocking the attack just a few inches from Nexus. "Why do you always get your ass in trouble?" With a heave and another aeroga she managed to push the heartless back a few feet.
Xigbar's power was amazing and Xena hoped to one day posess that kind of power. The cub was a handsome and cute man, but she held no interest in him. "Who's next for me?"
A black cloud appeared above Cat and Xena's Heartless Hawk appeared. He flew down and swooped around behind Cat's legs and landed on the floor in front of her. With a look in her eyes he opened his chest to reveal the letter Xena wrote to her. ----------- Xena stood up slowly, her ear twitched to behind her. She rose up her head and sniffed the air. "You know Xalice, if you remembered me well enough you know I have highly trained senses from all that hunting." Her figure appeared to shrink as she released the darkness from forming the fox around her, the silver fox tail swinging slightly from her pants. "World jumping again? I know it can be quite boring in some worlds but if you wanted to ever come and say hi I'm always a corridor away." She turned towards the chimney and smiled. "Come out Xalice, I mean you no harm. I'm not with that rediculous Destati group or anything." With a twitch of her hand Fleetfoot appeared holding her vest-hoodie on his snout. She slipped it on and zipped it up. Her hand pulled over the eared hood as he disappeared. "It is a nice sunset no?"
Xena laughed along with Xigbar. As he appeared next to her she looked up at him with a gleam in her eye. She grinned evily, "A lion? Isn't he more like a kitten?"
Luna's massenger hawk appeared, after all, he is a heartless, and took the letter. He looked up at Cat with his head tilted then flew out the window. When it reached Luna she turned to be unseen by the two below and took the letter in hand. Her eyes scanned the letter carefully, then took a paper and pen from the hawk. ---Dear Cat, I know that you feel that you cannot be around anyone, but I know you are a good person. I also know how you feel. You've known me the longest and one of the few people that know of my personality problems. I've hurt many people, which is unforgivable, but I do manage to at least put myself around some people. We are all a danger to those around us, it is everyone's flaw, even humans'. I have slaughtered many in my rage, even not in my rage. But I do not go running off from my friends. Nevertheless, if you need to stay somewhere, I invite you to any of my homes in Halloween Town, Hollow Bastion, and the 100 Acre Wood. The 100 Acre wood is the best place for you to find some peace, and the Destati won't look for you there. Take care, my friend. Til We Meet Again, Luna--- She rolled up the letter and stuck it inside the heartless' chest, " Go, find Kitty-Cat and give her this. You know where she is because her hand has touched one of your notes. Now, be free." The hawk took off into the air and disappeared into a cloud of darkness, searching for Cat.
Lol you completely disregarded that Luna tore up the room xD
OOC: Sorry Cat, I'm leaving you behind because I have to have my character do other things xP After a while Luna stopped crying and became emotionless. Her eyes grew hollow and she stood up. Water washed her face and she snuck out of the window. Crouching in the sill for a few seconds, she cascaded the darkness over herself again to be in the fox form. An invisibility spell right after that, and she lept onto the rooftops. The tile roofs clicked under her claws, but if anyone heard they wouldn't know where to look. The buildings quickly passed under her and the warmth of the setting sun heated her cold self. All of a sudden a green light caught her attention and she made a quick turn, turning on the spot and she didn't lose an ounce of momentum. Click. Click. Click. Her claws gave her a sense of ease. Not only did they feel good on her hands, when she ran on all fours it made a pleasant rhythm. She was soon upon the scene with Nexus and viewed the heartless(?) from above. The invisibility spell wore off and she observed it with great boredom. However, the man at the bottom looked in pretty bad shape. OOC: Wtf is a sliced dimension xD
The rage always pushed Xena over the edge. Scratches from the metal claws formed on the walls and things were broken. The initial rage quickly subsided but turned into depression. She bent over on her hands and knees and tears flowed from her eyes, making clinks on the claws. She tried to keep it in but she wept hard.
" I will get Rose right on that. I will retire upstairs. If you need me just call." She disappeared into the back room and the two females emerged. The older woman got the cakes cut up and Luna took some apples and cupcakes upstairs. The door slammed behind her a little and she pounded up the stairs, her anger starting to take control. Even if they were on the bottom floor she knew she could hear them with her sensitive ears. When she got to the room she immediately put the food down and gave the wall a great punch. A growl escaped her lips and she started to lose control.
OOC: Had to completely change my post xP Luna picked up the pie and brought it to the table slowly. Her plans to get back at him were ruined. --You missed out buddy. You would have loved it.-- The pie fell with a clank. Her good mood almost gone. "What would you like today Miss Rosella?"
Luna smiled at his stew joke. "I'll only cut you up into a fine stew if you misbehave," she winked. Now, Luna always had an anger problem and his pushing almost made her snap. Her hands grew into tight fists and her teeth clenched into a broken smile. --To think he was cute...-- "Boy, you better be careful," she muttered under her breath. As she poured the milk she came up with the perfect idea to get back at him. The pie had just finished so she set it out to cool, the aroma filling the air. Her steps were casual as she walked over and placed his glass of milk on the table.
Luna turned to Roxella, “Nice to meet you Roxella, My name is Luna. The bakery-keeper is here but she is in the back. I am just her assistant.” As Luna bent over to put the pie in the oven she heard Uramax choke. She slammed the oven shut and hurried over to him. Thankfully, he was able to stop himself was choking and when she got to him he was already slumped to the ground resting. Breathing a little hard from the quick run-over, she bent down and grabbed his hands. “I guess I should get that milk first then huh? I bet your throat is a little scratched up. Just come with me and I’ll get that milk right away.” She tugged his hands toward her a little, offering to help him up. --Men are so easy to tease…-- She smiled to herself.