I'd have deep jungle at 2nd or 3rd because of the chameleon battle. It's cool even though it's super hard.
Then Halloween Town pwns.
The Pridelands pwned.
Just caught him using only eight Pokéballs. Like a boss.
There will always be a way to find an assult rifle or a machine gun thanks to the black market and underground dealers. It dioesn't matter if there are stricter gun laws because there will always be someone who breaks them. Shootings happen, deal with it.
Nah, I'd still do it.
Still sexy .
Sexy neko Fluttershy is sexy.
At least now I don't have to worry so much about an anti gay marriage thing put into the constitution. *Clings to my gf*
Obama. Romney is against gay marriage, the bill that would make it illegal for women to be paid lower wages than men, and doesn't even state how he would fix problems he bounces around it. (More things against him here that I can't think of at the moment.)
Xena yanked her arm out of Saix's grasp and bowed to Xue. "Milady." She could feel Fleetfoot's invisible push on her back. "Alright alright I'll go. Geeze we barely got here can't we rest?" Fleetfoot tugged on her sleeve in the direction of the portal. It seemed like it was moving by itself. "Fine, but I want to eat when we get back. Can't keep a guy's stomach waiting forever." Xena walked towards the portal and shot a side glare at Xenon.
Xena looked at Saix coldly. Her gaze then turned to Xue as she left to go read a book, her gaze turning soft. The female’s eyes turned cold and glowed as Saix gripped her wrist tightly, growling back at him in return to his growl. A mocking grin and an evil stare came to her face. “A woman as lovely as that should be showed kindness and chivalry. A touch may be what she really needs, sir. Such beauty must not go unnoticed. I know of her power, I can sense it. Beyond the petals lies a true force to be reckoned with. Without opening up to others, though, she may not reach her full potential, for the bonds between individuals can lend strength to each other in times of need. Do you not want the lady to be powerful?”
Xena smiled at Demyx, “We can clean up together. Besides, I don’t mind cleaning and it was my fault that this mess happened too.” She knelt down beside the Melodious Nocturne and picked up the glass. “You know, you still have crumbs all over you.” The boy Raoxthu knelt beside her as well and she started feeling crowded. The girl stood up and looked down at the boy. He started having a fit and she looked at him coldly. She grabbed him by the throat and squeezed tightly after the girl disappeared, growling at him. Her eyes glowed a fierce purple before shoving him away from her. The purple subsided back into their original shade and she turned to smile at Demyx again, “We are all crazy, my friend.” Xena strolled her way over to Xue and put her fingers under her jawbone gently, looking into her eyes with a soft smile, “Milady, as pretty as you are, I’m sure that you are an important person.”
Just wondering if you noticed the reply on the Equinox OOC.
Xena cringed at the sound of Saix's voice and her hand clung to Demyx's for a few seconds. Realizing that they were still making contact, she quickly let go and stepped to the side as Saix approached. As he tood Demyx into his clutches she wondered how Demyx could keep such a high tone. Number VII made her hair stand on end. As Saix turned away from Demyx she turned to The Melodious Nocturne, "I'll clean it up Demyx, it wasn't your fault it was mine." Another girl walked into the room with an unnamed book. Her hair was a very nice shade of blue. Xena bowed slightly, "M'lady. Xigbar is out on his mission, we had a go at training."
The sudden movement caused Xena's face to run into the man's chest, knocking her over onto the couch. She rubbed her forehead and sat up. Another man had stormed into the room and his complaint made her smile and laugh a little. Now, Xena didn't like to be pointed at, but at the moment and situation it didn't really matter. "Well it's not my fault that someone gets food all over himself. You should also be careful of sleeping in the middle of a room." The female got up and walked over to the glass that had fallen, "Why did you even have your hand in this anyway?" She tried not to step in the water. Her purple eyes met the brown eyes of the other man by the name of Raoxthu, her eyes piercing his, "I am Xena." She turned back to Demyx and looked up at him, he was quite cute, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I was just trying to get rid of those food crumbs that were on you." Xena put out her hand, "No hard feelings?"
OOC: I don't know what happened to itachi so I'm just going to continue, not sure what to do so sorry for short post Xena looked at the heartless in confusion and landed on a nearby building. Surely this was just something stupid that popped up. With a hard face, she restringed her bow and shot at the eye of the heartless, giving it an aeroga and a fira to further strengthen its blow.
OOC: NutheadBros you're up ;P Xena turned to Xigbar and smiled, "Well I'm glad to not get in the way of anything." She really wanted to go with him, but she didn't want to make him mad or anything so she did what she was told and stepped into the dark corridor. A frown came upon her lips as she turned to see the corridor close behind her. The female was now in the Grey Room, and a snore could be heard very loudly. Her eyes turned toward the man asleep on the couch. His mullet was fascinating to see from the other members, it was quite different. She approached silently, even though he could probably sleep through a thunderstorm. Upon seeing the food crumbs on him, a sudden urge came over her to swipe them off; a pet peeve of hers. Not wanting to wake him, she carefully plucked the crumbs on his cloak. But there was more around his face and neck. Damnit, why did he have to get it all over him? She moved real close to his chest and attempted to pluck a crumb from his neck, but before she could even realize it was stuck to him, it was yanked and it tugged at his skin. Oh sh*t...
-Elemental- -Name: Dante -Age: 19 -Gender: Male -Element: Fire -Weapons: Metal claw-gloves for close combat, short-handled scythes that stand around hip height and can be joined for one uniform scythe or split to be two -Abilities/Powers: Can make animals out of fire to assist him in combat, but only three at a time at most. Uses fireballs and other fire abilities on enemies. Can make one copy of himself out of fire to assist him in combat also, but not at the same time as the animals. -Personality: Calm, quiet, studious (likes to study people, animals, and various objects to see how they work), has a social anxiety problem so doesn’t do well in big crowds. Also has a split personality problem where the other side is more animalistic. -Bio: Woke up in Halloween Town when he was 15, learned his abilities to travel between worlds at 17 and his main home is in Halloween Town. Was good friends with the Boogie Man before Jack Skellington disposed of him, but Dante gets along good with everyone in the town. His main hangouts there are the fountain in the town square and the curly hill. He helps the Doctor with his experiments by providing firepower and ideas. He also likes to visit The Hundred Acre Wood, Twilight Town, and The Pride Lands. Was good friends with Scar before his end by Simba, is good friends with the Hyenas, and is on good terms with the Pride because he didn’t do anything against them. -Other: Has a pet phoenix named Scorch about the size of a hawk made completely out of fire so it can appear and disappear at will, is independent of mind from Dante. Has short brown hair like Genesis from Final Fantasy and green eyes. Usually wears a dark blue zip-up vest that has a mane of black feathers that start from the collarbone and extend a pretty good length that slick back, has a pretty cool effect, black jeans, a glossy red hankerchief, and a grey long sleeve shirt. He doesn’t like shoes too much so he usually doesn’t wear any, but wears black boots in order to get into stores whenever he plans to go into them. Wears a black fedora with a red sash about half the time, mostly when he’s in Halloween Town or in town to look formal. The back of the vest has a picture of the Hearless and Nobody symbols mixed together because he likes the way it looks. (Kind of like this but with the Heartless side not sticking out so much to the side, to where it looks balanced: http://t7ak.roblox.com/853a7ecf7bb3a3909495a92be30fed43 ). He is sleepy a lot of the time and sleeps as much as possible. For a skinny guy, he eats a lot. Puzzles are a favorite to pass the time.
Didn't know if you saw that I referenced your character back in page 13 in Vector to the Heavens, just checking.