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  1. Shadox D.
    Salgiel woke up with a jolt, his eyes flying open and his body tensing up for a second.

    What the? I thought I was outside Hana’s room?
    Wait, the tube!

    The covers were thrown off the angel as he got up to investigate his room. He didn’t even get dressed because he was worried about his drawings going missing. Even thoughts that Samuel would take them crossed his mind, even if he had no idea about them. Paranoia does funny things to the mind. The room was practically torn apart; the sheets were torn off the bed, all of the drawers were opened and rifled through, and whatnot. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed and almost going to cry from losing his drawings, he realized that he was asleep as soon as he hit the pillow that last night.

    I was asleep the whole time… It was just a dream!
    Jesus…I really got scared that I lost my pictures.
    It just felt so real…

    He hung his head low and rested it between his hands.

    Hah…I never waited for everyone to go to sleep, I was asleep myself. I bet I was the first one to fall asleep because I haven’t slept well for the past couple of nights. I’m glad my drawings are safe with Fog, and that I didn’t bug everyone with my paranoia.
    I need a drink.

    With that, he got up and got ready. He took a quick shower and got dressed to venture out into the world. When he was out the door, he stuck a note on Hana’s door.

    “Going to the bar. Needed a drink badly. See you soon.”
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Shadox D.
    They all entered the motel, which quickly grew crowded because of their number. Hana had disappeared into her room that contained Joslyn and Hay Sun. It was probably bad to mix up Samuel in this mess, and Dante couldn’t resist the urge to warn her. He returned to his room and waited for the noise to settle and everyone to calm down from the day’s activity.

    I have to warn her.
    He shouldn’t be with us.
    I need to show her the drawings…

    He couldn’t resist anymore, and he opened the door to his room slowly. Peeking outside and deciding that it was safe to get out, Salgiel slunk out of his room and made his way to Fog. The moon was the only light needed, and he made his trip quick.

    “I know boy, this is very bad.
    I…I just have to show her the pictures.”

    With a sigh, he made his way back to the motel and knocked on the door. The tube was held in his left hand.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Shadox D.
    I volunteer my brother's cat.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shadox D.
    Red. I can turn into whatever the hell I want. Tail and wings here I come!
    I'll give my girlfriend the green one. And... save the blue one :P
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Shadox D.
    The man wouldn’t answer Dante, and it made him irksome. He squinted down at Samuel with a fierce stare and crossed his arms, which caused him to straighten up more. His head started to get hot with frustration because the other angel wouldn’t even take him seriously.

    “Look buddy, I ain’t got a lot of time and you’re making it a whole lot –“

    “Abbadon, how did you get out of prison?”

    With a turn of the head, Salgiel was looking at the face of Zathanael.

    “Well, it sure did take you long enough.”

    He had glanced at her a couple of times while trying to converse with the angel known as Abbadon. She had been dealing with two other people, and he was guessing that they were also angels as well. Sending them off, she came towards them and sat on the bench on the other side of the prison escapee. In an attempt to help Hana out with the sun, Salgiel stood in front of her to provide her some shade. He also stood closer to her, in case the man tried to pull any moves, so he could protect her.

    Hana and Samuel – er, Abaddon – seemed to be getting in an intense discussion. It still was unclear what he was thinking, but he still had that bad aura around him. All in all, Dante didn’t know if he even wanted Samuel to join their group.

    Zathanael got up and started to walk. He politely moved out of the way and followed her, making sure that Samuel was just slightly ahead of him.

    "We're leaving Mexico tomorrow morning. Are you coming with us? There is a lot to do in order to prevent this impending war."

    It was a hard decision, now that she was intending to win over Abaddon. A heavy weight filled his chest and made his stomach churn.

    "I must, to protect you and everyone else."

    He gave Hana a look of 'Please don't bring this guy, he's riddled with bad juju.'
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Shadox D.
    Sledgehammer party anyone?
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Shadox D.
    Oh god my eyes! They burn from the poorly spelled Pikachu!
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shadox D.
    My computer runs slow. I get to watch the t*tties bounce in slo mo. ;)
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Shadox D.


    So I thought that I was just nobodeh and it turns out that I have 39 followers. How the hell does
    that even happen? I don't do much besides roleplay, if even that.
    Thread by: Shadox D., Jun 23, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Shadox D.
    Dante smiled at him. Of course they didn’t know each other, it was obvious, but his impulsive ways of messing with someone’s head couldn’t be stopped at this time.

    “Alright, listen buddy… I don’t know who you think I am, but I’ve never met you before.”

    “What do you mean? I am sure that-“

    Samuel started walking away towards the front of the church. He seemed confused and deep in thought.

    I know something isn’t right about him, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Ah, what the hell, I’ll play with him a little longer to see if he will spill any beans. By the way, he did have a cute face…

    With that, Salgiel turned and followed the other angel to the front of the church, who had sat down before he even turned the corner. Samuel had put his head low to conceal his face more from everyone.

    He must be hiding something if he doesn’t want anyone noticing his face. Could he be a murderer? A thief? A convict? Well, here I go.

    Dante took a spot next to the other man, standing on one knee, kneeling on the bench with the other, and putting his arm on the top of the bench.

    “I’m sure that a handsome angel like yourself has had some crazy adventures.”

    It’s a good thing I have my trusty knife with me in case something bad happens…
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Shadox D.
    Salgiel went into the church to follow another feeling of a fallen angel inside. Hana was quickly spotted and so was the gentleman that sat next to her.

    Ah, so you’ve found him Xathaneal. Well, at least we have one down. Now all we need is the dark one.

    He stood in the area nearest the doors, a little embarrassed because he had no shirt on.

    I can’t help it if it’s so dang hot here. It’s either shirtless or roast.

    After a long and boring while, the mass finally ended and he was one of the first ones to get out. That fallen angel feeling came from a car not too far away from the church. In fact, there was someone in there. By the way his head moved, it looked like he was searching the crowd. Being cautious, Dante fell behind the car near a building while the crowd was dense.

    The man’s movement’s suddenly changed when Salgiel recognized Hana’s red hair. He seemed to be grabbing something and making observations of her closely.

    What could he be planning?

    Dante’s eyes narrowed as the man got out of the car. He had pulled his hat very low, and that made him very suspicious. The dark angel pulled a man off to the side and started taking him to the back of the church.

    Now is my chance!

    The horse owner got real light in step and went the other way around the church. When he was about to turn the corner he stopped at the noise of a struggle.

    “Lo siento.”

    That voice… Samuel? I remember him from those dreams. He’s the bad one.

    With a sigh, Salgiel turned the corner to approach the man, who was trying on a newly acquired shirt.

    “Buenos dias, senior. (Good day, sir.)
    It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, Samuel. Do you remember me?”
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Shadox D.
  13. Shadox D.
    Salgiel woke with a jump, his heart racing. Drawings that had been on the bed flew into the air. He breathed fast while his eyes were wide.

    There is something evil lurking around…
    It is also the same feeling that I got that was in the direction of Mexico City.
    Could this be another fallen angel?
    If so, he has bad karma written all over him…

    The drawings were gathered and rolled up rapidly, then stuffed into the tube. Many of them were of dark figures and evil things.

    Dante hurried to get ready and throw his pants on, almost forgetting to zip up the zipper, and started to stumble out the door. Of course, not forgetting the tube of drawings and his fedora in the room. With a hurried manner, he explained to the motel keeper that he would pay later. Without given much of an option, the keeper accepted.

    The black-haired one’s legs almost seemed as if they were going to trip themselves, and he did look a little bit of a mess because he had no shirt on. It was a good thing that the bar was not too far off because dropping the drawings off with Fog would have been difficult otherwise. His stress seemed to seep into the horse as well and it also became uneasy with him.

    “Don’t worry boy, it may just be a false alarm.”

    Fog snorted at him.

    “I’ll be back later.”

    That accursed feeling was coming from the direction of the church. With no hesitation, the angel made his way there, walking fast and taking big strides. As he rounded a corner he saw a very shady looking male in the vicinity of the church. (He clearly didn’t see the other man walk into the church.) His heart started taking harder beats and his head got hot. Big breaths calmed down his heart, and he started going towards the man.

    And now we play the game of chase…
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Shadox D.
    The fallen angel had grown tired and his eyes started to glaze over slightly. With a huff, he stood up pushed the chair in.

    “Well the day is ending, my lovely ladies. I’ll return back to the motel for tonight. Tomorrow, we can continue talking about this and get on the road after. If you can, try to stay up as late as possible doing whatever you can to keep your minds busy. It is best to travel at night, so sleeping during the day will probably become the new normal until we get out of Mexico. Hana, you can keep the scarf if you want, I have plenty more. I bid you two goodnight.” He bowed to the two and looked at Joslyn. “You’re lucky you have white hair. It has been my dream since I was little to have white hair like yours. In this heat, I’m sure you are thankful for it.”

    Salgiel grabbed the tube and headed off towards the back of the bar again. This time, he went to go get his pencils and such so he could draw through the night in the motel. When those were retrieved, he went to return to his motel room.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Shadox D.
    “I have told him all about our little adventures in my dreams. He recognized you easily and so he is not being shy.” Dante patted the horse’s hindquarters, which made the animal neigh. “He is not temperamental, and will not try to run or hurt you if you would like to pet him. Just make sure he smells your hand first.”

    His hand reached for a large tube that was strapped in behind the saddle. When it was released, the angel swung it around and set one side on the ground. Without any explanation of what was inside at the moment, he reached over again and took out a white scarf.

    Salgiel turned to Hana, “In exchange for my jacket, you can have this scarf to drape over your shoulders. It will be a lot cooler so you won’t be so uncomfortable from the heat.” When Hana returned the jacket to him, he neatly folded it and tucked it away in one of the series of bags that were strapped to the saddle.

    He returned to face them and put a hand on the tube, which stood about knee-height, and picked it up. “These are the drawings from my dreams. We may return to the patio of the bar to look at them now.” With a few steps forward, he made a path to go around the god forsaken building heat to the porch. Fog returned to the stable with another jump over the fence and laid under the shade of a tree that grew near the water supplied for the horses.

    “Salgiel… I have a request… a pretty big one too.”

    The angel looked to her as he continued walking, she definitely caught his interest.

    Hana had gotten a vial out and started putting a cross on Joslyn’s forehead.

    What the hell is she-?

    “What I’m about to say, they can’t hear.”

    Ah, so the girl has a bit of an infestation problem eh? Well, good thing I don’t really have that. One side is enough to handle.

    “About one week ago, Gabriel came to me. She warned me of an attack being prepared by the Morning Star and that we only have until the Winter Solstice to stop him. I need to gather our kind to fight. There is no guarantee that this will grant us a return passage to Paradise or even that we'll be able to stop him, but the Rapture is not upon us, so there is nothing that Heaven can do. We are the only chance the mortals have in defending themselves.”

    He sat down on one of the patio chairs. It was a good thing that there was two tables, each having four chairs, because they would probably be taking up a lot of room. The tube was set down on the table, but wasn’t opened.

    “Dancing with the Devil is a dangerous task, especially if there is not much time to prepare. So if Mr. All-High-And-Mighty isn’t going to try and stop this, gathering he won’t send down any angels to help, then how many of us are there? It seems like a very pressing job for you, Xathaneal.”
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Shadox D.
    Salgiel noticed Hana’s uncomfortable state. Her cheeks were getting redder and sweat dripped down her forehead. She seemed so frail in body, but he was sure that she had the fighting spirit of a jaguar. The woman’s smile and blue eyes shined once again, this time in the sunlight of the desert. It made that smile and those eyes that much beautiful.

    His black hair waved through the air as he shook his head. The heat was unbearable here, and hopefully they will be able to leave soon. A smile crossed his lips as Hana answered his question.

    “I was sure that you had. In my case though, I can feel them more when you’re near me. Perhaps the bringing of angels together makes their powers greater.”

    As they entered the bar, it grew even hotter and muggy. The angel’s steps slowed slightly.

    “So you have been drawing the both of us? That is quite interesting. I do hope you got my good side. You can call me Hana, by the way.” She continued by laughing slightly, but it was off.

    “All of it is your good side, Hana. As is with your friend too.” He could feel his darker side coming on, which was clear in his tone of voice. That laugh had put him off. “Fog will be happy to meet you two. He is currently holding all of my art supplies so we will get them from him.”

    They exited the bar through the back door and warm wind blew at them. Just a few yards away was the stable that Fog was in, along with two other horses that were both brown.

    With a wave of the hand, the white horse ran at full speed and jumped over the fence, landing gracefully in front of the group.

    “You remember them, don’t you boy?”

    Fog walked up to Dante and stood perpendicular to them.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Shadox D.
    Dante brought his free arm over his face as they exited outside the hotel. He noticed Hana’s shoulders getting pink like if she was starting to burn. When she sat down, he took of his sleeveless jacket and put it around her shoulders to protect her from the sun, which left him completely topless. His pale skin glowed in the sun.

    “You need this more than I do, cutie.”

    He sat next to her, as she motioned them to do. Her smiling was something not unnoticed, and he couldn’t help but smile back at her.

    “So I’m a happy accident huh? Seems like you were expecting someone else then?” The fallen angel’s golden eyes looked over to Hana’s blue eyes, which were searching his person.

    “This is Salgiel, the Angel of Snow…”

    Salgiel? That seems oddly familiar…

    The introductions continued and he smiled at them both. “Well, I was sure that you would show up sooner or later, Xathanael. You haven’t left me alone in a while. Don’t think I didn’t notice all of those dreams you popped up in over the last few months. Well, at least you didn’t turn out to be a bruja after all…”

    Hana brought out the compass again. It didn’t shine as brightly as a few minutes ago, and she seemed relieved at it. Her hand landed on his shoulder and her touch was warm.

    “You’re special…I hope you believe in angels…”

    “So, I’m the Angel of Snow eh? No wonder why this sun is such a life-sucker. Also, that explains why I have such an obsession with wings and winged figures. In fact, if you come with me, I can show you yourself.”

    He got up and put his hat on the other girl, Azazel.

    “I’ve drawn plenty of you two these past few months. Maybe, in my drawings you’ll see who else you are looking for.”

    With a turn, he started walking off towards the back of the bar.

    “Xathaneal, have you ever felt the faint feel of wings on yourself?”
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Shadox D.
    He was almost to the door, almost to freedom. His legs felt like lead and they were stiff like it was suddenly super cold. A whine was heard from Fog. It must have been awfully loud to reach the hotel.

    Fog! I’m coming boy! Don’t worry I’ll be right the-

    The woman took something out of her shirt. The clerk hid behind his desk. Even from across the lobby, Dante could see it shining brightly.

    What the?

    She seemed confused for a moment, apparently about the thing around her neck. Her eyes narrowed on him, digging deep into his soul. They closed soon after.

    What could she be planning?

    His golden eyes shot up and down her figure for those few seconds her eyes were closed. She seemed like a normal girl, but he expected something to happen to her form or something. As her eyes opened he could see that they were bloodshot. The red against the blue made it obvious.

    All of a sudden she started approaching him. Only one more step was taken for him until a single word that escaped her lips completely froze him.


    Who’s she callin’-

    A breath left his lips.

    That language, it’s so soothing…

    “I mean you no harm. We must speak. I know you are in there and it is urgent.”


    Her hand landed on his bicep and he became completely relaxed. His eyes seemed to close slightly and they focused only on her.

    Fog whined again.

    With no retaliation, Salgiel followed Hana outside.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Shadox D.
    Dante had already signed out and paid the man. One hundred pesos wasn’t so bad, considering it was under ten US dollars. He had to adjust his hat as he lifted his head up from gazing at the table. All hats were a little big for him due to his smaller head than most men. It didn’t really affect him that much, though, he thought it made him look cuter.

    “Muchos gracias,” he smiled towards the clerk, who returned his thanks.

    All of a sudden the fallen angel felt a certain heaviness on his back and in his chest. His heart seemed to skip a beat and his breath fell into short breaths.

    A door slammed behind him and he turned around slowly. A woman was walking into the lobby, talking to one behind her. Her hair was as red as fire and her eyes were as blue as the sky. His stomach was in knots and a headache erupted.

    The girl was from his dreams and visions. She haunted him through the nights and talked many times to him.

    It can’t be…
    She is the one that I have been drawing?! This must be some sort of witchcraft! How else could she have gotten into my mind? I’ve obsessed over her image for so long! Why, it’s even in my drawings!

    “Bruja! (Witch!)” He screamed. The man started backing away to the front door, ready to make a break for Fog.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Shadox D.
    With a big yawn, the black-haired man rolled from lying on his back to sitting on the edge of the bed. The strange feeling made him so confused that he felt like he couldn’t even decide what to eat for breakfast. A sigh escaped the angel’s mouth. His head hung onto his hands.

    I have to get over this feeling. Ever since it felt like it got closer I’ve had this non-stop confusion. Maybe it will leave after I get dressed and go visit Fog.

    Doing what he told himself to do, struggling the whole way, he got dressed in the attire he used from last night, making sure to put on the extra-strength deodorant. Being without a shirt was the best in weather like this. It was also a good thing that he had pants made for him out of super thin material that looked like his regular pants. With them, he wouldn’t be dying from the heat.

    After he got dressed and did all the rituals needed for getting prepared for the day, Dante found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror. His hand went to his back as he closed his eyes, feeling for the faint feel of wings, whether it would be real or psychological. The fallen one’s heart skipped a beat when he felt the familiar feel of a feather. A clear conscious went over him for a second and he felt light.

    Nah, I’m just thinking it.

    With a shrug, he gathered himself and opened the door, putting his fedora on. A few steps later, he reached the end of the hall and entered the lobby. The man at the front desk was happy to help the angel for the night, thanking him for his support by staying. Just a few more steps and Dante would be out of the door, on his way to fog.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame