His arm went farther than he thought and Hana flew out of her seat. What the hell? I only pushed her arm? She immediately started flying towards the emergency exit. Hay Sun gave a yell and dived after her. All he could feel was confusion. Didn't I only push her arm? Without a warning he was whisked into the handsome angel's arms. A second or two of blurred vision passed and he found himself on the ground. He rubbed it in confusion. Weren't they just over water? Not too long after others started popping up as well, all equally confused. Samuel even pinched himself. It was a bit longer before Hay Sun and Hana arrived on the ground. The Asian girl had a tight grip on her companion, and started to cry not too long after. Salgiel looked at the two with a distant gaze and a blank expression. He also did not want to talk to Puriel because either she may not talk to him again or blame him for what happened to the red head.
05 The plane was almost out of the pilot's control as it plummeted towards the ocean, and yet Dante wasn't panicking. He couldn't find any feelings at all. His gaze was distant as he looked around the plane and at the passengers. Some poor soul opened an emergency exit and got sucked out, letting loose the oxygen masks and bringing in a bunch of freezing air. To his cold skin, though, it was only mildly cold. It oddly brought him relief as the plane was a bit hot for him. "Ahh..." Hana started looking around quickly to each of the angels. It seemed like she was trying to make a connection in her head or something. He just looked at her calmly. Be prepared to die. Accept it. She finally seemed to click and started shouting to Hay Sun. It was something about someone called Leon. Hm. Sounds dreamy. The Asian girl suddenly had a booming voice as she called out towards the heavens. Not too long after an angel appeared and scooped her into his arms. Ah, he is dreamy. Dante turned to Hana. "Ladies first. Don't wait up!" He gave her a shove in the arm towards Leon. "Hey Leon! Take the ladies first! Please be quick about it because I'm not too fond of the ocean!"
10 Hay Sun had shrugged him off earlier at Starbucks. He just thought that it was a good idea for everyone to start getting to know each other since they will be spending a lot of time around each other. Oh well. He can't say that he didn't try. Well... it's not like I entirely trust anyone here either. After a few moments of silence he got up and bowed his head to her. "It was good to meet you." He then left to be with the others. They boarded no too long after. Dante had slept most of the way. He had woken up in just enough time to feel the turbulence and catch the captain's message. One of the wings started to fall apart. "Holy f*cking Jesus..."
Sorry I don't, have thought about it though. So just jump at some point and "Pretty Boy" will get us?
Um... Que?
When everyone was ready Hana had them file into the car. It was a little bit of a tight fit, considering the amount of angels that had been recruited so far. Hopefully The Hidden One had a few more tricks up her sleeve regarding travel. Dante didn't think that he could survive being more than elbow to elbow with the others in the car. A plane ride seemed like a hell of a break. The long hours would do wonders for his soreness. He had been asleep almost the whole car ride to the airport. With what happened the day before, he was too exhausted to stay awake for long when in a comfortable position. Still, he loved his new look, even though he got strange stares from everyone around him. Salgiel had to put his trusty arrows and weapons with his clothes to be checked in under the plane. There was no way he could carry on that stuff. To save himself the trouble of carrying on the weapon bag mostly empty, he bought himself a small drawstring backpack at the airport and had the two main bags checked in. It was very nice because it was light. All it had was a two hundred page book, a small sketchbook, some pencils, his phone plus charger, passport, and some snacks. There was still a good while until they had to board and he was sitting down to conserve energy. Hay Sun had run off to go see some shops or something. He kind of wanted to go also, but it seemed like she didn't like any of them. After about five minutes he got antsy and wandered off in her direction, his bag secured with Hana and the group. She was in a nearby Starbucks so he approached her table, being wary of her explosive nature. He took a seat near her and smiled softly. "Hello, Hay Sun. How are you?"
She had given him a wave so he nodded slightly back at her with a soft smile. He took to leaning on the car to rest and laid his bags on the floor. "I am better, but still really weak. It is hard to do much at the moment. I noticed my hair isn't black anymore and that my eye stayed blue..." There were footsteps and Dante turned his head slowly, clenching his teeth from the soreness. He smiled at the white haired girl and looked her over. She had bags under her eyes and had a lazy walk to her. "Didn't get enough sleep, eh Joslyn?" The name of the place caught his attention and his gaze shifted towards Hana. "An angel is there, I'm guessing? I'll have to say that I have bleached my hair slightly and lost a contact lens when we get to the airport." London would be an interesting place to visit. Salgiel had never been on the other side of the globe before. He had always loved to travel, but it was a little hard to travel to too many places with Fog. A frown came upon his face as he felt the distance between himself and his steed.
Hana had awaken him with a pat on the shoulder and an order to get up. He didn't feel all that bad anymore. His body temperature rose back up, yet he was still cold, and his heart rate had gone back to normal. With a yawn he unraveled himself from the blankets and gave a stretch. The entirety of his body as sore and achy. It was a good thing that he had a high pain tolerance. "Hey, where's the fire?" The Hidden One left the room without giving an answer. Must be important if she is running around like a chicken without a head. He swung his legs around slowly to sit on the edge of the bed. One of the smaller pillows was grabbed and tossed at Samuel. "Come on Con, time to get up." Salgiel managed to get up after a few minutes and went to the bathroom. He took a quick five minute shower so he wouldn't get too tired, and even though it was all the way on cold it still felt slightly warm. The ice must've affected me more than I thought. With his boxers on he went to look in the mirror. His skin had a very slight tinge of blue and his hair returned to a dark grey. The one eye was still ice blue, leaving the other golden. It looked cool to him at least. When his clothes were on he exited the bathroom and packed the clothes he was wearing back in one of his two bags. The other was used for miscellaneous things that were not clothes or toiletries. Taking the bags to the car was one of the worst things. He had to constantly set them down to relax his aching muscles. Nevertheless, he got to the car. Hana was cleaning it out so the bags could be organized. "Hey Hana."
He was loaded into the car and whisked off to the hotel. Blankets that were placed on him increased his heart rate by a few beats. Voices had started coming back, but they were blurry and could not be told apart. Dante was placed into a bath of cold water, which was warm to his body. Hana had brought some mixed spices a few minutes later. As soon as the aroma filled his nose he shot up with a gasp. Water flew everywhere and the ice broke off of him in shards like glass. ... After the commotion died down he dried off and went to bed. He was really weak and couldn't stand for a few minutes at a time, which made him fall and into a deep sleep that was void of dreams.
Within seconds he had fallen over onto the ground. Ice started forming in patches on his body and he could hardly move on his own now. Only his eyes would shift around to look at Hana and the others. Once she had seen him she had forfeited the fight and ran over to him. "... I can make up a remedy." Remedy? What's happening? Such a violent reawakening of an angel, no? Isn't this a bit dramatic for the Angel of Snow? Soaked in warm water was just what you need according to Hana, but you know that you want the cold. How can you be an Angel of Snow if you cannot tap into your frozen reserves? Objects were beginning to lose their shapes and color began to fall into a monochrome state. Everything was blurring. He began to fall into a sleep, his eyes closing slowly. Salgiel stopped moving as he drifted off and breathed evenly for the first time since the ice came. Yes... Come into your true form Salgiel. Don't be afraid of the cold... The ice started to settle. It no longer came in jagged bursts, but in a smooth layer across patches of his skin. His breathing was no longer visible. The lightened hair grew even lighter. Wait a second. What is wrong with you? Control the ice you idiot, don't get eaten up by it! Dante started to get overcome by the ice he had once loved so much and started to fall into a fatal sleep, his heart and breathing continuing to slow.
Dante could feel his mind getting cloudy and his skin even colder. I need help... Ice formed around his fingers and onto Abaddon's jacket. In a last attempt, he straightened up and began walking slowly towards the two fighting angels, staggering a bit. His fingers broke away from the ice as he pulled away from Samuel, leaving some on his jacket. Hana... His huffs of breath were fogged. The black hair seemed to lighten a shade or two. Salgiel's body was getting heavier by the moment and he continued until he slowed down to a shuffle. "Hana!" The angel's knees finally buckled under the weight he was experiencing and was left kneeling a few feet from where Hana and Hay Sun were. One of his eyes started dimming into an ice blue, leaving the other a glowing gold.
The Angel was still frozen for a few more minutes, even when Samuel awoke and exited the room. For some reason he couldn't move no matter how much he willed to. After the other Angel left the ice dissipated into vapor and Dante was free to move once again. His joints were stiff like if he hadn't moved for days. A slow recovery was sure to come, for each joint had to be independently moved around. His shoulders took most of the time needed to be able to move freely again, but he was still sore. What the hell happened? And what was with that crazy dream? Why am I so ****ing cold? The questions kept running through his brain as he made his way to a standing position. It was a slow process but it worked nonetheless. He felt like he couldn't get rid of the accursed cold. I have to see Xathanael, she will know what is wrong with me. He couldn't put on his jacket, so he was missing that. Forcing his legs to go, he limped over all the way to the curb next to the hotel. The Angel caught the attention of a cab and directed the driver to the warehouse. Joe, the driver, was clearly uncomfortable going to such a shady location, but he could not deny his customer service. Salgiel caught Samuel going into the warehouse and quickly paid the driver. He stumbled as fast as he could in after the other Angel and soon found himself in the warehouse. Hana and Hay Sun could clearly be seen fighting, but that didn't matter at the moment. Salgiel was starting to fall forward. In an attempt to catch himself, he grabbed Samuel's shoulder. His skin was as cold as ice. His eyes still glowing brightly.
Salgiel's dreams had been overcome with visions of the forest in winter. A pure white elk was constantly popping up, always watching him with his big black eyes. He longed to touch it, but was also afraid of it at the same time, for it was too still and unnerving. It was extremely cold. His head and heart seemed to be freezing up and in reality he was taking short, harsh breaths to defy the cold climbing into his lungs. He was constantly tossing and turning around in his sheets, unable to escape the cold for the longest time. Suddenly, he sprung awake with a roar and rolled onto his side. His golden eyes glowed viciously and his hand extended out from him. As it touched the sheets ice sprouted from his fingertips and almost reached Samuel a few feet away. His fingers seemed frozen there as his breathing finally started to slow. No thoughts came to him as he laid there, exasperated and confused for what seemed like an eternity. His body became numb and cold, but his eyes stayed wide open.
The sun was starting to go down and Dante decide to call it a day. Well, I guess I should turn in. Hana should be at the hotel by now, and I’m not really doing much anyway. I think I’ll just walk there to waste time. Plus, I don’t think I’ll be tired anytime soon. I just wish I could’ve gone hunting today. I really need a real meal at some point. With a sigh, Salgiel lowered his bow and began to walk down the stairs to get to Hay Sun. He really needed that arrow back. It was specially made and he didn’t want to go and buy another one. She was staring at her hand oddly. A lighter had broken in her hand, but that was it. What was so special about a broken lighter? “The sun is starting to go down Hay Sun. I am going to be heading back to the hotel on foot. You can join me if you like, but I understand if you just want to Lone Wolf it for now. By the way, sorry for the arrow. I was hoping to get a training fight, but since time is running out in the day we can’t. I’d like to have a go, though, if you would like to.” The arrow was retrieved from the wall and he took a Kleenex from his pocket and offered it to her. “Here, so you can clean off your hand. Ta ta.” He waved at her and started walking out of the warehouse to the hotel. OOC: Leaving to go see my sister for a day or two. See you all soon!
“Now hold it just a minute, where exactly do you expect to go hunting in New York?…” Dante gave another twisted smile at Hana’s remark and the fact that she seemed to swallow anxiously. “My dear Xathanael, no one has caught this angel hunting, whether it be a designated area or not.” He turned from the two and murmured to himself, “And who said it was wild animals I was hunting? If I was to go alone, this whole city would shake with fear…” After deciding to not go out during the day, Dante spent some hours looking through his drawings and sorting them out based on the time that they were drawn. About half were the typical drawings – angels, animals and whatnot – and the other half were dark and foreboding, full of blood and darkness. He couldn’t help but hum to himself. Later on, Hay Sun started to head towards the warehouse once again. In interest, Salgiel followed along with her and took a stroll around the warehouse for a few minutes. Hay Sun took it upon herself to start training on her own. She was interesting, and he could sense that she was an angry one. Hmm… Maybe I can up the ante. Maybe if I challenge her to a training exercise we can both benefit from it. With that thought in mind, he grabbed his bow from his backpack and pressed the release button to uncollapse it. It jolted to full length in less than a second, and the angel laid it against a box near him. He set the backpack down on the box also and took out all ten of the arrows it held. Each of the tips were quickly screwed on and put into a quiver that was strapped to Salgiel’s back. One of the arrows was taken out and he shot one at the wall, past Hay Sun’s head – who was on the first floor while he was on the second.
“We were just talking… Do you think you can contain yourself long enough until I get back?” “Yeah, I’ll be plenty fine. I’m just going on a little hunting trip.” The angel was pleased with the idea and gave out a semi-twisted smile. Hunting was one of the most exciting things for Salgiel. There was no other feeling that compared to stalking wild animals and being able to take them down. Plus, the group would have some fresh dinner for once. Eating out all the time started taking a toll on Dante’s energy and he found himself growing wearier with every passing day. “It will be good to get back into the swing of stalking. Plus, the group can have a fresh meal for once. Having fast food all the time and being stuck in the car really puts a guy down.” He turned to the Asian girl, “If you would like to join me, be my guest. The more the merrier. You’ll just have to pack some knives, extra clothes, snacks, Ziploc gallon bags, and whatever else you need. We may have to leave the trophies behind, such as the pelt or horns, if we catch a deer, and whatnot because we cannot tan them on the road. It will be an exciting experience nonetheless. Plus, you can have a little bit of target practice with my bow if you would like. I invited one of the guys also, but I’m not sure if he will get up or not. Well, no one likes to be kicked awake. Since Red wants us to train, also, you can train in the woods too. There is plenty of room.”
Dante tended to sleep in, and today was no different. He was used to sleeping during the day due to the heat in Mexico, and it was hard to turn back to the day life. As he got ready for the day he kept looking at the other two sleeping angels. Samuel had a bad temper, which was clear from his fight with Hana yesterday. Shane hadn’t said much since Salgiel met him. It was a little strange to be around him since he was so quiet. Shrugging his shoulders, he nudged Shane with his foot while putting his shirt on. “Hey, Sunshine, time to get up. The day is fading away and we don’t know what everyone’s plans are." The angel picked up a pre-organized backpack full of stuff for hunting, including his collapsible bow – which he had specially made when he was twenty. The arrows almost didn’t fit when they were put together, but having steel tips that screwed on and off made things so much easier. He nudged the boy harder. “Come on, we’re going hunting. You have half an hour, or I’m leaving alone.” He walked out the door and shut it sort of hard, not caring if he woke Samuel up or not. As he turned he saw Hana and Hay Sun. “Hey Hay Sun, Red Head, what are you two up to?”
OOC: Short post, on the kindle -_- Hana had great strength, but so did Samuel. Unfortunately, he wasn't as strong or agile as she was. Dante thought that pulling the weapon on Sam was a bit of a cheat, but in real life you had to be prepared for anything. The cloaking was a nice touch, too. The fight was over quickly and it was getting late. They returned to the hotel not too long after the two combatants dusted themselves off. The guys returned to their room and the girl returned to theirs. Sam didn't seem like eye candy at the moment, but Shane wasn't too bad looking. Too bad he was too young. Oh well, I'll just have to look somewhere else for some ass. Soon after Salgiel fell into a deep sleep.
Salgiel had been quiet most of the trip. Besides sleeping, he would either draw or stare out the window. Whenever they saw an animal near the road, he perked up to stare at it intently. He was an avid hunter, and would have loved to get out of the car to go hunt for days with bow in hand. Sadly, he was stuck with the group of people the red head was gathering so he couldn’t scurry off. The angel only spoke when spoken to, which was rarely. Getting out of Mexico was fabulous. The heat wasn’t so intense that you’d get fatigued just by stepping outside. Plus, he could wear his shirt again, which seemed like a relief to the group since it was uncomfortable being around a shirtless stranger. The bad thing, though, was that he had to leave Fog there in Mexico until Hana’s little group of misfits came to a stop somewhere to train. Fog had been left with one of the ranchmen in one of the cities. Dante gave the man his cell phone number, and explained to process and payment. The horse was glad to be free of the saddle, bags, and reins, but it was clearly seen that him and his owner did not want to part. It had to be done, though, for the sake of time. He longed to take a ride on Hay Sun’s motorcycle to get some fresh air, but hardly anyone trusted anyone else so it was out of the question to ask. She and Samuel seemed to be getting on even terms, which was good if Hana wanted the group to get along. They were both violent, as Dante understood, which made him not want to intervene in case he came out as a “goodie-two-shoes”. In fact, in his lifetime – this lifetime to be in fact – he had been the center of plenty of mischief. Shoplifting was a favorite among his hobbies, and there was also the illegal killing of animals. He didn’t want to pay any money to get a stupid license just to get two or three fauna. The cops could never find him because he never left behind any parts of the animals to track him by. Being a skilled bowman, he also had silence and stealth at his aid. Guns were just too loud and sloppy for Salgiel. Any excess pelts or parts that came upon him were sold through illegal means, such as the black market. The angel kept only the best furs and meats for himself. This hobby has supported him since he was eighteen, getting through the ruts that art itself can’t keep up. Also, being a scarce spender, his money could last him a few, well-off years without employment. Of course, he has never shared this with anyone, and prefers to keep it secret. At one point, Hana pulled over to someone’s house. Clearly it was the home of another angel, as the compass was pointing to it and he had that pulling feeling again. The red head made it clear for only her and Hay Sun to approach, so Salgiel got out of the car to stretch while others stayed inside to sleep. Later that day they all spent the night at a hotel. Chicks were in one room and the guys were in the other. Yes, Samuel was good for eye candy, but he wasn’t in the mood to go messing around with people. The night was long with weird dreams. In the morning, everyone was gathered in the parking lot of the hotel. Hana had suggested training. Not being a morning person, Salgiel declined for the moment and let out a yawn. Samuel, though, was picked to fight the red head herself. After moving their location from the hotel parking lot to an abandoned warehouse, Xathanael was ready to duke it out. Dante simply made his way to a group of crates in a corner to take a seat and watch the fight. He wasn’t too excited, which could be seen on his dull expression.
Lemme see... David Bowie - He made a damn sexy Goblin King Jack Nicholson - Adorable Joker Anthony Hopkins - Awesome Hannibal Mark Hamill - So he can talk to me in Joker's voice <3 Wally Wingert - So he can talk to me in Riddler's voice <3 So much fanboying...