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  1. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day: 23 ----- Mood: The Hell?/Excited ----- Location: Service House ----- Interaction: Danel -----

    As he cringed in pain the man wanting to meet him laughed.

    Who the f*ck does he think he is?!

    He shook his head a bit to ward off some of the pain and looked back at the man, who called himself Danel.

    Did he just say that he could help with the headache? He was the one who caused the frigging thing how the hell could he-

    The man held out his hand. It was rude to not shake someone else’s hand, so Decimus extended his to meet the stranger’s. As soon as their hands met a black mist coiled around them then went into his arm.

    “What the hell?!” He whispered loudly in confusion. For some odd reason his headache had started to subside.

    “I suppose you’re wondering what I’m doing here.”

    “Well, I hope it’s not about a hit someone put out for my head.”


    Freeze? Um… what?

    He could see the drapes on a distant window freeze in place.

    “Alright. Are you some sort of witch doctor or something?”

    Wings sprouted from the man’s back.

    “Oh sh*t,” he said out loud as some memories started to come back to him. “(Insert Danel’s angel name here because I can’t find it)?”

    “Israfil. You’ve been a very bad fallen angel, and The Morning Star requests your help.”

    “C’mon (again, insert Danel’s angel name), you know me. I can’t help myself to the sweet taste of sin.” Decimus rubbed his hands together. “What’s Big Red got up his sleeve this time?”
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day: 23 ----- Mood: Confused ----- Location: Service House -----

    Decimus had woken up with a brutal headache. Surprisingly, after the events in the night before, he was in the master bedroom. One of his mistresses was dabbing his forehead lightly with a warm, damp cloth. He didn’t care much for their company right now, but he couldn’t help it. They both smiled and said good morning to him as he managed to sit up.

    It was around 12:30, a little late to be rushing the girls in the other rooms to get to closing up their appointments.

    Oh well, better late than never.

    The angel reached over to a button that was on the wall near the nightstand. When it was pushed a yellow light would appear in the rooms above the door. This meant “finish things up and get the client out within the next half hour. Bathe after. Breakfast next. Be ready for day customers in your nice attire. Open the curtains.” Of course, none of them would have done this unless he pressed that button, so they didn’t really notice if he was late or not.

    “Make sure that the clients are all cleared out by one and the girls on the way to the bathing area,” he said to the two women tending him. One thing he hated was lingering clients.

    “Of course love. We’ll get right to it. Are you sure you’re OK, though?”

    “Yes, yes. I’ll be fine. You know how I run things.”

    “Yes, love.” They exited and closed the doors.

    His head was groggy and he felt like he just wanted to sleep for a week. Seeing that guy really-

    Wait. That guy from last night. I recognized him…


    Maribelle exited her room on the first floor five minutes after seeing the yellow light. The customer had already finished their morning romp so they had just been relaxing. She explained their procedures to him and he just shrugged as he got up with a grunt. They were usually like that. Her makeup was smeared, but it didn’t matter. She would get all made up for the day clients soon. A man was standing in the hallway when she made her way out of the room. With a soft voice she said hello and smiled. However, she was not greeted in the same manner.

    “Cerco Decimo nero. Go! Prenderlo per me.” He commanded with a scowl.

    The girl had cringed in fear but scowled at him for scowling at her as she ran off towards the bedroom to find her master.


    Someone broke into the room into a hurried manner and startled Decimus out of his thoughts. He grew angry at who was now recognized as Maribelle.

    “What the hell do you think you’re doing woman!” He scolded.

    “I-I’m sorry, Sir! But there is a man downstairs that wishes to see you!”

    “Well, ****. I thought that I would have today to recover.” His train of thought got lost again, but he noticed the girl still in the room. “Well?! What are you still doing here?! Go get ready like I instructed!”

    “Y-yes Sir!” She scrambled to her feet and dashed out of the room. The girl went back to the mysterious man almost in tears. “H-he’ll be right with you.” Her feet then continued to make their way to the bathing quarters.


    After a quick bathroom break and some Advil, the fallen angel got to putting on his white button-up shirt outfit. He wasn’t in the mood to get dressed in the fancy Victorian outfit he usually wore while he was in the service house.

    As he exited the room he closed the doors behind him. The way to the front was short, but for the first time it seemed to drag on a long way. Girls were starting to escape their rooms and cluster into groups to get to the baths. Lots of them were in their underwear and carrying towels. The man could now be seen about ten feet away, a few girls were dashing between them with soap bars. He approached slowly after a couple of feet more, not sure if this was some guy who had a grudge against him.

    “Why hellooo…oo?” His voice dragged off as he squinted slightly at the man.

    What the hell? He looks familiar, too.

    A pain shot up in his left temple and he ground his teeth and closed his eyes as his left hand flew up towards the pain.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day: ----- Mood: Confused/Intrigued ----- Location: Service House -----

    He leaned towards the TV and concentrated hard.

    Zombies? That can’t be. They only exist in books. Right?

    A hotel surveillance video was aired. It showed man slicing through tens of the creatures. People. Whatever they were, they were covered in blood and other bodily things.

    Ew, raw meat sounds a little over the edge.

    Samuel’s face was zoomed into.

    Hey, wait a second. That guy looks familiar…

    A searing pain took over his head and he growled in pain as he caressed it in his hands.


    His legs started to lose their strength and he fell hard on his knees.

    Two of the maids broke into the room after hearing his screams.

    “Sir! Sir! What is wrong?”

    “It’s my damn head you whore!” He yelled back in frustration. Normally he didn’t use that language towards the girls, but the pain was too intense for him to be civil.

    “We need to get you some help!”

    “Leave me alone! I’ll be fine!” He gave another growl then blacked out.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day: 22 ----- Mood: Pleased/Confused ----- Location: Service House -----

    Breakfast was delicious. The girls insisted on arousing the Mafia leader by playing with their food in an inappropriate manner. Despite their play, they were disappointed when Decimus passed it off and didn’t play with them. After that they ate like normal people. Almost all of the food was gone but a couple waffles and a few bites of eggs. Some maids were buzzed over to the room to take the dishes away soon after the three were done eating. The angel didn’t like to have food hanging around him for very long.

    The mistresses had laid down to digest when they had gotten their fill, but gave the maids slight “I’m better than you” looks when the maids came in, though. He didn’t mind being fought over, so he chuckled at their looks. When the crowd left he put his arms around them.

    “You girls don’t have to fight over me. You know that you two are the best and I’d never try anything with anyone else.”

    Of course, that was a pure lie. He had slept with at least half of the girls in the house, all of which were when the mistresses were gone.

    “Ooohh~… You devil, you.~” They said lovingly. “We love you so much.” The women kissed him on the cheeks.

    All of a sudden Vince busted into the bedroom breathing heavily.

    “Haven’t you any manners!” Decimus scolded.

    “Sorry…Boss… It’s an emergency!”

    “Well, spit it out! Is it about Tim?”

    “No Sir… It’s something much more serious.”

    The angel eyed the man suspiciously before turning his attention to the girls.

    “We will need some time, ladies. Please go help yourself to anything.”

    “Ok Honey. We’ll be back later.” They promptly got up after grabbing their cell phones out of the nightstands. “We’ll be waiting for your call.” The two locked hands and walked out of the room.

    Vincent closed and locked the door behind them.


    “You need to turn the TV to the news.”

    Following the man’s instructions, he changed the channel to what revealed teenagers running around, covered in blood and feasting on human body parts.

    “What the hell?...”

    “They’re saying something about zombies attacking London.”

    “Zombies? Leave me to this.”

    “Yes, Sir.”

    “And make sure none of this is shown anywhere else in the building.”

    The man bowed his head and made an exit.

    “What the hell?” He muttered to himself.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day 21 ----- Mood: Relaxed ----- Location: Service House – Master Bedroom -----

    Decimus awoke with a groan. He laid there with his eyes closed for a bit. The night before had been so crazy that he had slept through half of the day.

    Mmm… That was wonderful… I’ll have to not do that too much, though. I don’t want it to become boring.

    Lucky for him, he had gotten all of his anger and frustration from that kid out of his system. It was also lucky for him that the women would do absolutely anything for him. He seriously would have probably tried to kill someone if it wasn’t for his mistresses.

    He sat up against the pillows and winced as soreness erupted from his abdomen.

    Maybe I overdid it a little bit…

    His hand rubbed his stomach for a minute or two as he tried to wake up. The angel had a little bit of trouble opening his eyelids, they were heavy with sleepiness. His hand had to assist opening his eyes eventually. It also reached for the service buzzer as he felt the hunger in his stomach arising.

    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    “Yes, Sir?” One of the ladies answered.

    “Have the ladies bring up a breakfast for me and the women.”

    “Of course,” she said with a cheerful tone. “What would you like?”

    “Make it a bacon omelet with cheddar cheese and a little bit of onions with a couple of cinnamon French toast pieces for the main dish, two apple crepes, hash browns, bacon, and a hot chocolate with a shot of vodka for me.”

    “And for the ladies?”

    “Make it blueberry waffles, eggs with some cheddar cheese, bacon, oranges, peaches and cream, and mimosas.”

    “Right away, Sir. Will you be eating in your room or in the mess hall today?”

    “Make it in my room.”

    “It will be right out.”


    He released the button and proceeded to the bathroom. A quick shower washed off the night before and he felt refreshed. When he got back to the bedroom he woke up the women so they could get refreshed for breakfast also. They were a little disappointed that he didn’t shower with them, but they didn’t argue over it and did as they were told.

    “Make sure to make it a little faster than usual. I have already ordered breakfast and I know that you two don’t want it sitting around for too long.”

    They winked at him as they also headed for the bathroom.

    “We’ll be right out, honey.” The two said in unison.

    The angel plopped down on the bed and waited for the women to get out of the shower and for the food to roll in.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 8, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day: 20 ----- Mood: Infuriated/Aroused ----- Location: Club/Service House -----

    The club was calm and quiet, but soon the customers would be pouring in. They always started to roll in around six or seven at night. For now, though, only a few were at the bar having a drink. The bartender gave a nod at Decimus as he passed, which meant that he wanted him to kick that kid’s ass.

    He nodded back with a serious face. His displeasure was seething. Two security henchmen followed behind him as he made his way through the building.

    That f*cking kid is going to pay.

    Faint cries could be heard from the back as the three entered through the door to the basement. It seemed like he had already got a little bit of a beating. Served him right, after all. Decimus rounded the corner and stared intensely at the boy. He was around twenty-two of age with brown hair. A black T-shirt covered his torso and dark blue jeans covered his legs. His sniffs could be heard from the other side of the room. Blood was dried on his nose and cheek. It was either from the fight between him and the guards or a little beating after being restrained.

    “Well, well, well, what do I have here?”

    “Please Mister! I didn’t mean any harm!” The boy cried, “I was drunk!”

    A chuckle left Decimus’ twisted smile. “You think that begging will save you? You? A pathetic little disrespectful kid? Don’t waste your breath.” He lifted up the boy’s chin to look into his brown eyes. “You are nothing but an irritating little speck that deserves nothing.” He let go of the boy’s chin and stepped to the side. His right hand turned into a fist. “Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”


    The fist connected to the boy’s stomach, making him spit out blood.

    “This may take a while if you two want to go keep an eye on the club.”



    An hour later Decimus came out of the basement, wiping his hands from blood. He went up to one of his henchmen.

    “Throw the scumbag near the port. I don’t want him anywhere near me.”

    “Right away, Boss.”

    The guard left and Decimus headed for the front door. His car was waiting for him outside. He jumped in and headed towards the service house.


    When he got there his mistresses were waiting just inside in their most elegant silk robes. Feeling a little relieved, he took a hip in each arm. Their arms wrapped around him and he growled in pleasure of the thought of what would be to come. Vincent came out of the office.

    “Make sure no one bothers me. If I need something I will call for it. Also, keep the rooms next to us vacant.”

    “You betcha sir.”

    “Good. See you tomorrow.”

    Decimus led the two women up the stairs and into the master bedroom.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day: 20 ----- Mood: Irritated ----- Location: Home/On the road -----

    Bzzz. Bzzz.
    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    “Come on Boss, pick up.”

    Bzzz. Bzzz.
    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    Decimus was awakened by the vibration of his phone on the nightstand. It was a rude awakening and he rubbed his eyes as he yawned and stretched. He cracked his eyes and looked at the clock. The time read that it was past one o’clock.

    Well damn, I was sleeping real good too…

    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    “Alright, alright. I’m up.”

    The phone was taken into hand as he sat up against the pillows.

    “Yeah? What do you want?”

    “Sorry for waking you up, Boss, but it was kind of important.”

    “Well, get on with it.”

    “Some kid thought it was funny to harass some of the boys last night. We got him locked up for discipline when you come over.”

    “Well ****. I’ll be right over. No one disrespects me like that.”

    “I know Boss. He’ll be here waiting for you.”


    The fallen angel hung up and swung his legs over the bed. A grunt left his mouth as he thought of what was going to happen. True, he liked to discipline, but having to wake him up was just irritating. That kid would have to wait for a few hours while he got dressed and made his way over after trying to wake up.

    Red and Hannibal could be heard sniffing at the door. They were usually the first ones to greet him when he woke up.

    “Hey boys, I’ll be right there. Just let me take a leak.”

    A bathroom break and a shower later he answered the wolves by opening the door. They immediately pounced and almost threw him over.

    “Hey now, calm down. You guys act like you haven’t seen me in days.”

    Breakfast consisted of some bacon, eggs, and toast with jelly for the angel. For the wolves, it was some rats and ground up beef. The two loved to chase and kill the rats so they always got some. After breakfast, Decimus said his goodbyes to the animals.

    “Don’t worry, Daddy will be right back. He just has to take care of some business.”

    He hopped in the car and drove off towards the club. The phone was taken out and one of the henchmen was called.

    “Yes Boss?”

    “See to it that Red and Hannibal are taken to the service house before I get there later tonight. They will be missing me. Also, get the girls ready for tonight. After I’m done with the disrespectful kid, I’ll definitely need some release.”

    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Shadox D.
    Honestly, I used to like this RP a lot more because people would post more and for some, more thought out, and also because my character Dante was more thought out and developed than Decimus before he tragically got killed off. I sort of thought, though, that his time was up anyway due to inactivity cutting interaction short and I felt that half of the time he was ignored anyway. Despite it all, I wouldn't like to see this RP die off like so many do. I've never played a mafia leader that owns a whore house so I'm willing to keep going.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day 19: 4/4 ----- Mood: Calm/Sleepy ----- Location: Home - Italy -----

    Red and Hannibal jumped out of the car when the fallen opened the car door. They immediately ran to the gate to the back yard.

    "Alright, alright. I get you. Just let me pull the car in ok?"

    Decimus jumped back into the driver's seat and pulled the Mustang into the underground garage. He locked up and returned to his wolves.

    "You guys get a little too excited about coming back here. But I'll leave wolves to their business."

    The latch was unlocked and the animals dashed into the yard like lightning. He locked back up and proceeded to the front door, passing under the arch of the patio. It was great, for some odd reason.

    Not too long after he retired to his room.

    No bath tonight ladies, sorry to disappoint. Ha, not.

    Sleep soon took him into sleep-filled dreams of the club.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day 19: 2/4 ----- Mood: Pleased ----- Location: Service House – Rome, Italy -----

    “Oh, hey Boss! I’m doing great. How about you?”

    “I’m good.” He went around the desk and put a hand on Vincent’s shoulder. “So, how much?”

    “We’re doing excellent, Boss. At the moment we’re making seventy big ones. Someone got the full package today.”

    Decimus patted his shoulder. “Excellent! Maybe we’ll get new toys for the customers to enjoy. What do you think?”

    “That is a wonderful idea sir. The girls have been requesting we replace the ones we currently have. It seems like they have gotten too used to them and require new ways to play.”

    “Hmm. Maybe some new outfits too. Anna Lee told me of some of the stitching coming loose.”

    “Great idea! Should I send in a request for shipment?”

    “Yes. It is ideal that we stock up right away. The customers will enjoy our new shipment very soon.”

    “Right away, sir. Would you like anything else?”

    “No thank you, Vince. I’ll be collecting my things and returning to my house. Have Red and Hannibal loaded into my car.”


    Decimus gave the man another pat on the shoulder and made an exit from the office. He made his way to the master bedroom. His two mistresses could be heard taking a shower. Red and Hannibal jumped up on him in greeting. He met them with a smile and scratches behind their ears.

    “Hey boys. Time to go home. Go get in the car ok?” The angel pointed to the door and the two wolves headed out and down the stairs.

    He collected his cell phone and keys and made his way to the car.


    ----- Day 19: 3/4 ----- Mood: Content ----- Location: Roads of Italy -----

    The new Dodge Dart car purred like a kitten. Its sleek, black body and tinted windows was the ideal vehicle for a mafia leader such as him. All of its gears ran smooth and could easily pass one hundred miles per hour. This was just one of three cars that Decimus owned. The other two are a blue Mustang GT and a maroon 1951 2DR Chevy.

    Sadly, for everyone else, only he and his top henchmen could touch the cars. They were held in a small, locked up, underground garage under each of his buildings. Usually the Mustang was at the club, the Dodge was at the house, and the Chevy was at the service house, but sometimes they got mixed up.

    Both Hannibal and Red had to sit in the backseats of the car. The angel didn’t want them fighting over the front seat. Luckily, he also had blankets back there so they wouldn’t scratch up the seats with their nails or get their fur all over them. Most of the time they were calm and would just lie down for the trip, but sometimes they tended to get excited about going back to the house. There, they could run around and do whatever they pleased, within reason of course.

    His house resided on one of the highest hills in Italy. He tended to always prepare for the worst and didn’t want flooding or a stray tsunami, at the worst, getting to him immediately. Rediculously enough, he even had a couple of small inflatable rafts and a life vest where he resides in each of the buildings. Call him a little paranoid, but a life of unexpected twists and turns in his business could prove him sane.

    It was a beautiful home. The one story abode was a little modest for his lifestyle, although he and the two wolves were the main residents so it was no big fuss. A front patio consisted of an enclosed garden of various flowers for beauty and an arch to walk under when you entered. There were two rooms, a master and a smaller one, two full baths, a medium-sized kitchen with an island, a fairly large living room, and a medium-sized dining room with an oak table with three chairs. Its back yard had a small purple grapevine lingering near the window of the kitchen, lots of wild grass, and some huge shade trees inhibiting the two acres of land. The patio had a table with a tile top, a few rod-iron chairs to sit in, and one of those long swinging chairs. It is a great getaway for Decimus and all the noise he has to deal with.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Shadox D.
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day 19: 2/4 ----- Mood: Sleepy ----- Location: Service House – Rome, Italy -----

    Sunlight entered the room in which Decimus was sleeping. It fell on his face and awoke him. His grey-blue eyes opened slowly as they focused. The feeling of the white, soft down pillow gave him comfort and he pressed into it a bit. Down pillows never got boring, which made them the perfect place to rest one’s head. This bed was also one of the finest that money could buy. The cherrywood frame was hand carved and the bed had curtains for privacy, silk sheets, and a hand-embroidered comforter. Of course, this was his bed, which lay in the master bedroom of the service house. Every other bed in the building was not as nice, the comforters were machine made and had oak wood frames, but they were still some of the best beds someone could have, at a price that is. Guests had to pay five hundred or more to stay one night here, depending on the services provided. This enforced that only wealthier customers could afford this sanctuary, and preferably those who have been checked for any health concerns. Women and drugs tended to be quite pricey to stock.

    One woman was on each side of him, still sleeping and nude like he was. The night before was pretty nice, his two mistresses always treated him well. They had tried using a form of Marijuana for the first time to see if anything would be new. In fact, he hadn’t felt that confident and calm in a few months. True, his head was a little hazy, but damn it felt great to let loose. The ladies seemed to have enjoyed it too, which was great for him so he wouldn’t have to have any reports of talking behind his back. There would have to be some disciplining there.

    He sat up and looked over at his two mistresses. They were thoroughly tangled in the silk sheets, which would have to be washed after a night like last night. His figure leaned down and he kissed each of their exposed necks, which made them twist in pleasure.

    Yeah, you like that don’t you?

    A twisted smile creased his lips and he slid out of the bed, not bothering to close the curtains to hide the sleeping women.

    Decimus looked at his body and almost laughed seeing himself all soiled. He immediately went to go take a shower. A bath wouldn’t help get all of this stuff off of him very well.

    Speaking of baths, maybe I’ll have those two treat me to one later tonight.

    After being showered and getting dressed he headed downstairs and to the check in/out room. On his way he passed several rooms, most of which were silent as the residents slept. A few, though, suggested a late morning romp. One of the many attendants came out of one of those rooms holding a tray of what was once the guest’s breakfast.

    “Ah, Jazbelle, how are you this fine, late morning?”

    “Very good sir, and you?”

    “Fine, as always.”

    “Will I be switching out with Victoria today, sir?”

    “Yes, but only if you’re a good girl and made sure to charge for every indulgence our customer receives.”

    “Of course, sire.”

    “That’s a good girl.”

    The young lady, Jazbelle, set down the tray on a table next to the door to be taken away by one of the maids. She then went through a second door that held a small room that connected to the other the customer was using via a one-way, full length mirror. It was the best way to record the actions and recievings of a customer and was part of every room in the building. Besides, it was a great way for the servants to observe and try new things that the customers might like.

    This service house was originally built more towards gentlemen, but ladies can partake in the services as well. There is a full range of butlers to choose from, who are usually helping the maids cook, clean, etc. when there are only male guests, just in case women show up.

    With his mind filled with how wonderful his establishment is, he returned to his journey to the check in/out clerk.

    “So how much did we make so far, Vincent?”
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Shadox D.
    User Name: Shadox D.
    Name: Decimus Black
    Angel: Israfil - The Burning One
    Age: 28
    Location: Rome, Italy
    Occupation: Mafia Leader - Devil's Advocates : Owns a club and one special Victorian styled "service house"
    Religious Views: Satanism
    Personality: Sexual. Full of himself. Cold. Cruel. Doesn't take any smack from anyone. Will shoot anyone on the spot with his concealed gun. Uses others for his own personal gain. Loves to win.
    Other: Fancies the Victorian style, so he tends to dress like it occasionally. Usually wears a white button up shirt, slacks, dress shoes, and a black fedora. Slicks his hair back about half the time. Does not drink much due to fear of an unclear mind. Usually has at least one henchman within 50 feet. Sharpshooter and black belt, which makes a deadly combination. Has two Maned Wolves at his side when at home and at the service house - whose names are Red and Hannibal and specially trained to fight and kill on command.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Shadox D.
    Well damn, I barely got on here too.

    Please stand by for death scene as I compose it.[DOUBLEPOST=1375067465][/DOUBLEPOST]Samuel had seemed confused at first, but then looked like he wanted to punch him in the face. It seemed to be expected of him, after all. Dante had intruded on his time alone. A frown crossed his face as a quake ensued.

    "I'm sorry my friend, our time has been cut short..."

    Abaddon was violently thrown to the ground when he tried to get up to run from the hotel. Soon after, though, he managed to get a start to the door.

    "Do not fear, you will make it. Just remember, Samuel, that you deserve more than the life you currently have."

    He was soon far enough to not hear him, and then was out the door.

    Screams filled the lobby as people fleed out of the front door. Many of them tripped and fell as they scrambled outside. The ceiling had started to crumble, falling on everyone. It was a beautiful sight.

    The Angel took hold of Samuel's coffee, which surprisingly hadn't spilled over by now, and made a toast. It was bitter and tasted like all hell, which wasn't a surprise due to him not liking coffee in the first place. All in all, it was a toast nevertheless. He set the cup down and it immediately spilled over.

    It is not sure how he came upon it, but somehow he managed to find his angelic speech. His golden eye turned ice blue and his hair turned white. He spoke, not knowing if anyone could hear him.

    "I thank you all for your time. I may have not known any of you very well, it's not like anyone cared for my existence anyway, but I did have an interesting time. Hana, those drawings of mine, please find someone to give them to who appreciates art. Also, please find someone for my dear steed Fog. I do hope all of you find what you're looking for. Ta ta."

    It took a few seconds to get on ground. Everything was shaking so badly. Yet he managed to crawl away from his and Samuel's table. His eyes were glowing fiercely and ice started to cover his body. Time seemed to slow. Salgiel laid on his back and the ice took over. It covered his whole body and formed wings on the ground.

    A bit dramatic for the Angel of Snow, yes?

    You could say something like that.

    The hotel collapsed.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Shadox D.
    After some rustling from Samuel Dante woke up. He laid there for a while, having decided to get up after the other left. The Fallen One was getting bad vibes from him still, but decided to not show it anymore. He felt like he was being too outwardly paranoid and didn't want to be anymore.

    Besides, who actually cares what I think anyway? I've been ignored practically this whole trip. Plus, it's not like anyone listens to me. They're going to regret it one way or another, especially Hana.

    When he hopped out of bed some ice residue was left, leaving the sheets to crackle a little. A shower was taken next, which felt amazing to the angel. After vetting dried off and dressed he inspected himself in the mirror like he used to. His hair had lightened once again, leaving it grey. The golden eye started to pale and turn slightly blue.

    What do they know anyway?!

    A fist flew towards the mirror and made a web- like crack on the right side. Blood started to drip from his fist and he brought it up to his mouth, licking up the red liquid. When the wound started to clot he came out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to the lobby.

    Samuel could plainly be seen at one of the tables. Salgiel grabbed a hot chocolate and took the seat opposite of Abaddon.

    "You look like you have something on your mind."

    His breath had the scent of his blood.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Shadox D.
    When he talked to Hana she gave him a piercing gaze. Apparently what was happening with Gabriel and the other one was too important for him to talk. He felt a little upset, but it wore off a minute later. When the angels left his powers regressed and he returned to normal. A slight headache followed for ten minutes but it was no big deal.

    Dante had been feeling lonely lately. It seemed like no one wanted to recognize him or his existence at all. Before he went to bed he sat on the edge for a long time contemplating everything that was bothering him. Perhaps everyone was just too busy with their own things to socialize a little. Nevertheless, he went to bed all the same. This time, though, he stayed awake for a long time because he was wary of Samuel. Salgiel didn't care too much if it was someone else he was after, he just wanted to keep his head. Hell, if he had to, he'd probably help the Convict if it meant survival.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Shadox D.
    As he got closer, Dante saw two additional angels. They had an ethereal shine to them. Maybe they had just come down from heaven or something like that. Something was wrong, though, one of them was slouched over with its head bowed. He had slowed down all of a sudden, his anger replaced by curiosity.

    Some of the spikes evaporated from his back while others shrunk to about half the original size. The ice cloaking his hands only remained on his palms, and his golden eye stopped glowing.

    What’s up with this mess? Who are they?

    Distance between him and the others quickly shortened, and what questions he had were quickly answered. Bloody stains on the bowed angel’s back were all that remained of wings that once were. It also seemed like it didn’t know what was going on due to its blank expression. He could be wrong.

    That poor guy must have done something to join us down here. Wait a second… He’s that handsome guy that saved us from the plane taking a dive. Ah… so that’s why he got demoted.

    Salgiel circled around and came up behind Hana, leaving a cold hand on her shoulder. She seemed like she was scared of the delivery angel. Gabriel, right? His glowing blue eye rested on her.

    "Psst. You gonna be ok?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Shadox D.

    A thunderous clap woke Dante and he shot up in bed. His breathing was shallow and quick for a little bit before calming back down.

    What the hell was that? It sounded close...

    His attention fell back to the room. It had a vulgar, evil air to it.

    What is this madness? Where is Samuel? I bet this is his fault. His lips curled into a snarl. I knew that we couldn't trust him.

    Icicles formed on his back that resembled spiky wings and frost cloaked his hands.

    He's up to no good. I know for sure.

    Salgiel threw off his sheets and ran out the door in the clothes he was wearing the day before, his eyes glowing brightly. Hana and Hay Sun could be seen out in the hotel lawn not too far off. He didn't notice the other angels in his anger.

    "I told you he was bad news! Why didn't you listen to me!"

    He started down the stairs to get to them. The grass was nice and soft, yet it didn't soothe his anger.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Shadox D.


    I have my first interview in an hour! Wish me luck :)
    Thread by: Shadox D., Jul 22, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Shadox D.
    After a long day of weird Angel stuff going on, Salgiel retired to the room Hana had rented for the guys. He had been feeling lonely lately, and wished to have a man by his side. Of course, with all this stuff going on, it would near impossible to find a partner. TheAngel was still a bit tired and sore, but not very much. By tomorrow he would be as good as new. Dante drifted off too sleep after about ten minutes. His dreams were white with a snow covered forest.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Shadox D.
    He had been quiet on the whole trip to find somewhere to stay. If something caught his attention he kept it to himself. It was a beautiful city, to be honest. The Angel loved the architecture and the smell of each bakery. He kept getting strange looks from people at his appearance, but he just gave a smile as he passed.

    It was a good thing that he was wearing his backpack while being seated on the plane. Replacing a passport and phone was such a hassle. What was depressing was that his clothes and weapons went down with the plane. Well, it was a good thing that he always had spare weapons like the ones on the plane tucked away in a storage shed. Buying a second set once again will be pricey, and he frowned at that. Spending money almost gave him a heart attack.

    Finding clothes wouldn't be hard, he was sure. All he needed was a few sets of clothes. He could wear each for multiple days and have laundry day on the last day. Salgiel also wanted a pirate suit so that was put in mind. After a month or so, he would have to buy more clothes to stock up on them again. It was definitely a good thing that he didn't try to bring his drawings. Years of art would've been wasted.

    The clothes he was wearing could be used for a couple more days, which would give him plenty of time to find more. All that was needed were toiletries, but a quick stop to a shop changed that. He didn't buy anything too bulky, just some deodorant and a small shampoo-conditioner bottle. The Angel never had grown facial hair, so that equipment was not necessary. His backpack was still light enough for him not to hurt from being sore.

    When it was time to finally settle down he took to bed right away. He was still exhausted from the day before. His dreams were fogged, but he could definitely see an angel with snow-white wings.


    Morning came soon enough. Dante didn't really get up, but rather laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. He drifted in and out of sleep for what seemed like forever.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame