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  1. Shadox D.
    OOC: The third f*cking time I'm trying to post this >( Just pretend it's green. Enjoy the condensed version:

    Xena smiled at Xigbar's grin.

    --You're too adorable.--

    "Well just gimme what you got, I'm sure I can take it."

    A sudden shove startled her into a half-trip.

    "I only have so much balance, you know," she said, clearly irritated.

    The scene turned into a town that had an array of colors.

    "I can see why you like it here so much, it's really nice," her eyes shone at the man. "Twilight Town sure seems like a bummer."

    The pull of the hood over her head surprised her greatly, "Hey man, watch the hair!" she scolded. Xena hated her hair being messed up. The way Xigbar pulled the hood over her head made it almost cover her eyes, making her look childish and silly. She fixed her hood and hair accordingly.

    " If it isn't too much trouble I am interested in both recon and combat. I am very patient and Fteetfoot is very fast and silent. So what's up with this keyblade wielder anyway?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Shadox D.
    Well, my girlfriend actually changed for me a lot, as an example. She stopped doing drugs and is furthering her studies in music (guitar), writing, and artsy things. So yes, people can change
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  3. Shadox D.
    Well, for me it is important to have sex before marriage because it is good to know if you can please each other or not. I wouldn't want to be with someone if they couldn't satisfy me or if I couldn't satisfy them. Plus, sex is a great way to get into a deeper emotional level with the other person, it binds you two closer than without sex. It also lets you know if you're comfortable with each other, you know being able to be naked with each other and so on. I'm not against the whole "wait until marriage" thing, but it is unnecessary.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  4. Shadox D.
    Hmm well I like both guys and girls, just depends on the person.

    Me Likey:
    -Nice eyes
    -Clean teeth
    -Laid back
    -Funny/great sense of humor
    -Not too tall/too short (around 5' to 5'6")
    -Similar interests
    -Can draw, write; is artistic
    -Slim to average build
    -Will play videogames with me
    -Is goodlooking on the outside and inside

    Me No Likey:
    -Extremely tall
    -Super girly
    -Dirty teeth
    -Bad BO
    -Doesn't take care of themselves
    -Too down to earth
    -Hates on my likes

    All I can think of right now
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 17, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  5. Shadox D.
    I drive a 2004 Nissan Sentra. I little slow and old, but it's reliable and gets me where I need to go. Great gas mileage.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 17, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  6. Shadox D.
    The purple-eyed female's face lit up at the offer to go with the pirate-guy. He was very interesting to her.

    Xena smiled at Xenon,"You should go with Xaldin, he's waiting for you just outside the door remember?" She gave the hazel-eyed girl a pat on the back to reassure her. "You'll be just fine with him."

    She turned to Xigbar, "So stuck up is he?" she joked quietly.

    The female liked the spirit in the eyepatched one. The scar in his face intrigued her greatly.

    "Plan on showing me the ropes around this joint?" she winked. It would sure be nice to know what's around. "I promise to be a good girl," Xena joked. It was important to lighten the ever-so-tense atmosphere the room and the Superior put out.

    This one sure seems like a fun guy.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Shadox D.
    When Xena made contact with the letters they shattered into hundreds of shards ans buried themselves into her, forever marking her name as Xena. The female flinched at the sudden pain but it didn't hurt too bad.

    --What is my purpose?-- She thought.

    The cloaked figure upon the chair did not look as menacing as before. He was stronger, sure, but there was something deeper in him that she could sense.

    --There is something there. I can almost see it. Even though his expression is I sensing concern?
    Is there something concerning him about the true leader? Has something happened to the leader?--

    "Superior, what do we do now?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    Oki doki. :)

    Oki doki. :)
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for Krowley, Aug 12, 2012
  9. Shadox D.
    The hazel-eyed girl looked up at the Superior, feeling no more fear but the feeling of curiosity.
    Why is he called the Superior if there is another chair higher? Are there pairs of rank? Such as a pair of alpha, beta, omega, and so on?
    He seems to take no interest with us...ordinary maybe?

    Her eyes went blank and emotionless as she thought.
    His voice is very deep.
    Why did Fleetfoot take me here? Do only the superiors have the power to make others' lesser Nobodies disappear? Maybe he didn't like mine.


    The word sparked her interest and her eyes lit up.
    I want to know my purpose.
    The silver letters appeared and swirled around before she could even read what her true name was, leaving a hole inside of her. They rearranged into her new name with an X in it.


    The purple-eyed female reached for the shimmering letters with her index finger, a relaxed hand symbolized interest.
    My name is Xena...
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Shadox D.
    Are there other types of characters than keyblade wielders? Such as Nobodies, Heartless, and such. From your short story it does not give much detail as to what is going on.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Shadox D.
    Fleetfoot stood up quickly and cringed, then disappeared into the air, the black fading away.
    The female could only look in disbelief because he had looked scared.
    He just wanted to be friends what got to him so badly?
    She looked up to see a cloaked figure on the second highest chair, his grey hair shone in the light and his golden eyes pierced the soul.
    "Good day... Superior." she said while giving a bow.
    I wonder what his powers are...
    The purple-eyed one cringed under his sight and became very uneasy.
    He's going to kill me...
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Shadox D.
  13. Shadox D.
    Fleetfoot rolled onto his back and the female kneeled down to scratch his tummy.
    "He won't hurt you, he's very nice."
    She took the other female's hand softly and put it on Fleetfoot's stomach.
    The chairs of different heights took to her interest.
    "These are very strange chairs. I bet the Superior sits on the highest one. I also bet you will get a very pretty name because you have such a pretty face. I really like your voice too, it sounds different from what I've heard so far. I hope you make lots of friends."
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Shadox D.
    She unwrapped her arm around the hazel-eyed one.
    "We will be ok, Xaldin said so."
    The Fleetfoot appeared next to the purple-eyed one one the opposite side the other girl was on.
    "Where'd you go Fleetfoot? I was worried about you."
    The lesser nobody went around to the hazel-eyed female and seemed to look at her with curiosity, about as high as her chest. The female attached to it turned to the other one and smiled politely.
    "This is Fleetfoot. He carried me on the way over here on his back. I woke up when he was running across the tops of the buildings. It is strange to see a circular door since the ones in the city were rectangular. He doesn't have a mouth on his face but he has one in his tail. How did you get here?"
    She pet the fox Nobody on the head and tried to make the other female feel more comfortable.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shadox D.
    "Nice to meet you Xaldin,' she smiled.
    The purple eyed female looked at the hazel eyed one then put her arm around the back of her neck like they were long time buddies.
    "Don't worry kiddo we will be fine," she smiled.
    She was less uneasy and glad she wasn't going in alone.
    The doors slowly closed behind them and tried to keep the mood up.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home