"huh...."Kurix saw Equius, a bit curious at the behavior. Kisa eyes seemed to follow Equius as he ran around, gurgles coming from her. Sora was out like a light, despite having fallen out of the bad. Talk about a hard sleeper.... Valerie was turning in her sleep, unaware of any conversations. "He basically kidnapped me against my will... I was put into a fake reality, stripped of my memories of the organization and then finnaly realized I was nothing but a pawn that was being used to help wake Sora up! and it's all his fault!"Roxas apparently didn't know about Ansem the Wise...whoops. "Sorry... I guess.... if you don't like someone enough even nobodies can feel anger."he sighed.
"yeah.... I guess they're not too bad...sure they can be a bit..."Roxas wanted to word it gently. "Silly, but they sure know how to get the work down."He remarked. "Kinda funny, a nobody saying something like that about the guy who ruined his...well, non-existant life I guess."He looked over to Riku. "The big jerk."He added.
Kurix changed Kisa's diaper, seeing Equius get closer. Kisa was calmed down, pure blue eyes not really focusing on anything. She's...kinda cute.... Kurix thought to himself. Valerie had fallen asleep, snoring gently and using a pillow as a makeshift teddy bear. The girl had fallen asleep on her stomach, but had rolled over to sleeping on her back. Roxas was laying down, trying to sleep. "uuuugggh...."he gave a small groan. "So how do you know Riku and the others?"He asked towards Gexln.
Roxas refused to say a word, still grumbling about having to share a room with...well, basically the guy that ruined his life. Sure nobody's didn't really exist- but it still.... hurt the blonde in a way that he was nothing but a pawn to help out the Keyblade wielder.
Valerie gave a small sigh, looking over to Ashir. I really hope she calms down and snaps out of it soon. She's more stubborn and grumpy than Riku is.... She hopped onto the bed, trying to get comfortable. Sora and Kurix were taking turns with Kisa, Kurix taking the shift so Sora could get a well deserved rest. Of course, he was alittle nervous. He was a new Nobody, he had never been around a baby or even a person. You'll be fine Kurix, she's calm...nothing could go wrong.... Of course, that was stopped by Kisa starting to wail. Or maybe something could.... Riku was fast asleep, Roxas not feeling tired at all just yet. Ugh, why Riku?! Why not leave me with the other nobodies?!
"What is with you and trying to hit people! Control that temper of yours or you'll be not better at anger management than Terra was!"Valerie said. "And so what if he's a nobody? Gexln is a nobody and you trust him completely! What makes any difference that I trust Ashir?"she asked.
"Creation or not, I still want to think of him as my nephew, thank you very much. Nobody or not."Valerie said. Chester went over to Ashir, curious. "Thats kinda nice, they even got a crib for Kisa."Kurix and Sora had entered their room, Sora setting Kisa down in the crib. "I'm just glad that Yen Sid took it well...of course, he's a wizard. He's probably seen strange things before."He reassured himself. Kurix just nodded, looking over to Kisa. Riku entered his room only to recieve a death glare from Roxas. "Are you done?"He asked. Roxas huffed, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, little guy."Sora saw Equius being held back by the barrier. "Little...?"Kurix looked at the chocobo, doubting Sora's choice of words. Roxas sighed, heading into the first room to get it over with. Riku decided to stay out for alittle longer to wait for Roxas to calm down. Valerie nervously joined Eden and Ashir, Chester following loyally.
Roxas smirked at Edens anger, checking the paper for himself. He winced at what the paper said, trying to contain his anger. Kurix didn't seem to mind when he read the paper, sticking to Sora and Kisa. Valerie, being the ever-so-curious one, decided to take it and explain it to the others. Room 1- Riku, Gexln, Roxas Room 2- Eden, Valerie, Ashir(and Chester) Room 3- Sora, Kisa, Kurix(and Equius) Room 4- Jeffrey, Kairi, Namine Sora didn't mind that he was with Kurix, having faith in a newly created nobody. Valerie was glad to have Chester with her, the little Heartless being calm and quiet the whole way. But she was definately nervous about Eden. Roxas was definately mad that he had to share a room with Riku. Riku wasn't so peachy keen about sharing a room with Gexln himself, not having much trust since what happened in Australia and on Destiny Islands.
Valerie, Sora, and Kurix let out small sighs of relief, simply stuffed. Riku was holding Kisa, giving a small chuckle. "Alright, this way to the bed chambers!"The three fairies led the way, the group following. "I hope I get a room with Jeffrey! and Kairi or Nami!"Valerie said. "I hope Riku and I stay together...."Sora admitted. Riku nodded. "As long as I'm as far away from Riku as possible, I'm good."Roxas huffed. Kurix couldn't help but laugh at the attitude. Of course, once arriving at the bed chambers they rushed to try and find their rooms.
Riku ate the apple, much more accepting of that despite Valerie's stange giggling. Sora had a peach, laughing a bit since before he had Kisa he was like that peach-sweet and round. Valerie had strawberries, loving the fruit to death if it was possible. Kurix had a Kiwi, not really minding fruit. Roxas had finished, looking to the group. He was kind of hoping he could share a room with Kurix and Ashir, wanting to be around the new Nobodies.
Sora wasn't complaining about the light meal, considering food was food after a long period of not eating. Kisa was calm, remaining wide awake however. Valerie couldn't wait for the big meal, but settled for the light food for now. Riku didn't eat the fruit-he had been given a pear, the 'most evil of fruits' by how Valerie joked about it. Roxas was sharing his food with Ashir, a slight smile on his face. Kurix saw the smile, confused after the explanation that nobodies didn't have emotions.
"Oh, why of course! Go on and make yourselves comfortable!"Fauna, the fairy in green clothing, had made everything nice and comfy for the large group. Flora and Merryweather were right ahead and making a meal for everyone. "Foooooood...."Valeries stomach growled at the smell of a decent meal cooking. "If any of you feel tired, you can go ahead to your rooms!"Merryweather said. "Rooms...we're sharing rooms, right? so who's sharing a room with who...?"Kurix asked. Roxas was staying by Ashir, as if it would comfort the nobody. Riku let everyone else get comfy, deciding to stand.
"Thank you, Master Yen Sid."Riku, Sora, and Valerie said at once. Roxas had already gone through the door. Kurix noticed Roxas and gasped, following into the room of the three fairies. Riku and Sora went inside, staying side by side yet not showing anything romantic. Valerie looked over to Eden and Gexln, nervously going into the room.
"Well for one, being a bit more polite would be nice."Valerie said bluntly. "I-I mean...if you wouldn't mind...."Her voice became soft again, not wainting to be rude. Roxas gave Eden a small glare, not liking how she was treating a nobody when she seemed to be aliied with one. Sora was appaled that Eden would treat a Nobody based on her own creation like that. "Calm down, everyone..."Riku saw the group starting to get worked up. "So...um....wh-what exactly is this...Mark of Mastery exam again?"Kurix wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he knew from the commotion that it was important.
"But he reacted to you when we said your name! He has to have some connection to you! Like Ne-"Valerie paused, not wanting to bring bad memories. Roxas looked over to Kurix, figuring as much that he was a Nobody that didn't know his way. Kurix, however, was watching the scenario between Valerie and Eden. Riku saw Sora come back in with a now calm Kisa, tugging the brunette by him side. "Sorry..."Sora whispered. "Theres nothing to apologize for...."Riku whispered back. Sora just stayed by Rikus side, not going to ask about the commotion.
"Tried that. Doesn't seem to remember a thing."Valerie said, her voice soft due to her nervous emotions. "Mister-um..M-Master Yen Sid. M-My name is Kurix...or rather, that's what they call me. I- I don't know what a Nobody is or if I am one-"Kurix grew nervous very fast. Roxas looked over to Eden and Ashir, curious to see how the event would unfold. Riku let out a silent sigh, knowing that acting calm wasn't working on the nervous bunch.
Sora nodded, heading to the other room with Kisa. Riku looked at Yen Sid, growing nervous himself. "Well, for the Mark of Mastery exam of course...p-pardon my rudeness. B-But for other reasons-" "As...Riku has said previously, we found these two Nobodies on our way to your tower. The smaller one seems to have some connection with Eden, but he can't seem to remember anything."Roxas explained. "Maybe you could tell... where...pardon...who these nobodies originated from?"He asked politely. Valerie was still quiet, a bit suprising for the others maybe. Riku was quiet, trying to stay calm for the others.
Riku looked at Eden with Kingdom Key, trying to control his anger. She knew, didn't she..... Valerie looked at the golden keychain, frowning slightly at the thought of the King being... deceased. Kurix, while confused, did his best to try and understand the situation. Roxas noticed the look on Ashirs face, a bit curious. Suddenly the silence was interupted by loud wails from Kisa. Sora quickly tried to settle down the little one, knowing why she was crying. "I-I'm terribly sorry. I-I can explain...er...I mean...M-Maybe not..."Sora tried not to embarass himself in front of the great wizard. Valerie wanted to cover her ears at the wailing, but didn't want to seem rude.