OOC:.....You cowards.XD BIC: Riku and Sora were too busy to notice the other two hiding, locked into their own fray. Block, parry, strike.... Just like their practice battle. Only now Sora was able to jump over any low swings and duck under high swings. They finnaly realized the other two wouldn't join in anytime soon, nodding at eachother. Riku charged at Gexln, while Sora went after the scared Eden. Sorry, Eden. But you're not gonna get any experience playing chicken....Sora thought as he headed towards Eden. They were gonna make it a four-way fight whether the others wanted to or not....
No your not, you just asked a question.XD
OOC:Run run awaaaaay!XD BIC: Sora and Riku started going at eachother, acting like it was just another of their fake sword fights back on the islands. Sora was trying to hold back a laugh when Eden ran away, blocking a strike from Way to Dawn. They had to admit, if the others decided to join the fray, a four-way fight would have been interesting. -------------------- Sure it had only been a few minutes, but the gang was already out of their mind. Valerie was looking at the playing cards, Roxas was laying down on the floor. Kurix was holding Kisa, who had fallen asleep. Chester was napping in Rikus bag still... "Okay. All in favor of playing a quick card game, say I."Valerie said, raising her arm. "I...."Roxas raised his arm, guessing it was just a simple game of go-fish or something. What does a kid know about playing poker, anyway....
Well in my mind it acted as a bonding moment...thus the qoute makrs between "bonding moment". duh.XD
"No magic. Got it."Sora nodded. Riku didn't seem phased. He and Sora had the advantage really, they probably had more experience with non-magic combat. But then again, Gexln wouldn't be a pushover... Sora had Oblivion out, Riku summoning Way to Dawn. "Just tell us when to start."Sora said. "hello.... Why didn't we notice these in there?"Valerie noticed a pack of playing cards. "Huh. I guess even Riku gets bored sometimes..."she looked through the cars. Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs....all cards were accounted for. "Put those back..."Roxas and Kurix said at once. "No way! We have to have something to pass the time while we're wai-"Valerie stopped mid-sentence, an evil scheme being plotted in her head. "No...Nonononono..."Roxas seemed to know that look somehow, Kurix however looking clueless. "How about a li-ttle game...?"Valerie had a mischevious smile. "No...."Roxas said. "What kind of game...?"Kurix almost didn't want to ask. "Well. None of use here are probably professionals at playing cards...so basically it wouldn't be unfair considering skill..."Valerie somehow planned it out in a minute. "We are NOT playing poker of any sorts."Roxas protested. "Uh, yeah.... what's poker?"Kurix asked. "Just say no. Who knows what she's thinking..."Roxas huffed. Valerie just sighed, putting the cards in her pocket in case they changed their mind.
"Sweeeet."Valerie said once the keyblade wielders taking the exam vanished. "And then there were...."Kurix trailed off, counting the people left in the room. "Nine....wait, we're missing someone..."he said. "Did you count yourself?"Roxas asked. "Oh! Okay, we have ten."Kurix smiled. Valerie couldn't help but laugh at the little mistake. She was holding Rikus bag while he took the exam, Chester taking a nap inside. Roxas sighed, taking a seat on the floor to wait. "and then there were 10....8 not counting the chocobo and the heartless."he said. "Thats what I said!"Kurix huffed. "Holy Luna, they made it like Mary Poppins bag..."Valerie said, scouraging through Rikus bag.
Basically Gex and Edens 'bonding moment' in the rp.... wait that is what your talking about, right? what everyone was reacting to?XD
"Well, wish us luck."Sora said. "You are all doomed..."Roxas said, deciding to tease. Kurix was holding Kisa, taking care of her while the wielders took the exam. "I has...er...I have faith in you!"Valerie corrected herself. "That...doesn't make us feel better, but thanks."Riku grumbled. He and Sora went toward the voice, prepared.
OOC:We're waiting on you, Jeffy! BIC: The group that had already gotten their 'adventure clothes' had seen the moment between Eden and Gex. Roxas and Kurix just ignored it, not having anything to do with it anway. Sora and Riku looked amused, but didn't go into any deep meanings. Valerie, however, had started to giggle, and had a look as if she was thinking about something/
OOC:The clown shoes had to die!XD BIC: Valerie was still gaga over how she looked, Sora and Riku complimenting eachother on their outifts. Roxas' outfit didn't change much, it was basically an enchanted version of the outfit he wore in his Twilight Town, only now with normal fitting shoes. Kurix had a more casual outfit than an outfit for adventure- a long sleeves purple shirt with a blue half jacket-unfortunately no hood. He basically had jeans on and some boots. It was enchanted non-the-less, whether Kurix was joining the group on their adventure or not. "Woooo~ we look awesooooome!"Valerie said. OOC:And now to wait for Jeffrey to see how he, Kairi, and Naminé are gonna look. .... THIS'LL be good.XD
Kisa outfit was very simple for the infant, a rosy pink shirt and skirt combo, enchanted so she could travel to other worlds as well-although probably the less dangerous ones. Sora smiled at Kisa before he got his outfit changed as well. He had a blue t-shirt underneath what looked like a black hooded vest, a silver crown on the left side. Black pants with blue edges, and no pocket belts like last time. Blue shoes, and black gloves with what looked like gems on each glove. They were a regular blue for now, but they got Sora's interest. "Coool...." Rikus outfit was alittle different a black sleeveless undershirt as usual, with a white vest with blue edges. Black pants seemed to have blue x's on the edge, Riku having a pair of black boots. The gloves were-suprise, suprise- black, but the design on them looked like a blue arrowtip. "Not bad..."Riku commented, looking at his gloves. His bag had been enchanted to keep track of the items had gathered along the way.
Valerie's outfit had a...suprising lack of 'her color'. It was a blue slight sleeved undershirt with a brown half-jacket with short sleeves. The hood was a darker brown and the edges of the sleeves with thin orange stripes with the bottom of the jacket being the same shade as the hood. She had on brown baggy-like pants with blue enchanted pockets(to hold all of her items, naturally) and orange edges. The shoes were black, the laces a shade of brown to match the jacket. as accessories she had on brown fingerless gloves with black on the edges, orange x's designed on the gloves. "Check me oooout!"She realized...she and Eden were the only ones that had gotten new outfits so far, staying quiet.
"This is gonna be soooo fuuuun. Adventure clooothes, adventure clothes~"Valerie was saying 'adventure clothes' in a sing song voice. Sora and Riku were stretching out after their meal, ready for the exam. Kurix was holding Kisa while they stretched, giving a small chuckle. Roxas just rolled his eyes at the two.
OOC:SWEEEEET!*happy dance about getting adventure clothes* BIC: Valerie had some eggs bacon, and a nice biscuit. "Baaacoooon..."she said as if she was in heaven. Sora and Riku had finished their breakfast, Sora feeding Kisa a quick bottle of formula. Kurix was still eating, although he was almost done. Roxas had barely touched his plate, eating at a slow pace.
"An artist?"Kurix was eating with Roxas and Ashir. "Its somebody that can create their own original works. They can use anything- Crayons, pencil, colored pencil, markers.... Naminé is a bit of an artist."Roxas chuckled. Sora and Riku were sitting together, glad to get another decent meal. Valerie was chowing down with her food, never really getting breakfast back on Earth. OOC:Wait does that mean boys and girls are seperated like boys one group and girls another or seperated based on something or what?XD
"guys...?"Valerie saw the two going to bed and sighed. "Back to sleep I go then..."she sighed, going back to bed and going to sleep. Kurix saw the infant going to sleep, placing her in the crib. "Mmmng..."He stretched his arms out, laying down on his bed. He sprawled out, quickly drifting to sleep. Roxas soon passed out, quietly sleeping. Riku was mumbling something in his sleep, but quickly calmed down. OOC:Now what? time skip?XD
"Huh...We should sleep. Looks like you have that...mark of mastery whatever tommorow..."Roxas rolled back over to try and get some rest.
"Would you die for a heart if thats what it took?"Roxas asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Don't say 'anything'. You'll never know what you'll have to give up in return."He said. Kurix gently set Kisa down, resting her against Equius. He couldn't help but smile and the gurgles and giggles from Kisa. Valerie was out, barely aware of what was going on. "wak!"until she rolled off her bed and onto the floor. "I'm okay..."she was refusing to get up. "Is it morning yet? Oh wait, eternal dusk, right...."she muttered.
"I dunno why but.... It feels good to vent it out. I shouldn't even be feeling anger, let alone the relief of letting it out... Being a nobody is complicated. I wish there was another way to get our hearts besides taking others..."Roxas groaned. "It feels... wrong taking lives to achieve our goals. Of course...it was the only solution we had....and probably still have... but maybe we could..."he sighed. "I must be boring you with all of this..."he couldn't help but laugh at how he was ranting.
Fixed it~:3