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  1. AnimeGirl104
    "I...I'm sorry...."Riku was suprised. Valerie, Sora, even Roxas had a look of shock on their faces. Kurix, being a new nobody, didn't quite understand. Kisa suddenly started to fidget and squirm, hunger being her alarm. Sora gave a soft gasp, trying to keep Kisa calm. Not now....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AnimeGirl104
    "We sealed all the keyholes. The militaries on that world will be able to fight off the remaining heartless. We've picked up as many survivors as we few as they seem. We...sort of lost a few along the journey."Riku frowned at that. "But the current survivors are learning combat... This one here has mastered the Thunder spell, and her friend has learned the earth spell."He gestured to Valerie and Jeffrey. "and as with Eden... She and Gexln has seperated from us due to...maturity issues. But I will take full responsibility for my companions if they misbehave or act irresponsible."Riku said. Companions? what is he, the Doctor? Valerie refused to say a word.

    "And as for the three nobodies you see, two of them have unknown origins... The third you will recognize. Somehow Roxas was able to come out of Sora's heart...though how is still beyond our comprehension." 'Geez Riku, no need for the expanded vocabulary...'Sora's voice rang in the silverettes head. "We would have been here sooner after saving Earth but we had a few.... distractions along the way. and for that I apologize."Riku said. Roxas and Kurix were quiet, letting the report be given uninterupted. "I-If I may sir... How is his Magesty? Still safe, I hope..."Riku still wasn't aware of the events at Disney Castle....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AnimeGirl104
    Sora quickly went inside, holding Kisa. "I-It's very nice to see you again, Master Yen Sid."he gave a slgiht bow, not being able to do a full on with Kisa in his arms. "Sorry that it took so long to arrive. The mission to rescue Earth took longer than expected."Riku explained. "As you can tell, we took some company along the way..."He added. Valerie looked up at Yen Sid with a small Fluttershy-like squeak.

    OOC:Where's Ashir?XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie gave Jeffrey a look that said 'finish bowing, you idiot!', with a mix of fear and shyness on her expression. Roxas took a deep breath before going in, bowing at Yen Sid in a formal way. "M-Master Yen Sid...."he said. Kurix realized what everyone else was doing and bowed as well, wanting to be polite. Sora was still hesitant, holding Kisa close. W-what if he over reacts...s-surely he's seen something like this before, He's a wizard...b-but it's not really normal.... Okay can do this.... Sora was about to go in. No you can't! he quickly took a step back, nervous.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie let out a quick whine before they opened the door to Yen Sids chamber. Everyone immediately went calm, Riku going in first. "Master Yen Sid...."he gave a formal bow. Sora seemed alittle hesitant, wondering how the wise wizard would react to Kisa. Roxas hesitated as well, not sure how Yen Sid would react to a nobody. Kurix, however, went right on ahead. Valerie quickly followed to make sure he did nothing stupid. "Its very grateful to meet you, Y-M-Master Yen Sid..."she quickly curtsied, growing nervous very fast.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AnimeGirl104
    "Give it time. You'll learn as the adventure unfolds..."Roxas explained. "Uuuugh... I want someone to carry me...and NOT you Riku. You do it by force!"Valerie huffed. "We're almost there, you can walk."Riku said. "Alright...but one of you boys are going to carry me down."Valerie said. "Deal."Sora chuckled. "What? No deal!"Riku said. "Deal!"Roxas said, wanting to make Riku unhappy. Kurix just went along with it.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AnimeGirl104
    Konbonwa! watashi wa Valerie-desu! Isn't everyone just so Kawaii-desu today! Dono nidesu ka?

    .........I think I just died alittle at what I just typed.....
    *looks at my username*Oh GOD this thread wants me to change my username NOW.....>->
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AnimeGirl104
    "Not as well as the others. I only heard about you from Eden while I was in her heart..."Riku explained.They made it to the stairs that led to Yen Sids chamber."Sora, can you carry me the rest of the way....?"Valerie asked. "My arms are already busy...."Sora said, holding Kisa as an emphasis. "I'll do it."Kurix said. "Yeeeah-no. No offense."Valerie said. Kurix just shrugged. "Picky, Picky, Picky."Roxas huffed.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AnimeGirl104
    "I don't think Roxas has heart to say anymore. This Yen Sid guy seems to know alot though. you can ask him."Kurix said to Ashir. Roxas just gave a small nod. By the 2nd set of stairs, Valerie still wasn't out of breath or passed out from exhaustion. "Looks like all that running pays off, doesn't it?"Riku smirked. Sora had moved ahead of the group to tend to a fidgeting Kisa. "Yaaaaay....'Valerie said, a bit out of breath.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AnimeGirl104
    "You're what people call a least that's what we think. Its the empty shell people leave behind when they become a heartless. Only very strong nobodies can take a human form though."Roxas explained. ""Kurix joined Roxas and Ashir. "That means Nobodies aren't created with hearts...and thus, no real emotions..."at that, Roxas stopped, almost...sad. "Oh..."Kurix said, seeing how Roxas reacted to the words. For someone with no emotions, he seems to show alot...weird...
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AnimeGirl104
    "Well come on. We better get started."Sora smiled. "Oh sweet Celestia..."Valerie was the first to start up the stairs, wanting to get it over with. "I'll make sure she doesn't pass out on us..."Riku followed after her. Sora looked over to Ashir. "Hopefully Eden will be ecstatic when she sees you."Sora said, minding Kisa as he started up the stairs. "Phwooo...."Kurix gave a small whistle at the amount of stairs before stating up. "Come on, don't want to be left behind..."Roxas said to Ashir before starting up himself.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AnimeGirl104
    "Eden? She's.... smart."Riku said. "Creative."Sora said. "Mature."Valerie said. "Artistic?" "a bit stubborn..." "Tall..."Valerie said. Kurix and Roxas both chuckled at that.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AnimeGirl104
    "Alright, and now up we go!"Sora said, alittle too enthusiastic. Valerie grinned, but then realized it. "Oh god....Stairs..."she groaned. "What do you have against stairs?"Riku asked. "Well obviously, she hates them."Kurix said, pointing out the obvious statement first. Roixas stayed by Ashirs side. "Can we just go up?"he asked.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AnimeGirl104
    As the train came to a stop Riku opened the door so everbody could get out. "yaaaaay! we're heeere."Valerie jumped out. she awed at how tall Yen Sids tower really was. Sora came out next, Kisa calmed down for now. Kurix was third, Roxas making sure Ashir was going to come out. "Come on, we're here. Its time to go see Eden."He said. Riku looked over to Roxas, a bit suprised. Wow, he's nice to everyone else but me...ouch. "Oh, don't say that. Give him time."Sora's voice echoed in Rikus head.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas saw that Ashir was uncomfortable, taking a seat next to the kid. "Hey, it's okay. Noone's gonna hurt you..."He said, trying to get Ashir out of the fetal position. Kurix looked over to Roxas and Ashir. What's with the sudden change? He was grumpy a few minutes ago.... Valerie looked out the window as the scenery changed to the familiar route of the mysterious tower. Kisa seemed to open her eyes at that moment. "You see that, Kisa?"Sora whispered, earning a few gurgles and noises from said infant. "You're just a heart attack waiting to happen, arem't you?"Riku was watching over Sora and Kisa.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AnimeGirl104
    "yaaay for getting on the right traain."Valerie said. "Guess you weren't a complete failure, Riku."Roxas said. "Excuse me?"Riku gave Roxas a small look. "Oh, please don't start fighting."Sora groaned. "He started it."Roxas and Riku said, pointing at eachother. Kurix couldn't help but laugh at the two's behavior. "Okay, I give up. He's adorable. Can we keep him?"Valerie asked, hugging Kurix. Roxas huffed, but then noticed Ashir. Poor kid...if he is a Nobody....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie squeaked, pulling away from Ashir before she got a broken limb from his strength. "Now I know there must be something going on."she sighed. "Well maybe he doesn't know you because to him he's not a creation?"Sora suggested, cradling a now awake Kisa. "I dunno, the whole Aunty thing with her has gotten me confused."Roxas said. "M-Maybe he's a....what did you guys call me...a nobody?"Kurix was alittle weak on suggestions. "maybe..."Riku groaned in annoyance. "Oi! Jeffrey, girls! Get on the train!"he snapped.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie gave a small wince at the tight hand shake due to Ashir's strength, but kept a firm girp to calm him down. "Its okay..."she said. Sora entered the train first, trying to keep Kisa calm since the young infant stirred at the train noises. Riku waited until everyone else went into the train. Valerie took Ashirs hand and lead him onto the train next. Kurix hopped onto the train, ready to go. Roxas gave Riku a small look before boarding the train.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AnimeGirl104
    The group had taken Ashir to the train station, hoping that this time the train to Yen Sids tower was still there. Valerie was grabbind Ashirs hand, whether it was the real Ashir or not. Sora and Riku looked at the duo, Sora giving a small chuckle. Roxas was waiting outside the train station to wait, looking up at the clock tower. Kurix joined Roxas, not really understanding why he was looking at a clock. "Um, excuse me....we're looking for a train?"Sora went up to the ticket booth, thinking positive.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AnimeGirl104
    Riku saw Ashir, remembering something that happened when he was still in Edens heart. Wait...I thought Eden said he didn't really exist...?
    "Anyone have any ideas...?"Valerie asked. "I say we take Ashir to Eden...maybe it'll spark a memory...."Riku suggested. "Ah! Good idea! Since Val and Jeffrey say he's one of Edens creations."Sora nodded. "I guess it'll work..."Roxas said. Kurix looked at the group, deciding to go along until he remembered anything....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home