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  1. AnimeGirl104
    OOC:Well the post said scabbard so.XD
    Xikari laughed as her sword struck the chest. True it wouldn't be fatal for a nobody, but it would deal severe pain. She immediately jumped away thinking Gexln was going to strike back.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AnimeGirl104
    Xikari jumped, dodging the sword with grace. She landed on her hands, pushing the ground to make her body land back on her feet. "My turn..."she took her katana, rushing foward for a direct strike to the chest.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AnimeGirl104
    B)Ask him something...

    Better start getting information now before getting confused as heck in the future.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. AnimeGirl104
    Xikari gave a small, almost maniacal chuckle. "We'll see about that."Xikaris cat-like slits for pupils seemed to glare into Gexln as she got into a battle-ready position. "Since you are so... idiotically brave, I'll allow you the first strike..."she said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AnimeGirl104
    "My father want me to retrieve the heart you stole. I cannot fail him, so I will have that heart back...."Xikari seemed unphased by the blade, summoning a katana made of black metal with a red handle. Xehanort had gifted her with long range weapons as well, which she could use with the advantage of the bamboo.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AnimeGirl104
    "Alright. Keep in contact if you can."Riku said, turning off the walkie talkie for now. "So. any ideas on how to weaken Xehanort?"Sora asked, putting Kisa in the gummis crib for her. "Well...not weaken his power...but his influence. If we seal keyholes of other worlds, that prevents darkness from influencing that world anymore, right?"Valerie suggested. "Something along those lines."Roxas said. "I think I get it... if Xehanort can't spread his darkness out to the other worlds..... uh..."Kurix paused, thinking.

    "I can see them now, father..."Xikari could see the trio. "I will try to apprehend them now..."she slowly crept from the trees, a small smirk on her face. "Why hello there.... I believe you have something that isn't rightfully yours..."Her voice had a sinister and yet seductive tone, an evil smile gracing her lips.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AnimeGirl104
    "Me...?"Roxas was a bit suprised. "Oh no, I've had my time being evil. I want to try and STAY on the side of the heroes."he said. "Aw, Roxy has seen the light!"Valerie joked. "Roxy...?"Roxas gave the young girl a small glare. Kurix couldn't help but smile at 'Roxy'. "I think if more than you guys showed up Xehanort might suspect something. especially if it was Roxas. Xemnas might have passed down knowledge to huis somebody..."Riku said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AnimeGirl104
    "Yeah.... and I'm sorry for being so... rash during the mark of mastery exam...."Riku muttered. Sora couldn't help but shake his head. Stubborn as a goat.... "Wait...what are we supposed to do while you guys play double agent?"Valerie asked.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AnimeGirl104
    "Creeeepyyyy...."Valerie and Sora said at once. " Xeahnorts darkness is different from regular darkness...?"Riku didn't quite understand. "That sounds... kinda weird to think about it..."Roxas said. Kurix nodded.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AnimeGirl104
    "Seee? Bad idea!"Valerie huffed. "Wait...disease? what do you mean 'Xehanort is a disease'?"Riku asked. "Is he sick...?"Kurix asked, only to be bopped by Roxas. "It's not like that... I don't think it is, anyway..."Roxas said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AnimeGirl104
    "I don't know...but it's worth a try."Riku said. "Just... please be careful..."Sora said. "I still don't like it."Valerie said. "Yeah, who know what'll happen."Roxas huffed.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AnimeGirl104
    "An ally to Xehanort? He's like, Darth Vader! He'll only corrupt that person to evil!"Valerie said. "Why you gotta bring Star Wars into this?"Riku asked. "Yeah, that was an amazing story. Don't ruin it."Sora commented. " two know about-....Okaaaay then."Valerie shook her head.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AnimeGirl104
    "Gexln, what are you thinking...?"Valerie frowned. "Nothing bad, I hope. You can't fight fire with fire, you know."Sora said. Riku was behind the wheel, making sure they made it safely to the Land of Dragons.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AnimeGirl104
    "You're crazy, right?"Valerie asked. "Don't kill any more people! Innocent people don't have to die just because you want power!"Roxas and Kurix protested. Sora didn't say anything, holding Kisa tight. "We'll be on our way. Stay right there until we arrive."Riku set the coordinates, launching the gummi.

    Xikari had made it to the Land of Dragons. "I have arrived, father. I have not spotted the nobody yet, but I will search..."she made her way, staying hidden through the shadows of the trees.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AnimeGirl104
    "We can hear you..."Sora and Riku said at once. "Oh come on, you know it was difficult. Especially you, Riku."Valerie said. Roxas couldn't help but lift an eyebrow at that statement.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AnimeGirl104
    "Don't blame yourself. Xehanort is too strong at this point. we need to find a way to weaken him."Sora said. "Where are you guys?"Riku asked. Valerie was holding Chester, giving it some orange peel as she ate the fruit.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AnimeGirl104
    "Sw-wait, what?!"Sora was confused. The group was shocked at the sudden news. "What did you two DO?!"Riku snatched the walkie talkie from Sora.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AnimeGirl104
    "I got it!"Sora took the walkie talkie before Riku could grab it. "Hello, Sora speaking~"He said playfully into the walkie talkie. "Sora, give me that."Riku huffed. "No. get your own walkie talkie."Sora said. "Yay, Sora's showing his playful side again."Valerie applauded. Roxas just rolled his eyes while Kurix gave a small chuckle.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AnimeGirl104
    The group nodded, staring to make their way.
    -OH, time skip this crud!XD-
    Upon arriving at Pride Rock, the group was bombarded by Sora pouncing on Riku. "There you guys are! C'mon, I have a really bad feeling. We can come back later, right? Oh, can we please go?"Sora asked. "Uh...sure?"Riku was confused. Sora nodded, getting off of Riku. The gummi ship hovered over the group and 'beamed' them back on board.

    Chester was nudging the walkie talkie, catching Valerie's attention. "What is he doing with that?"Roxas asked. "Maybe we got a call...?"Kurix suggested. "It doesn't work like that..."Sora and Riku said at once, Sora holding Kisa in his arms.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AnimeGirl104
    They others made a run after Jeffrey to get away from the fire. Valerie made a stumble on her hooves, falling foward. "Gah!"Kurix was hit by Valerie, losing concentration. Roxas and Riku were caught in the two tumbling over, a chain reaction causing them all to tumble over just as they reached a safe area. "That was AWESOME...."Valerie said, very dizzy. the other three just groaned.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Jan 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home