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  1. Sebax
    "Get in my way again... And it will be the last thing you do... Hikaru."

    Base was getting ready to fight, but those parting words hit him. He stared, transfixed at the departing villain, and almost let his guard down. "Who's... Hikaru...?" It was long enough for one of the gargoyles to leap and try to take a swing at him. base jumped back on instinct and shouted "Frio!" at the stone foe. With it's considerable weight increased, the cruel statue had a hard time jumping to reach him. Base took two swings to chip away at the Gargoyle Knight until it broke apart, but he was on the move. He needed to make sure he was covering wounded allies.

    Two Gargoyle Warriors blocked his path. Readying his stance, Base stood his ground and jumped to attack the warrior on the right. Cracking his Keyblade clear through it rocky head, the warrior stayed together just long enough for him to use it as a kickstand to pull the other heavy warrior in so that the two toppled together and dismantled under their own tremendous weight.

    He was almost to D'daear when another warrior blindsided him. "I'm getting tired of these ones..." The threat swung its heavy axe toward him, and Base had to limbo his way out of a stone-edged incision through his middle. Base took the opportunity to step on the axe hard as it made its lowest sweep. It pulled the heavy Gargoyle forward and just enough to send it crashing to a gravely mess on the ballroom floor.

    Base stood by D'daear, with his Keyblade in hand, and smirked. "See what I mean?"
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 10, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    Base wanted to grab Krowley's shoulder as he passed. He wanted to stop him. He distrusted the dark figure, but something was drawing Krowley towards what seemed so predictable to anyone but Krowley. The spot occupied by the downed Krowley had been occupied by Base the instant before Krowley was sent flying back; it took a sudden jump for the musical Keyblader to avoid being crushed by Krowley in his full armor.

    "Krowley!" Base hastened to Krowley's side. He knew it would be a mistake to just try and pick him up after a hit like that. Krowley would have to be suffering some massive muscle fatigue. Base just had to make sure Krowley wasn't dead before his next move. He heard faint words from the inside of the mask, but could not make them out; he saw faint movements in Krowley's limbs. That was all it took.

    Base jumped to his feet to stand between Aux and the others. He stood alone at the base of the stairs, with his Keyblade in hand. "Pretending to surrender and biting back when the guard's down. Don't know who taught you how to fight, but a majority would consider that a war crime. Not to mention something only an incredibly weak individual would do." It was slightly ironic in the fact Aux possessed an Oxen build, and Base had only the leanest of muscle. Base had grown strong, even without the Keyblade, but Aux wouldn't need a weapon to try and take Base on; he was big enough to be a challenge from the beginning. But Base stood. He stood between the threat and his friends.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Sebax

    Spirox War

    The teapot whistled in Steven Solaris’ left hand. There wasn’t a gas line in the rundown building he currently called home, but that didn’t matter when one happened to be a walking furnace. Keats in one hand and boiling water to become tea in the other was a combination of pleasantries he had to allow himself every time and again to keep from slipping in his mind’s constant need for upkeep. He had his bag, his body, and what was left of his mind to survive on, and each had to be at their peak potential. Solaris put down his book of poetry to switch the whistling tea pot into the other, much cooler hand. Wiping his hot left hand in the air a bit to help cool down the internal temperature he was controlling in his digits, Solaris grabbed a tea bag from his backpack; one that he always kept close, and he was starting to get in dire need of a replacement with the state the current one was in. It was not like he could go out and easily buy a new one though. Everyone always looked at him. His mask, his costume, and just his mere presence prompted attention, but he had to cover up with the red full-face mask he had neatly folded in his bag. He needed the red gloves, and black trench coat. He often thought that maybe the red suit was a bit overboard, but why would someone want to live and look like a drifter? He never chose the life anyway. It was forced on him. He was made into a freak. His skin didn’t fit his body. It was a loose, thick body suit of heat resistant rubber that didn’t hold up to its first assigned task. When his powers activated, prompted by experiments he’d signed up for in the military, he gained and immediately lost control of his heating abilities. Well, maybe he did choose this life. And between him and the two scientists who were burned to a crisp in that testing room, having his skin disfigured and “meltified” was probably being left off easy if you valued your life. Not that Steven Solaris… Smaulder… did.

    Solaris pulled out a thermos from his bag, and prepared his tea. Someday soon, he’d have to eat, but for now, there were only tea bags and a few books he’d picked up from a nearby run-down library. Living in isolation, Solaris had to isolate even himself from himself as much as he could. The night air would probably feel cool, given the holes in the halls in the grey and dismal dilapidated apartment, but he never felt anything except the heat running through his veins. He could see his veins, and he looked at them, because they burned bright yellow with a tremendous heat that took great effort to keep down and the light in the darkness always drew his eyes. Hence, he slipped on his red leather gloves. Tight spaces made him heat up fast, but the more he covered up his skin, the more internalized the heat was, and the less it radiated off of him and made him burn the world around him. Smaulder, as his army buddies would call him in regards to his ability to take heat even before the powers, had his tea made, and his current read. For the moment: all was right with the world in that small light spot he occupied in Kikei.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    Base stopped his playing the moment Aux started talking. The sudden appearance caused him to accidentally hit a sour chord, but that was somehow fitting for the situation. "Well, I was right to check ahead, but I guess I missed a rat." He remembered seeing people like Aux in the Castle of Dreams. They wore suits of armor like Krowley, but they just seemed...darker... Who exactly were they? And why did they look like Krowley at all? A thousand questions rushed through his head, but little was needed for Base to whip out his Keyblade and dash to Krowley's side.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 8, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    Username: Sebax
    Name: Walter "Animus" Dixon
    Age: 46
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Tall, thin man with a long face and prominent, handsome facial features. He has black hair that is neatly styled, and he is clean-shaven. He has striking, intelligent crystal blue eyes that were formerly brown. (The appearance of his eyes is affected by his power. The color has to do with an absence of irises that are replaced with biological devices that control his visual powers.. However, they look like plain, blue eyes.) He has big, straight teeth. Always wearing fancy business suits. Think: Hollywood Tycoon.
    Animated Projection
    Abilities: 1.) Projects a 3-D image in real time. Images are animated in a drawing style similar to his own. 2.) Scenery creation. He can create semi-realistic scenery to create an illusion of being somewhere where the person witnessing the illusion is not. 3.) Persuasion. Using his visual projections, he can persuade individuals to bending to his will. 4.) Voice. His animations have their own unique voice that is projected through his imagination. He can voluntarily set voices for characters he shows, if he is controlling the presentation. 5.) Eye flash. A last chance ditch effort, he can use a sudden burst light from his eyes.
    Weapons: Essentially, his political pull and position in the film industry allows for him to use propaganda as a weapon. Otherwise, he has a rudimentary handling ability of fire arms. He keeps a pistol that strongly resembles a 9 MM Tauros 709SS pistol in his office.
    Strengths: He doesn't have to be in the same room as the animation, but he does have to be nearby; preferably being able to actually see the animation himself. The animations work primarily like the toons from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" They can be touched, felt, and heard, but, instead, they themselves are merely lifeless puppets; Walt simply pulls the strings.
    Weaknesses: Not all projections are voluntary or controlled by him. Sometimes, the images are controlled involuntarily by his own imagination, and his imagination runs away on its own to create a scene he has no idea how it can go or end. 2.) His human characters obviously do not look real. If he were to try and trick someone into thinking they were somewhere else, he would not be able to create and manipulate characters much larger than or more complicated in design than an insect. 3.) If he is not in the same room as the projections, then he has to be in the same room beforehand in order to set the scene that stays there; only then can he leave the room to control the scene. 4.) Ambiguity. It is not essentially a part of the power, but it seems that once someone has witnessed one of the projections, full details cannot be recalled about the event. The only thing that really remains is the internal drive to accomplish what was the purpose of persuading through the vision. 5.) He can barely see with light bursting from his eyes. He is working completely through knowledge of the surroundings and what he can see in his scene.
    Starting Area: Dynami. Dynamite Studios Lot. His office.
    Bio: Walt's story really begins after a life of poverty and unrewarded ambition. Struggling through his teens and early twenties to make his name as a filmmaker, he was eventually approached with an opportunity to augment his ability to affect people's reception of entertainment. After Spirox drug tests, Walter gained the ability to produce cartoons that would stand in the same room as him. He used this as a means to persuade himself into a position of power within the film-making community. Quickly rising to prominence, Walt, at the age of 25, was living in the lap of luxury in the public eye with a beautiful, loving wife, and a booming filming career. Dynamite Studios was born. Not much later after the birth of the new studio, a wonderful occasion led to a semi-tragic event: Walter Dixon became a father, but lost his wife close to and largely because of the birth of the couple's daughter: Belinda Dixon. Refusing to remarry, Walt hardly raised Belinda himself at all until a certain incident (See "Bio", Belinda Dixon) forced him to keep his young daughter out of view of the public that was always watching him.
    Other: There are characters that he projects so often, they have essentially been molded into almost actual living beings. Although they are really nothing more than the other creations, these have defined personalities that draw the question of whether or not the cartoon creations are simply lifeless puppets or much more. These creations are still no less extensions of Walt himself, so there is a stark limit to what they are able to do, no matter how real and alive they may appear.

    Username: Sebax
    Name: Belinda "Slithe" Dixon
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female (Can appear as Male if features are manipulated)
    Appearance: In her most default and actual form, she is 5'7" with a slim build, vaguely feminine shape. Little else stays as consistent, due to the nature of her power. Her features are virtually almost all twisted and mutated, so her humanity is essentially left in her ability to craft her own appearance around her still remaining personality.
    Mutated Features:
    In her pure, basic form, she is bald with green reptilian skin. Her face resembles that of a snake, lacking a nose and lips, with a small "beak" in the middle of where her top lip would be. Her irises are blood red. She has two fingers and an opposable thumb. She has three toes, with two facing her front, and one facing backwards; much like a Eagle's foot. She has a long, lizard-like tail that can detach from her body; it is the tail that contributes for the extra mass needed for hair, a nose, and other mass-related features. Her voice is even reptilian, accenting every word with involuntary guttural clicks and growls.
    Power: Shape-Shifting
    Abilities: 1.) Pallet switch. She can change the color of any of her currently existing features. Using this feature, she can not only change her features to an assortment of natural colors, but can also change her appearance to match the surface she is standing in front of; almost blending in, but not invisible. 2.) Mass manipulation. Mass can neither be created, nor can it be destroyed. In order for her to make noticeable changes to her physical form outside of color, then she has to ingest enough organic matter to do so. All excess organic matter can be gotten rid of by her shedding her skin, and thus shedding off the extra mass. 3.) Voice. In being able to change her anatomy, she can consciously rearrange her vocal chords and other controlling aspects of voice production. Essentially, she can craft her own voice.
    Weapons: Sharp teeth and claws. She's stronger than she looks in any form.
    Strengths: Her disguises are nearly perfect every time. She is an accomplished actress, so talking as different people is no issue.
    Weaknesses: Changing height is no easy task. To become significantly shorter, she would have to shed off what is not really excess mass. This shedding would not only take time to do, but in order to return to her normal size, then she must consume enough organic material to do so. The act of doing this is much like if we could take food directly out of our stomachs before we've had a chance to digest what we need. In order to grow taller, she must consume a good deal of organic material, but, again, the shedding takes precious time. 2.) Her view of her remaining humanity is slowly slipping. She despises the way that she naturally looks, and this leads to an occasionally self-destructive behavior. 3.) She cannot maintain a disguise indefinitely. The more altered her appearances, then the harder it will be to hold it. She can hold her default Human appearance for weeks, but needs at least a day of rest from shifting. A complicated disguise could potentially last mere hours, depending on the severity of the shift in her outward appearance.
    Starting Area: Dynami. Dynamite Studios. Lot 20.
    Bio: Belinda's childhood was spent having everything she could ever need, but nothing of what she wanted. She wanted parents, but one was dead and the other might have just as well been. It was all a seemingly normal, healthy young girl wanted; her wish came true in a horrible way. Around the age of 11, she became sick as the unnoticed Spirox gene inside her, inherited from her father's exposure, began to slowly mutate her body. It was all very sudden. The nanny walked in and suffered a heart attack at the very sight of the changed Belinda, and fell to the floor in an almost empty mansion. Belinda tried to call out for help, but found her voice made sounds she did not mean to speak, and all attempts to call for any medical attention went unanswered due to the bewildering calls from a girl who had suddenly lost the ability to speak, but had gained the ability to switch around her anatomy. After the incident, Belinda was paid more attention to by her father. It took a great deal of relearning, but because of Walt's almost instant understanding of what had happened to her, her life stabilized. She learned to control her powers and integrated herself as a part of Dynamite Studios; always wearing either her default disguise as the now well-known, very human actress, Belinda Dixon, or she walks the lot practicing her abilities with new, creative disguises.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 8, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sebax
    Base ducked through and ventured into the Ballroom ahead of everyone else to ensure the perimeter was secure. In the golden atmosphere, Base felt at ease, even though so many dangers felt nearer and nearer. The harpsichord over in the corner made the ballroom feel complete; the potential for melody always struck a good chord with Base. He knew he had his duties, but Base had to sit down at that instrument. Cracking his fingers as he sat, Base slowly pressed down on the keys to hear what kind of sound he could get...
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    "We are entirely at your disposal, Miss." Base lightly nudged D'daear and whispered to his ally, "Keep your eyes everywhere. Especially where you can't see." Base himself had his eyes on the shadows closest to him. Cast by suits of armor in candlelight, the shadows could spawn Shadows with claws that were all too interested in clawing into the chest cavities of individuals with hearts. "Look for any trace of yellow; event the faintest glow. But keep a smile." Indeed, Base kept a pleasant smile while he remarked the solemn note.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Sebax
    "Forgive my companion's obnoxious and obvious obstructions." Base shot a stern look towards Steel. "All points aside, Luna is very right; you look beautiful." Base considered the possibility that escorting may have become necessary if Heartless intervention chose to rear its undeniably ugly head. It always seemed to be during some of the most inconvenient times that problems arose, but perhaps, this time, they would get lucky.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 5, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Sebax
    The Gentleman he was, Base bowed before the regal-looking young lady. "I recall seeing the... Master of the household, but I do not remember seeing you, Mademoiselle." Base rose from his bow. "Although, we were quite occupied when first meeting him, so anything else likely would have flown under my radar."

    "I understand you are something of a...prisoner. Of course, the staff here do seem sincere in their investment that you may be able to break the spell that seems to have hold over this place; but I have personally seen just how violent the Master can be. I will ask this frankly: are you in any danger?" Base tried not to let the glamour of the setting obstruct the fact that the Beast had brutalized his company not an hour ago.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax
    Anyone have a birthday in April? I'll turn your mark on the Calendar into a star with your color when and if you post on that specific day.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  11. Sebax
    Username: Sebax
    Name: Steven "Smolder" Solaris
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Formerly a handsome individual, Steven's skin permanently gives off the impression like it started to burn and melt off, but had been frozen early on. He wears a red mask over his face, and he wears a costume similar to the wardrobe of the Tenth Doctor Who; his suit, tie, gloves, and suit pants are red. His loose dress shirt is white. His trench coat is open and black with yellow buttons. Ex-military, he has solid muscle mass.
    Mutated Features: His veins glow all throughout his body with a dim red yellowish glow. His eyes are brown, but the veins in his eyes are always showing and they are bright and yellow. His skin is thicker than most, and feels like burlap, but it's loose and doesn't fit his frame in most places around his body.
    Power: Internal combustion
    Abilities: 1.) Burn: his body gets so hot to touch that exposure to his skin can cause burns. He has more concentrated control of this power than any of the others, being able to limit the heat to his hands or anywhere he chooses. 2.) Heat Wave. He can make small enclosures much hotter merely by his being there. 3.) Combustion. A power he never uses. In theory, he could get so hot that his body would burn up from the inside, but the heat release would be massive; he's a walking, talking mini atomic bomb.
    Weapons: His hands. He's trained in hand to hand combat and armed weaponry, but he can't hold anything without it getting scalding hot. A metal bar strong enough to take his heat becomes much more dangerous in his hands.
    Strengths: He can take the heat he dishes out. He doesn't sweat. He doesn't get cold.
    Weaknesses: He feels his own heat, and even though he can survive it, it is incredibly uncomfortable. The tighter the space he's in though, the more likely he'll overheat even beyond his tolerance level. He can't control his heat very well, so his ability to hold off going off like a bomb is like adding ice to a boiling pot.
    Starting Area: Reading up presently
    Bio: Steven was formerly a regular human being who was given the Spirox gene while in the military as an experiment. His appearance went unaltered, so he was presumed to be a success until his powers peaked during a test in a small interview room. Two scientists were incinerated, and Steven was left badly burned, bald, and his skin had become loose and "melted" on his frame. Honorably discharged, Solaris condemned himself to the slums of Kikei. He keeps generally to himself, and lives as isolated as he can.
    Other: He has tried to speak out for proponents of releasing the Spirox antidote to the public, but the military has blocked him from revealing his face and history to the media. He has his reasons to oblige their wishes.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax

    Base looked down at his discombobulated apprentice. "How's the floor, D'daear? Comfy?" Base joked with a smile before offering his hand to pull the wavering, havering comrade up.

    "Well isn't that just plain rude! Didn't even bother to ask!"

    Granted: everything that normally didn't talk in other situations talked in this castle. Apparently that went for large wardrobes as well, but Base was nonetheless startled by the suddenness of the dresser's outburst.

    "Erm, sorry, Wardrobe. Er, Madam." What pleasantry was used for household appliances? "We need to be getting somewhere, and you are ever so slightly in our way. If you are capable of movement, then that little nudge would be greatly appreciated." Base, as always, tried to be the diplomatic one.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Sebax
    Profile Post Comment

    Thanks for being honest, buddy.

    Thanks for being honest, buddy.
    Profile Post Comment by Sebax, Apr 3, 2014
  14. Sebax
    I pick "Maestroke", @Moksha .
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  15. Sebax
    "Well, this is getting us nowhere fast..." Base trailed off, taking in the surroundings of the dead end. When Luna crashed down in tears, then Base was right there to give her a hand up and wipe a tear from her face. "Hey, chin up!" Base smiled cheerily. In becoming a unit, each Keyblader had developed a bond with him...even the ones he barely knew. It was as if his heart was soaking in the tides of every nearby heart; connecting each of them in an odd sense of empathy.

    " step, Krowley?" Base inquired, after tending to Luna.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax
    Looks like you kept your head throughout the Fool's Day long enough to post in good ole SOS. Only one thing to do about that: reward you with something just as equally foolish so the fun can be had on all merry birthdays, un-birthdays, and all other occasions.

    Congratulations to the following players for receiving the Cheshire Limit:

    1. @Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII
    2. @~Phoenix~
    3. @Ryuko Matoi
    4. @Kross123
    5. @O.KnightofTwilight
    6. @Sebax
    7. @Beucefilous
    8. @Cat~
    9. @Hexin
    10. @Cstar
    11. @Moksha
    12. @Krowley
    13. @Skyheart
    14. @KHGrl15
    15. @Dr_Wigglz
    This a seperate entity from the Cheshire Cat Summon, so be sure to add it to your character's wikia page, and also make certain you post the remaining 29 days of April. No use in missing out on other goodies.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  17. Sebax
    Finally fixing my broken Stats.

    18 Points to spend

    10 Intelligence= +10 Magic; +5 Res.; 2 MP;

    4 Stamina= +2 Def.; +8 HP

    4 Willpower= +8 Speed; +1 Def.; +1 Res.

    Total change:

    +10 Magic

    +6 Resistance

    +2 MP

    +3 Defense

    +8 HP

    +8 Speed


    Name= Base
    HP= 33
    MP= 6
    Strength= 7 (+4)
    Speed= 15
    Defense= 6 (+2)
    Magic= 19 (+1)
    Resistance= 11
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. Sebax
    "Steel, I get that your trying to help, in your own...way... but not everything can be solved with magic... You are attempting to cure Luna, aren't you...?" Base was slowly growing more distrustful of the haunting presence of Steel. Something about him just gave off an impression of 'I am leagues ahead of all of you'. However, before Base could say another word, Krowley suddenly shouting "Hey!" and giving chase to something startled Base back into the moment at hand. "I have to help Krowley. D'daear, stay with Luna until she has recovered enough to walk on her own, but always stick together." Base slipped slowly out from under Luna's shoulder in a way as to not do her any grief. He couldn't lose much time, and so Base did not; he caught up with Krowley in almost no time at all.

    "Krowley, what are you chasing?" Base huffed, as he had used up most of his energy in the sprint to catch up to the already moving suited comrade.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Sebax
    Add one more vote for Howard the Duck! I need more variety in my Party of Ducks. Can you imagine running around with two ducks, side by side? OMG 4 REALZ! #votehoward #2dux1key
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Sebax
    I am not a vegetarian. I really need a balanced diet, and especially one that includes a LOT of Protein (Damn this fast metabolism). I just love the taste of meat as well. I do respect those who consider it immoral to eat another living being, but I eat meat with quite a bit of respect for the animal that died. So, I practice "Meatless Mondays" that are supported by my college; no meat on Mondays, which is not that they do not serve meat on Mondays, but they just encourage going one day without meat.

    I've heard pretty convincing arguements against both schools of thought. I support the existence of them both, but I will always remain an omnivore until my health is affected into suggesting any sort of different life style.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: Discussion