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  1. Sebax
    I have been talking to some players for some time now, and have come to the conclusion that there are those who joined SOS with higher expectations of how much the Disney characters would be interactive; myself included. Of course, Krowley likely has the worlds mapped out strongly before setting us all up on our little adventures, so it makes sense that our characters may get ignored if their intentions deviate too far from the track established for the world. So where does that leave others who really want to spend a little quality time with their favorite Disney characters? It leaves them a bit at a disadvantage. Therefore, I have a proposition. Here's the pitch:

    The setting is a small little grotto in Land of Departure or somewhere. Somewhere that doesn't conflict too strongly with settings made familiar in SOS. The characters are the characters you portray in SOS as they are. No continuity, just a little bit of a fun mini-RP game. For the sake of keeping things simple, your first post involves you typing into a logbook that depicts where your character is going and who they want to interact with. It works a little like a Character Meet-and-Greet in one of the Disney parks; it's more about the characters than the setting. SOS is your opportunity to play in the world, and this is your chance to talk more closely with its denizens.

    Naturally, the big idea here is that I will be role-playing as the Disney characters. It's what keeps this an RP instead of a Fanfiction competition. I will do my best to maintain an ultimately Disney-esque atmosphere, but know you're free to use your characters as you choose. It's SOS Sandbox mode. Nothing you do in this idea has anything to do with what happens in SOS.

    This is not the RP. This is merely the pitch. Once I know what others think about this, then we can discuss more of the schematics like what will be available. Personally, I really want to see this idea become a reality. What do you think?
    Thread by: Sebax, Apr 28, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  2. Sebax
    Base had just been completely ignored by just about everyone in the castle. "Plans blow up in your face." Karina's words echoed in his mind. He felt insulted. Yes, there was room for error in his plan, but the plan now was basically his plan without the slightest nod towards him whatsoever. Still... Base had a duty to uphold.

    "I'll go where Krowley goes. The practice has served me well so far."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Sebax
  4. Sebax
    "I think you both have points. Kross. Karina. Kross is in the right direction, but Karina points out the thing about it that can go wrong. Don't count on everything going right, but don't always depend on things go sour. It's best to just expect the worst. We want to take out the mob first though, which is why we need the castle staff for an ambush." Base continued to speak to his newer allies and D'daear. "Karina, your strength is legendary. I've heard about you, and I think you might be our strongest ally. Do you want to devise tactics with me? It'll take a lot to break the spirits in the mob without really hurting anyone so that we can focus our power on the leader."

    Base wished he knew more about this Gaston. Did anyone shoot like Gaston? Make those beautes like Gaston? Then go tromping around wearing boots like Gaston? "What has got to be Gaston's greatest flaw?"
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    Wiki pages can be hard to keep track of if you tend to fall behind from time to time as I do. Personal wiki pages for your characters are especially nightmarish; they are your responsibility and yours alone. The goal of this initiative is to create a One-stop directory of everything everyone who visited a certain world should have on their Wiki. It will also include things such as abilities, SCs, Keyblades and more gained through Special Events. It's so you don't have to jump between 20 different wiki pages just to make sure your page is complete.

    I'm rather busy myself, so any help with compartmentalizing this task would be greatly appreciated.

    According to the Chapter guide, there have been the following Chapters:

    Chapter 0 - SOS (Prologue)
    Chapter 1 - New Arrivals (Pages 1-2)
    Chapter 2 - Deep Jungle (Page 1- 36)
    Chapter 3 - The Next Move (Page 37-42)
    Chapter 4 - Nottingham (Page 42-83)
    Chapter 5 - Dwarf Woodlands (Page 42-85)
    Chapter 6 - The Great Forest (Page 43-84)
    Chapter 7 - Detoured (Page 85-94)
    Chapter 8 - Baker Street (Page 94-125)
    Chapter 9 - The Outback (Page 95-123)
    Chapter 10 - Pachyderm Parade (Page 96-122)
    Chapter 11 - Castle of Dreams (Page 94-136)
    Chapter 12 - Higher Powers (Page 136-141)
    Chapter 13 - Kingdom of the Sun (Page 141-165)
    Chapter 14 - Land of Dragons (Page 142-164)
    Chapter 15 - Wonderland (Page 142-164)
    Chapter 16 - An Unexpected Visit (Page 155-165)
    Chapter 17 - Princesses and Plots (Page 165-176)
    Chapter 18 - Corona (Page 176-Current)
    Chapter 19 - Beast's Castle (Page 176-Current)
    Chapter 20 - Camelot (177-Current)

    Of course, there's also been events like the on to gain "Reluctancy". Anything case sensitive to specific groups that go on the wiki for each charcter. Make less trouble for Krowley, yourselves, and all of us together, please.
    Thread by: Sebax, Apr 25, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  6. Sebax
    Base nodded affirmation to his apprentice, if that's what someone as willing to learn as D'daear was could be called. "If the mob should arrive and find no resistance, then that will leave them vulnerable. If we don't directly set up a defense, then that leaves us vulnerable. Luckily, we know individuals who can fill a perceivably empty room. Unless, of course, the village has some sort of mutual vendetta against furniture and knick knacks."
    Base continued calling for the staff as he continued to address D'daear. "Do you see where I'm going with this, D'daear?"
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    Base heaved his spare frame up against one of the mighty castle doors and managed his way inside. "Lumiere? Cogsworth? Mrs. Potts? We need your help! Invaders! Encroachers! But don't worry, we have the mirror." Base shouted out loud to the halls as he walked inside the wide entrance way. Base called back to his friend.

    "If you were to lay seige to a castle, would you expect resistance D'daear?"
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Sebax
    Base saw Steel try to discreetly force Luna behind a pillar.
    "What part of 'We're on the same side does no one understa-'?" Base started to ask indignantly, but the glimpse of red in Luna's eyes finally caught his notice. He had no time to act on this before another individual was introducing himself and offering his hand. He was taken aback by both sudden events, but appreciated the more easily digested information. He did not know of Kross well. Hardly anyone spoke of him much when Base was around, and Base being the recluse he was, was unfamiliar with most of the party he was fighting with. That had to change, and fast.

    "Sebastian Noble, my friend. Please, call me Base. Everyone else does." Base nodded towards Kross and shook his head. "Really? Formalities can be pretty fun sometimes." Base gave a light chuckle as they made their way back into the castle. "Tell me, Kross, have you ever met a talking Candelabra? Because it's his help we'll be needing in keeping Gaston at bay."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Sebax
    +1 Stamina, please.

    39.5 HP and 7.5 Def currently with the change.


    Equipping the following:

    Second Wind


    Bambi if you have to equip Summons or else you can't use them.
    Gravity if all Summons are accessible automatically without SC slots.
    I'll edit this aspect when I know for sure.

    Unequipping Unbound to Equip Lady Luck

    Spending 30 crowns to increase Defense by 2. Spending 32 crowns on increasing Magic by +4.
    With spending the crowns, my Defense stat is now 9.5 and my Magic stat is 26.

    Buying and Equipping as many Ethers as I can carry.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Sebax
    "A plan? I confess, Steel, to most you may be a bit of a know-it-all and annoyance, but," Base nodded towards Steel with appreciation, "Your simply, deeply focused. I value you for that." Base looked to Eon next. "Now that we know Maurice is fine, then we can focus all our attention and resources on protecting those we need to. This Gaston will likely have strength in mentioned a mob. We are less than a dozen, and although we are each strong, we stand no chance of staving off an attack and protecting Beast and the Belle at once. We need numbers on our side but..." Base rubbed his chin in thought, looking back over his shoulder and at the castle by happenstance. A lightbulb went on in his mind.

    "Wait a minute! I know!" Base's face lit up. "We've seen a magical side of this world, Karina." Admitedly, Base knew her solely by name and reputation. He tried to be as confident and congenial as possible to least obstruct a clear view of who he was. "That's what has been going on. And this magic may prove useful to us."

    But then Luna's words caught his ears. "We are all on the same side for now."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Sebax
    "Who is Gaston, and where do you rank him as a threat?" Base recognized Eon merely as an ally. He'd never known the younger man very well. All Base knew was that this information was useful. If they could circumvent an attack before it happened, then perhaps a travesty could be avoided. But...there was still the problem at hand as well for his group.

    "Belle's father is in terrible danger. Oh... this is Belle." Base bowed and indicated the young woman accompanying them in the woods. "We were just setting out to rescue him." He paused. "This is a rather sticky situation..." And Base pondered.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Sebax
    "We work at your pace, Miss Belle." Base bowed in response. "Certain as the sun rising in the East." He looked around to his allies. "Should we all walk together, or treat this like a caravan? I think Steel would be best for the lead; he tends to have the highest sensitivity to surroundings, and we'll all want to see if he senses something. D'daear, you're still a still a little wet behind the ears; stick close to someone and you're support will make a world of difference. That's really all I can think of. I'm ready to go."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Sebax

    Spirox War

    Belinda paced at her own pace. She wasn't really "in her own skin" at the moment. She was in her preferred state as the beautiful human daughter of beloved Animator and Movie Mogul Walt Dixon. Normally, she was still his daughter, but did not look quite like she did then. Her long blond hair extended past her fair shoulders, her blue eyes glistening even in the late night air. She was thin and relatively tall, with the sort of figure most would expect of a celebrity of her breeding. She was dressed to conceal, however, as she roamed the back lots of her father's studios. A larger than life, ferocious T-Rex with glowing yellow eyes and green skin loomed above her head as she sat on the set of the movie slated to begin shooting the next day; a movie she was to star in. Not as the Romantic interest, nor as the quirky comic relief. She was playing the lead. Belinda Dixon was finally getting her chance to really pull the weight of a motion picture film, and the weight was impressing itself upon her. Mostly because she knew she had more in common with the animatronic monstrosity lifelessly locked in mid-roar above her than what she appeared to be.

    Belinda sighed and cast off her disguise. Her soft white skin grew green scales all over her body, and her blond hair receded into her skull as a lizard's tail grew from her back. When she opened her eyes, they were as red as blood instead of the frosty blue they'd been before. That was her "gift". She could become anyone and change her outward appearance to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. She was literally a character chameleon. Actors both noted and unknown would kill to have that ability, she knew, but if they knew the costs... Belinda had to go about knowing, deep down...she always looked like a scaly monster. Occasionally, she even had no choice. She could not always maintain a disguise for long; the stranger the look, the longer it would hold. Normally, she stayed "herself" as long as she could, but this time, the transition to her mutant form was on purpose. In the jungle atmosphere created in Lot 64 almost felt homey for a lizard... or whatever she really was. She opened her mouth to sigh again. Where perfectly even, flat white teeth had been were perfectly even, sharp, slightly yellowish teeth. In and out, "Slithe" knew she had to be a freak, and no matter who her father was and how much money she had on her own. No matter how adored she was by fans, she knew it was more for a faked beauty than an existing talent.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    Base hit a clam on the harpsichord after Beast bowed his head and uttered his last phrase. "You did what?" Base asked with heavy surprise in his voice. "What about everyone else in the castle? You want to be free of this curse, don't you?" Base ran to the collected group and looked into the Beast's eyes. What he saw was not the monster he'd fought in the hall. He saw, instead, a wounded, bleeding heart in all-too-human blue eyes.

    "You...really loved her...didn't you...?" Base asked peacefully.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Sebax
    Base crept back over to the harpsichord. He'd really been creating something he thought was special. It was slow, sweet, and tranquil. He knew there were words in there somewhere... "Tale as old as as old as rhyme..." He sang softly along with each note he'd tapped out. There he was stuck. He looked back to his friends and grinned. "Sorry... can't help myself around musical objects."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax
    "Everyone alright?"

    Base took a moment to catch his breath. His mouth was dryer than he'd noticed prior. "I'm covered." Base replied. "I'm wondering who that was, and who Hikaru is as well. Anyone else?" Base asked his friends, rising to a full standing position and casting his Keyblade away. He took a moment to adjust his dark blue blazer and dusted off his blue skinny jeans that were fitting a lot more lately.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sebax
    "Keep your head up!" Base's reassuring shout to D'daear accompanied his taking action against four of the six foes surrounding the other Keyblader. Amongst the six, there were three Warriors and three knights. Obviously, the heavier Warriors were the greater threat, but he would not be able to take them all down at once. Three Warriors were dispatched with one knight, and the remaining two knights were sent reeling back as a result. Base patted D'daear on the back. "It is your decision; either run or fight. Never give up."
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 15, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Sebax
    I've been told I look like Sebastian from "Black Butler", I think. Ergo, it would stand to reason that Base would to. Hehehe, the Sebastian Theorem.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 13, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  19. Sebax
    Base took his sights on two pairs of Knights. Handling his enemies in twain, Base noticed just how much everyone had each other's back in the fray. The Gargoyles were quickly disappearing. Still, what about what would happen when the supply of things to hit was depleted. Base felt like someone was still going to want to hit something after all this. Exactly what was the history between Krowley and this Aux and Hikaru? Questions cursed Base's inquisitive head as always.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 13, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sebax
    The rule of three Warriors and one Knight seemed to be just within Base's range of motion. His light frame gave him the edge on the clunky foes. Travelling and fighting had made him a running powerhouse, and brought out the determination it took to last the full battle and still stand on his feet in the end. Taking the advantages he had over the other fallen gargoyles, Base made quick work of the number he'd already worked out in his head. Working up a sweat, Base was charged with the full force of his considerable magical powers. He chose the moment to help Krowley as much as he could, and Luna was down too. He didn't know how much a Cure spell would help either of them, but he shouted "Life" twice for them both. There was only so much a Cure spell could do for either, but his allies needed something.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 12, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena