Corner Hotel House of Mouse World Terminus Cafe Disney ~Sebax If you just wanted to stay somewhere like home, then why not stay AT home? The Corner Hotel isn't like home; it's something much more. Catering to all your needs, and the Character-Meet-and-Greet is a socializing dream come true. A big hotel with many rooms. You log in at the desk, get a room, and you get to visit with Disney characters of your choice. This one is a bit more in-depth. Don't want to RP consistently? Just send your character to their room and they can come out at any time. Main themes of this theme include: Large, open world, personal customization of your room, random encounters, specific places to go with Disney characters like the Dining Hall, Shopping Center, Poolhouse, ect. ~Sebax Who's that knockin' at the House of Mouse? We're all rockin' at the House of Mouse. We're havin' a ball and rockin' the hall, so come win it all at the House of Mouse. All Disney characters are there right in one setting. Based off of the 2000's series of cartoons, "The House of Mouse", including all settings and focus on unique characters. Main Themes include: Open world, random encounters, immersion, and possible nostalgia from familiar surroundings. ~ Hexin You're surrounded by beams of light erupting from the ground. Each beam leads to one setting to fit the characters you wish to seek. Which radiant gleam will you choose? Main themes include: One-shot interactions at a time. ~ O.KnightofTwilight Fun for the whole Keyblader Party! Set in captivating, animated dining areas inspired by Disney films, enjoy a meal or just some light beverages just for you, your friends, and your Disney Guests. Please, be our guests. Much like "House of Mouse", only in more of wider time setting (Can take place in day and dark, rather than just night) and a different scene. Where you can chat with Disney stars over a nice cup of coffee and scones. Main themes: Coffee house atmosphere, inclusion of unique, new characters as Baristas, and quaint dining experience.
You have both the AP and SC slots for this, so you pass. It's added to the data. But Krowley will also have to mark this in the stat chart as I can't. @Krowley I did check their stats, and they definitely could legally make these choices. So there's that.
Done. At least, it'll be in effect for the Boss fight. Krowley will have to make the changes on the Stat chart.
"Eon, what do you have there?" Base's voice came from behind the distracted young man with legitimate curiosity in what the boy was doing. Base could not see the reflection in the mirror, but noticed the handle in Eon's grip. The mirror's magical properties were made clear to the musical Keyblader, so the notion of what Eon could be looking at was not entirely obvious. "I'm ready to head out. How about you?" He figured he'd let this one go. He didn't want to pry into what Eon could be wishing to see.
For those not yet aware: April Attendance's feature of 1 Crown earned for every two days posted is now a permanent feature of the SOS experience. Should come in handy for when those upcoming price increases come in. Happy posting!
Well. It looks like you've rescued at least a dozen princesses, collected enough coins worth more than this company has ever earned in real money, and it says here you once defeated a dragon with only the Hycartarian Sword of Everlasting Truth. You can start tomorrow. Here's the deal about our present school system here in the good ole U.S. of A. and in many other parts of the world: you are meat. Yes you, you adorable little ball of potential. You're currently being processed whether your in K-12 or a Collegiate. Teachers care about you to the point they tend to not to not want to see people fail miserably in life; of course, as bad teachers come, this isn't universal. Look to your left at your desk, and look to the right. You're collectively one line of a product that replaced enmasse one line, and one day, very soon, you'll be replaced by another. What comes out of all this? School sucks, but you NEED some form of education. We also have too many kittlens to even consider the idea of any new immediate action when it comes to changing the game (Hehehe). Right now, digital exposure and what is covered in this game is likely one of the best bets we have right now, but nothing is infallible. Why isn't this in the discussion section?
A little, personally felt villanelle. Choosing There was a time I thought I knew it all But now, it seems, that I could not, did not I feel right now like I am going to bawl It took one time for my morals to stall My uncertainty is a deathly clot There was a time I thought I knew it all Thoughts of right and wrong have come to a crawl My judgment right now is not worth a snot I feel right now like I am going to bawl
Can do Wiki page Edits and Creations, as well as battle set ups. I MIGHT be able to do Guild Hall spending Calculations. Maybe.
"I am glad to have the chance to fight beside you. You have a certain flair, Eon. I hear when an opponent tries to hit you, it's as effective as hitting vapor, Eon. Whatever the case, I'm sure I can give them a shot of my magic, so I'll give them a jolt, Eon. They might break a few windows breaking in, so watch out for Glass, Eon as we leave, Eon." Base stuttered towards the end. He hadn't realized how much he was repeating the young boy's name so many times. "Sorry. I remember people best by saying their name aloud. I can be forgetful. Everyone has flaws." "You were with the other group. What's Gaston like, so we know how to fight should we go up against him at some point?"
It would make sense to have Thunderaffe for a magic user. I also happen to love Giraffes... Hehehe
"Mr. Base," Eon began, "You seem like a really good fellow, while we wait, would you maybe tell me a little bit about yourself?" Base smiled at the inquiry. "By all means. What do you want to know? I'm a musician who can't help himself around instruments." Base modified his voice to sound like the Beast as he spoke, "I do impressions." He continued speaking in his normal voice to give, what he thought, was the best summary of himself. "I was born on my Home world of Theate to good people who I miss very much every day. I was taught how to do magic by master Yen Sid, who you may know, and ever since I have been with this company of Guardians, I have become considerably powerful in my magical abilities. I can take a spell pretty well, and the one I hit back with isn't particularly terrible." "Wait... you're Eon, right? The young tank?"
Where a "Classical Music" sound is concerned, nothing gets to me as much as this: Spoiler: Con te Partiro But most of my fellow younger contemporaries are more familiar with this actually incredibly will-performed version from the film "Step Brothers": Spoiler: NSFW Catalina Wine Mixer Classic rock has got to be "Black Magic Woman" and "Paint it black, both available in the below link. Spoiler: lml Overall, this has got to be my favorite of the type of music that's coming of the age it is becoming "Classical" in it's own right, but it doesn't really fit into any one genre of music. It's Billy Joel's summary of most of the 20th Century, "We Didn't Start the Fire". Spoiler: It was always burning I have an old taste in music. Give me a little swing. Rat Pack. Nat King Cole. Bing Crosby. Here is a sample in the way of "That's Amore" in the style of Dean Martin, my favorite artist of all time: Spoiler: That's Amore[/Spoiler]
@parabola , Welcome to the site! As a lover of music and writing, I'm always anxious to check out new works and fresh opinions. You sound like an amicable fellow, and I personally look forward to seeing you around the site. Should you ever wish to chat, feel free to do so.
For the past two months, I have been using multiple applications on my computer to create Sigs for my own personal use on KHV. One, the one still there until the end of April, was created as a promotional for an RP I am involved in, and that's largely what made me dive a little deeper into Graphic Arts. I plan to continue this self-production bit for months to come, but I thought I'd ask about how I'm starting off. I use Picasa 3, Powerpoint, and Picture Manager to edit the pictures I get, and so far the central theme has been Disney (I am huge Disney Fanatic). My step by step process is that I usually start in Picasa 3 and touch-up colors and visual appeal of the selected photo, then copy and paste it into Powerpoint to make slighter edits and have more control over where text goes and how it can look. Lastly, I copy and paste the final image into Windows Picture Manager so that it's saved and usable. I have included the Avatars I use with the signatures as well, because I believe a good set makes for a complete appearance. Spoiler: April/Bambi Sig: This was the promotional one, obviously. Note the symbol in the bottom right corner. It originally contained no rain overlay, but it was, instead, added by me and recolored to blend more naturally with the image. All the coloration in the Bambi scene was edited delicately in Picasa 3 to arrive at a cool, watery, and life-filled image that displays the innocence of the Young Prince while observing the elements. The caption "April Attendance" was the name of the promotion and was made in Microsoft Powerpoint; the goal was to make something "Fluffy that popped and flowed to fit the lightly watery them". Avatar: Here I am aimed for something to fit the theme of the Sig. Cool, but somewhat retro and "poppy" from its use of a classic comic book print added for visual effect. The background is blue, but Bambi pops out with a glowy green. I was thinking "Andy Warhol" in the back of my head for this one, which ultimately culminated in the boxes that can be seen, but don't variably change the appearance of the originally hand-drawn image as much as the recoloring does. Spoiler: May/Stitch Sig: This was not meant to be promotional, but I intend for my Sigs to link through to the RP that inspired my jump into Graphic Art. The KHSOS symbol remains, but is muted in the corner and out of general focus. This picture is warmer, with all the warmth and sunny glow surrounding the naturally blue little alien "Experiment 626". The focus on the sharply contrasted blue and red colors fits the theme of the movie, and the words "May Love" leaves for a lot of interpretation. "May Love" can be "Love of May" or it can be a wish; "May Love Reach your Heart" was the original message of this Sig, but I found it too cheesy and it covered too much of the ducklings, whom I felt were important to the piece overall. This Sig also introduces a little signature to at least make an attempt that what I'm doing is just used by me. I'm considering opening a Sig shop, but I don't really know if my style is palatable yet. I'd love to hear comments about the Signature in the corner of the Sig as well, if you're as much into Music and Calligraphy as you are into general Art. Avatar: As much as I want to toy around, experiment, and create new looks, I also want to keep a sense of tradition as well. This avatar copies, but also simplifies, what is noticable in the Bambi Avatar. It doesn't vary as much in coloration, but so as to not contrast too much with the Sig. I actually had to bring focus to Stitch's face here. That's the thing. I'll need to look for the original source material, since what I think I did best are the things that are going to get noticed the least. I hope you enjoy my budding gallery, and I hope to continue this little project for months to come. Thank you for your time. Spoiler: June/Gus and Thomas Odd Mix, huh? Well, not so much, since they're both cats and the theme has a relevancy! Sig: Unfortunately, I couldn't get GIMP to work for me. I couldn't find the right tools, so I stuck with Powerpoint for now. I did take some suggestions though, such as the placement of the imaged character, using C4D's and Fractiles, and trying to make the text really more just something to look at than something to draw notice. Why Thomas O'Malley this month? I pick Disney Characters I identify with, and Thomas is no exception. I've always appreciated his charm and wit, and his being a cat happened to be pretty important for what I'm doing this month and what I'm about to relate. Avie: Hopefully, you can still recognize him if you are a fan of Broadway, West End, or just Musical Theatre in General. Gus, the Theatre Cat, as portrayed by John Mills in the filmed version of Andrew Lloyd's Webber's "Cats", which was based off a poetry collection of T. S. Elliot. Gus has been one of my favorite poems of all time, because I get the sense of fear that comes with "You are now too old, you cannot be an actor anymore". I recently got the chance to audition for the role of Gus and other characters, but I was honored to get Gus. Finally, a use for my thin frame. Granted, I'm a young man playing as an old cat, but I am, after all, more of a mix between a character and dramatic actor, and I really wanted to bring that to Gus. The Casting Directors agreed, and now I wear this Avatar as a badge of honor as I prepare for my part.
At first, my complaint was going to be the eyes until I really noticed they are likely intended to be unnaturally large and utterly lifeless. The only thing I can't justify is the arm facing us most directly. No matter if she's intended to be a literal doll or a person, the upper arm just seems flat and awkward with different dimensions than the opposite arm. I commend you on the outfit. The cloth flows properly, and the string physics are entirely believable. Given that strings are just lines, many inexperienced artists treat them improperly. Really, as far as anatomy and appeal go, the (right?) arm is really the only outstanding flaw. I'd rank this art piece as definitely well-executed. On the other hand, your Creepypasta doesn't seem to exist anymore, @Vio Link .
Well, the lines are certainly solid, if not solidly drawn. What I mean is that the character has a solid shape and excellently drawn dimensions. It doesn't look awkward or unnatural. As an artist, personally, though I only draw so far as to express what I write, it took me some time before I felt confident in coloring in my work, but it makes a world of difference. The picture shown in the first post definitely has potential, but I firmly suggest taking the word "potential" with a grain of salt; go further with it, please! Well done, stranger. @sebby ~ ★ .
Internet speak. 4 me just use gud gramer and your tone and voice can positively be expressed in a perceptibly amicable fashion. Still, I use emoticons freely to further my expression of tone in more public conversations. On Skype, I use emoticons, but on KHV, I rarely use them at all. Which emoticons do I prefer? Code: :p Coy, funny and insinuates my phrase is tongue-in-cheek; maybe sarcastic :c It's a more expressive frown than the commonplace ":(" I think. It just seems so much more pathetic, and that's the expression I feel displays Sadness more effectively. It comes with apologies or to show someone has honestly damaged me emotionally. :D It's a dumb look of absolute glee. It's funny. xD Probably my favorite, because I love to laugh, and laugh well. Reminiscent of a South Park-esque expression, it just looks funny. All the same, when I get a new texting buddy, it's always preferable they are CAPABLE of typing in full sentences with limited use of expressive punctions and emoticons. I never could understand this one, and I'll never be able to see it another way: Code: :)) I have a double-chin, and I am happy at the same time. I am not extra happy as I guess many want to believe I am. I am just pleasantly plump and pleased. Ho! Ho! Ho! I am so jolly and rotund.
:p Coy, funny and insinuates my phrase is tongue-in-cheek; maybe sarcastic :c It's a more expressive frown than the commonplace ":(" I think. It just seems so much more pathetic, and that's the expression I feel displays Sadness more effectively. It comes with apologies or to show someone has honestly damaged me emotionally. :D It's a dumb look of absolute glee. It's funny. xD Probably my favorite, because I love to laugh, and laugh well. Reminiscent of a South Park-esque expression, it just looks funny.
:)) I have a double-chin, and I am happy at the same time. I am not extra happy as I guess many want to believe I am. I am just pleasantly plump and pleased. Ho! Ho! Ho! I am so jolly and rotund.
"A total of 8 people were affected, taking all IE users down..."< Made up. Satire. I refused to not say it. IE is probably more widely used than that, but the opinion of it is that I know is vastly that the browser infamously teeters on the brink of "The Worst thing ever according to Pop Culture". It's funny to think that there was a time when Internet Explorer was pretty much all there was. I used it, and it took me some time after Chrome and Firefox came around for me to use them. Yes, I do know the reasons behind this whole mess. Still, take into account that out of the replies here, thus far, no one seems to be far beyond panic save for worry of older relations who refuse to dismount a dead horse.
I work as an actor who writes in his free time. Manipulation, in its good and bad elements is probably my most inherent skill. I have a firm grasp of respect and honor, so I do not try to take advantage of others if there is no honestly good reason to; my skills in perceiving manipulation tend to also make me aware when someone else is inherently manipulative. What I try to do is get a real emotion out of someone. I try to manipulate their mind into knowing exactly what I am trying to portray either on stage or in written word; the translation can be difficult sometimes, as no one has exactly the same perception as someone else on everything collectively. That means trouble for trying to reach a wide audience, but it is doable, and I have done this many times to great effect. I do think I am manipulative, but I'm a person of few wants, so I utterly rarely use this skill in its darker forms. I have a supposition that people who make good leaders and people who find themselves in place of power have this skill to be able to manipulate others. Manipulation is not, as I have hopefully expressed, is not evil by itself. Just look at Misty. I don't think I've ever heard a distasteful opinion of her as an Admin the whole year I've actively been a member of KHV, yet she confesses to having Manipulative tendencies. Exemplified, manipulation can work towards good. That's what I've thought through my use of it.
"We got this!" Base trusted these words as well as the person who said it. "I know you'll be able to do this, D'daear. Pay attention to the people you're fighting with, and make sure you always keep your mission in mind. It's a large and heavy task, but I think by now that you are ready to face the challenge. You're quickly rising to equal the rest of us." Base placed one hand on D'daear's shoulder and looked at the Keyblader with pride. "Good luck, my friend."