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  1. Sebax
    Base let out more of a wheeze than a reply; in landing on his front, the fall had knocked the wind right out of him. So much for armor. "Yeah, yeah. I'm...alright." Base slapped the ground with one of his hands, and forced himself up onto his feet. The new world was still spinning, but what he saw of it didn't exactly suit his palate. "We're just all prisoners here...of our own device." He noted when he noticed the others. He did not recognize that there was, in the vicinity, talking chinaware; there was just Krowley, Luna, Steel, a dungeon, and regular chinaware strangely sitting on the ground. Base cast away his armor away and stumbled over to Krowley and the others.

    "I really hope there's something to drink in this..." Base grumbled as he picked the cup off the ground at the same moment he gave the inside a cursory glance, only to find it empty. "... I could really use something to drink." He cracked his neck from side to side to get the kinks out. "I need to get myself insured if this little tradition of a gravity-based entrance exam keeps happening."
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    Base nodded. "Hop on." In little to no time, they had lifted off from the ground and approached the hologram of Beast's Castle. They zoomed straight through the pathway between of inner space- white streaks of light soared past them as they were travelling at a mind-boggling velocity-, only to find themselves flying in confined spaces. In a dank dungeon, Base had to swerve to avoid a flying buttress at the top of the low ceiling. He'd made a terrible mistake in dashing straight in; he'd always been falling into the previous worlds, so he figured, in the back of his head, he'd need something to fly on this time. He, indeed, did get his opportunity to fall, but only when a low wooden platform in the middle, suspended by some rope, caught him in the middle and sent both D'daear and him flying off the back of the glider. The glider itself crashed loudly into some wooden crate and barrels in a corner while the Keyblading pair hit the stone floor with a metallic clang.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Sebax
    As much as I liked the original presentation of the pictures, I gotta agree here. Look at their heads for one thing; the one appears to be a fully-grown woman has brown hair. Three out of four of the presumed children have brown hair, and the oldest presumed son has blond hair. Not much to go on, but it's probably the strongest evidence to be had.

    Another point made was that there are people who don't care about the gender of a character; it's better to go with what fits right. If you can recall the third Pokemon movie, which I recently reviewed myself, I remembered identifying with the young girl Molly quite a bit because we were then around the same age when I first saw the movie, and my parental situation was not within the comfy, cozy 1950's TV show norm. "Beyond Good and Evil" is one of my favorite games to play (And I REALLY wish they'd come out with the sequel already...), and truth betold, I rarely give a thought about identifying with most of the male characters portrayed in anything. Mostly because they are the so "charmingly" brackish, jocky types and you rarely have characters like Richard Castle from Castle who are both smart and manly; if I go by what the media shows though, I should either be the sweet and sensitive beast with unrealistic girth or the average intelligence jock-beast with unrealistic girth.

    There is another point I'd like to make while I'm here: Women are feeling insecure about their weight and society apparently doesn't like fat people because every woman in Hollywood is apparently wasp-waisted, so let's make this female protagonist overweight. Usually, these sort of films fall into the category of "Comedy" because people seem to find it hard to take them seriously, but I believe there are films that I can't think of currently where the theme is serious. Meanwhile, you can't have a thin man as the protagonist without it being a comedy; just can't. Basically, my point is, in trying to bring more gender equality to the screen, catering tends to be done more for women. But another major aspect is the audience. Just make sure the male in the movie has big pecs and the female in the movie also has a big chest so we can have male and female rumps fill the seats; add in a dash of explosion here for the men, some kissing here for the chicks, and some witty dialogue so people remember our movie and nerds have something to quote.

    I'm getting into the entertainment business myself, and I find that the more muscular I become (Hard to do when your metabolism is faster than a speeding bullet), the less "character-y" the parts I could play become. It all goes back to what the audience wants to see, and not so much what backstage people want portrayed.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sebax
    Base shook his helmeted head. "A lot of it is the power of the wielder, but more of that is believing in yourself. I may be able to cast a protective shell over you; it's not the Protect spell, so it's not perfect, but it'll cloak you from the darkness that creeps in the ways between." Base tapped D'daear on the forehead with his gloved index finger, and from the contact: a fluid shell formed over D'daear and spread until it resembled the armor of a Keyblade wielder. "It's not going to be very strong, because our connection isn't that great... but I'm sensing something special in you, D'daear; you have the makings of a Keyblade wielder, but in order to take in any sort of lesson: your going to have to take a deep dive into your heart and just go. It'll be easier to face the darkness when it's standing in front of you; all you'll want to do is fight it and bring a balance. I was launched into this life pretty quickly. My world was ending, and the Keyblade chose me just as Darkness was finding me... then Yen Sid found me and brought me to the Enchanted Tower. It is a lot to take in. But know this, 'cuz it really helps: the closer to light you get; the greater your shadow becomes." Base hopped off his bike and extended his hand, open palm.

    "You're doubting yourself, and you're free to do that; but you'll always be behind if you never learn to control it. Everything about this is a balance, between light and dark. Focus in on the light piercing through darkness, and you'll ride through the pitch black on a shining star." He finished off his sentence by patting his glider's steering bars. "Give it one more shot."
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    "It really isn't?" Was Base's reply, but he was cut short of the conversation when D'daear arrived. "Ah, good. You found us." Steel and D'daear spoke briefly, but Base could tell D'daear was nervous to talk to someone like Steel; it was apparent in the way he presented himself.

    "Yes, your Keyblade is capable of a great number of things; gliding is one of them." Base walked into the stone circle and threw out his Unbound Keyblade. It expanded and transformed into his flying, tireless motorcycle and roared to life; glittering dust blew from the exhaustion pipe in a grey mist. "Yours can do this too." This was his second time instructing how to perform the trick. It had taken him awhile, but Ananta picked it up like it was nothing. "Give it a try, and if you fail, which isn't necessarily bad, you can ride with me. It's imperative that we leave soon, you see. Things tend to escalate fast on worlds when we start to mess in their affairs; but we have to, to stop the Darkness from doing much worse damage." Base saddled his glider and activated his teal-plated armor that resembled the gear of a Motocross racer mixed with a Samurai. His face was hidden behind a gold-colored glossy face mask, but his voice was still clear as he spoke. "You'll also want to tap into your armoring abilities... the darkness in innerspace can be a bit... tempestuous. Once your ready, we can be on our way. Are you ready?"

    A small floating box appeared in front of D'daear. It was grey with two sentences in white aligned one on top of the other, and a pointer the same color as the words floated by "Sure, let's go"; right above "Not yet, I need time to prepare".

    Post by: Sebax, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Sebax
    Base turned towards Steel. "I'm waiting for someone. I hope he gets here before we're all grouped up... I made a promise to help this guy out after all." He yawned. "Maybe now isn't the best time for me to go." Base joked halfheartedly. "I need a recharge." He didn't appear tired, but he was spent from depression; he had isolated himself from the others for far too long, and it was taking its toll on his psyche.

    "Hey, Steel... I know you're a little on the dark side, but try not to let that define you. I know what it feels like to have darkness swallow you up; it doesn't play fair. It eats you up, whether you want it to or not, but it's the light the exists within your heart that keeps"
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    Base looked around. In looking for Krowley, he'd lost sight of his new found friend. He'd found Krowley, but could not ask him about a person who was not there with him; he regretted running so fast through the streets and forgetting to look behind him. New Worlds; new opportunities. But he'd made a promise, and one he intended to keep; rather than go through the portal bound for Beast's Castle immediately, he waited for the sheer chance that D'daear would show up. The kid seemed really fresh to the whole business regarding the Keyblade, and Base knew: he just had to help him out. Base sat, and Base waited.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Sebax
    Beast's Castle for me. Group A, si vouz plait.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. Sebax
    I can hear "I've had it fellers" now. It's not so much the pronunciation, it's the way he says it; up and down, in a drawn out manner, but it's close together. I always used to wonder about this line during the time that I played whichever game it's from... but I know there were other lines that I never caught that were K.O quotes (and I was terrible at the games), so they basically became white noise at some point.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Sebax
    U etsu banru. U buneti tian Fueudiya emudzu nrunwatidiuwa guyatsusu ti’idzueya. Aiba edin yaio?
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sebax
    ebababa, aeppya munba yan'edi tii yaio tiii, podzudzuya.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone